Macaulay Culkin is trying to tell us something

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Other urls found in this thread:

Taken from a different appearance on RLM less than a week prior

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Looks like the opening scene from a Brazzers vid.

Holy shit checked, I'm onto something lads


I was in tears watching the Plinketto epi, it was hilarious, this by comparison was too dumbed down.

He's trolling all you pizzagate larpers. BTFO

>AVGN: my childhood is ruined!
>McCulkin: YOUR childhood was ruined?

He's most likely a degenerate child diddler.

Who still believes that pizzagate nonsense wasn't it a Russian false flag attempt?

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Angelic numbers have confirmed this as true.

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Let's think about this. What are the odds that AVGN told McCulkin to dress up as a pizza boy for this video?

I guarantee you it was McCulkin's idea. He is trying to tell us something.

Attached: oLcMiXK.png (533x254, 177K)

From Home Alone
"A lovely cheese pizza, just for me"

Attached: 1523466072684.png (3200x1680, 2.44M)

The Non-Intellectual Dark Web will save us.

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macaulay culkin in the pizza underground
>no fiddlin

Attached: pizza-underground-macaulay-culkin.jpg (640x360, 149K)

>self checking

Attached: 1510929135565.jpg (403x235, 19K)

>pizzagate larpers
you deserve to die.

I think he was a victim of them. Hence why he looks so fked.

Numbers aren’t lying. Have you guys seen this stuff about Voodoo doughnuts?

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Just watched that new AVGN episode and the whole thing screams PIZZAGATE.

Also he sounds like a fag, no doubt he was touched as a kid.

p i z z a g a t e

Why is mike dating a sjw?

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>pic related confirms comet ping pong diddlers

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Seems it is like a virus, as victim goes on to victimize others.

Likely to re-offend, rehab does not work, Death to repeat offenders.

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Lad, he was literally in a band called Cheese Pizza or something, and they used pizza boxes as instruments or some shit.

Daily reminder that MJ was onto (((them))) and /ourguy/

Attached: Macaulay-Culkin-Interview-2018-Michael-Jackson-Marc-Maron.jpg (798x420, 29K)

He'd rather have
A big black bull!

That's what I'm getting out of it. He's trolling us.
My question is, does AVGN have any clue what this means? Is he in on it?

Attached: pizza.png (1358x831, 1.77M)

Checked the correct

I'm your wicked Uncle Ernie!

Attached: Fiddle About.gif (640x480, 200K)

Because the hot chick realized mike was bringing down cinemassacre and started giving bootsy rimjobs

Attached: 1.png (1091x420, 542K)

more important question why is he wearing fake teeth?

I wouldn't think James has anything to do with it. Like the comment "If I ever see Macaulay Culkin I'm going to punch him in the face". Seems like a comment you wouldn't make if you knew the guy (that's sitting right next to you) was molested.

i saw the JRE ep with him, seems like a nice enough guy all things considered but there's no doubt he got pretty fucked up by whatever happened to him. sort of has that milo vibe with flamboyancy as a shield.

>MJ got into Billy's jeans

No, he's making a reference to the pizza guy scene from the movie Home Alone.

I love a good conspiracy theory, but this is too far.

>when genetics go foul colorized

Home Alone is a more redpilled movie than you can possibly realize

Attached: WetBandits.png (481x518, 25K)


>"fuck... f-f-fuck"
>"what are they doing to me?"

MJ wasn't a child molestor, he was raped as a child and setup by the kikes


>no fiddlin around

Both could be true.

It's because his band is called "The Pizza Underground"

Attached: The_Pizza_Underground.jpg (1617x1153, 307K)

And why the hell was his band called that

>The Pizza Underground was an American comedy rock band based in New York City. Mainly parodying songs by the Velvet Underground with pizza-themed song names and lyrics, the group consisted of Macaulay Culkin (kazoo, percussion and vocals) along with Matt Colbourn (guitar, vocals), Phoebe Kreutz (glockenspiel, vocals), Deenah Vollmer (pizza box, vocals) and Austin Kilham (tambourine, vocals).[1][2][3] Because of the theme, the band gave out boxed pizzas to people who attended their live performances.

Attached: pizzaunderground.jpg (900x600, 137K)

Its not likely though. He named the kikes in, in no uncertain manner, a bunch of times in songs and especially in speeches that he did.

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They're gonna try to get ahead of the real revelations that come and try to stifle information dissemination by blaming another false flag on crazy conspiracy theorists and pizzagate.


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I love a good pizza related map but this is just walnut sauce

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Because they were basically a parody Velvet Underground cover band where the joke was their songs are pizza themed.

Same kind of thing Jon Sudano does with All-Star:

And he had tons of vintage porn featuring kids, and a kid was able to describe his crotch and mj paid hush money for it.

>Hackneyed wannabe artist uses cliche stupid pizza motiff

oh no child traficker

jonah hill wants 2 collab

Don't forget Mac is friends with the founders of voodoo donuts and they made a donut in the shape of his face just for him. He also has a satanic comedy news blog called rabbit ears or some shit, which is a known project monarch shibboleth

"A large number of the political and entertainment elite are pedophiles" is true, whether or not the particulars of Pizzagate are true. At least it focused people's attention on something They try to keep under wraps.

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Preemptively trolling Pizzagaters since 2013?

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checked and this. Macaulay confirmed is a pedo queer

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>pizza box

What’s the chances their music sounds like shit?

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cheese = money
meat = dick
maybe he's saying
they who rob us
are going to give us
money instead of
fuck us even more.

what i see here is
him taking shitty
roles for rent money.

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It's New York hipster bullshit. Plenty of faggot 'ironic art' like this exist there.

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Caulkin was on Joe Rogan and it was very odd. It's like he didn't know how to act like a regular person. He was Michael Jacksons play thing for a few years after Home Alone.

Isn't it funny that Caulkins finger nails are painted the MAPS colors in that photo?

>toejam & earl
>jam & ea
>jamee a
>cheese pizza

Isn't that the same Pizza-Slut shirt that was being worn by a little girl in one of Comet Pizza's Twitter posts?

>comedy rock band
Why would anyone see a "tribute" band like this? If you liked the the Velvet Underground wouldn't you want to here their songs and not some bullshit about pizza?

James is bluepilled af. He obsesses over Hollywood but probably has no clue about the people who run the place and all the shady shit they're involved in.

MJ fucked him in his wishing tree after getting him drunk on Jesus Juice.

He obviously does. He married a jew.

jesus christ, do people not get that this is a reference to the pizza chain "Little Caesar's Pizza"?? I mean, I guess some of you all are from other countries so that makes sense. But Little Caesar's is an American Pizza chain that has a little roman guy in a toga as their mascot. Their angle is always about getting two pizzas for the price of one. Nowadays this can include 2 whole medium sized pies for like 5 or 6 dollars. It's absolute garbage tier pizza though.

Pic Related. It's the Little Caesar corporate mascot.

Attached: LittleCaesar.jpg (400x468, 37K)

Stop watching porn you degenerate faggot

He wants attention so he can get paid gigs

Has this already been pold?

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Romans were known to be child rapists user.

Caulkin acts exactly like I would expect a kid that grew up passed around Hollywood would act as an adult. Just like every other kid that came out of hollywood as a child star.

Who are the Asians?

>self checking
Yep, that's going into my cringe compilation.

>x-files music

Pol beeteeäffoo

>no source link of the pic from op
fucking retarded OP

Glad im not the only one who thought this was a pizzagate thing

mike is a super jew you poz

>pizza slut

Wew lads

Mike has always disgusted me, something about the way he looks and behaves.
Plus his content sucks in general, and drags Cinemassacre down.

Why would a pizzeria have that tagline?

Is it because he looks like arab?

the whole video is full of pizzagate references

considering the things he has been around, I would say yes, he is trying to tell us something. Probably lurks here and sees an opportunity in us to go deeper


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personally I hate jay and can at least respect Mike. I realized this when he waffled on the new star wars movies claiming he liked them when they were obvious trash and they were getting paid for a positive review. also his review of "disliking" Blade Runner for the sole reason because Harrison Ford and Sean Young had "bad chemistry" which is mostly a figment of his own imagination. complete bullshit.

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