So I should learn Python despite it having 2 fucking versions?
Java VS Python
Learn python 3
Man, if you want to diss python at least use valid reasons.
The only reason 2 is still being used is because corporate boomers don't want to rewrite everything, 3 is better in every way (including sane unicode handling).
Java is the way to go because it gives you a solid foundation for understanding everything else you want to learn later including Python; it also offers better job opportunities whereas with Python you'll be joining a legion of pajeet scrapers and soi latte machine learners.
>not pajeet tier
Personally I've seen more job opportunities in the wild with Java. There is a good amount of Python work though. But I'd say go Java.
>image uses then instead of than
Pajeet detected
C has like 20 major releases, not sure why you think 2 versions are a big deal.
If the differences between python 2 and 3 are a big deal to you. just give up. You won't make any relevant contribution to anything anyway. The only difference you'd even notice would be print being a function and not a statement - and you won't even understand the difference besides "now I have to add ()". No way you'd ever touch asyncio or range generators.
Java is pajeet tier
Python is for business chads and nerdy data scientists who think they're special but really they're like everyone else
it also says "chiwawa"
> K&R, C89, C99, C11
That's 4 since 1979 (40 years).
>Java doesn't have tuples, a very useful feature in static typed languages
>Python have tuples, a completely useless feature in weak typed languages
And yeah, I guess Java have tuples, and triples, but still.
Java is superior to all programming languages
You can't reason with brainlets.
There's literally no reason to learn Python 2 if your just starting out unless your job requires it. But with support stopping next year everyone should be switched over anyway. And even if you do, most of the differences are minor.
only boomers and retards use python 2
just use python 3, it's like 95% the same
Python 3, Python 2 will be dead in january and the sintaxis differences are minimum.
Python is less lethal of 2 poisons
American are literal retards
Tuples are frequently used in numpy arrays for fancy slicing and indexing if you want an explicit use of them.
Other libraries use implicitly a lot of tuples that you never see but they are there.
>def __init__(self, name):
I like Python but seriously, fuck whoever thought this was a good idea.
Apache Commons has Pairs, and if you have a sufficiently large project you'll likely have that library anyway.
opinion of c#?
There's no reason why you can't learn both Java and Python3
>comparing Java 6 with Python 3.x
Whoever created this pic is mentally disabled.
There is, C# and Kotlin exist.
This. stopped reading right there. Abandon thread.
learn PHP
PHP does everything python does, except it's shorter, easier to write, and faster to execute.
This is one of the most disingenuous pictures I've seen.
>including java boilerplate main method in everything to artificially pad all example codes
>I/O example cherrypicked, functionality of the methods being called is not 1:1
>using iterator just to pad the example more
this was made by a seething pythonlet
I don't like java but boy do I hate python
learn javascript
get paid a shit ton
enjoy retiring at 40
>using HashSet and HashMap instead of Set and Map for variable types
Pajeets can't even do Java properly
You mean
>get replaced by pajeet in 6 months because js coders are a dime a dozen
Ah yes, the pajeet meme.
If you're actually good at your job, you hold onto your job. If you're shit and the same mongo work can be outsourced then you lose your job. It's the same with anything.
Backwards compatibility.
What a stupid name. Still better if you learn Java first
>low level
only one version of python now that matters (version 3). that picture should be retitled to: "why java is shit".