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>AMD Nuclear reactor no. 4
Does it come with az-5 button?
Imagine if they put an actual finstack on the board instead of chunks of aluminium with zero surface area.
looks like a retarded mini GPU slapped on there
Honestly, those tiny fans on x570 is worrying.
Tiny fans are always loud in a high pitched way.
Especially when Mobo venders say the chipset uses 2x the power even at idle
I don't know why they're so insistent on using fans with shit heatsinks.
They could use a proper, heatpipe based heatsink and keep they gaymen aesthetic by painting it black.
A tiny fan is probably cheaper than a proper heatsink.
MOBOs have extremely small margins compared to other PC parts.
The China tarrifs hurt the mobo makers bad
Since their margins we're already sub 30%.
I bet it's AMD's fault. They always fuck up somehow. Like the gave the specifications late and the mobo manufacturers were left scrambling to come up with a cooling solution.
15W is actually fairly difficult to cool passively. It would be noticeably bulky and right on the bottom of the board too. Chipsets are proper ICs, they probably can't handle more like than like 80-90C, not to mention it's probably small and dense.
If it's the same as the Rampage IV Extreme, it's simply a case of selecting the most silent profile viable in bios. It's fucking nothing.
10 years ago chipsets produced more heat than that and were all passively cooled. There's zero reason for the fans apart from the gaymen aesthetic fad and consumers getting Jewed.
>high capacity magazine
this motherboard is illegal
lol, a heat sync for a m.2 drive
Are you new?
NVMe drivers are alreadly hot, just imagine a PCIe4.
Man, intcels are seething on 140%. I wonder if they realized we can just use older boards with the new chips.
I hate the anesthetics of these things so much. Why did people who enjoy videogames have to be children?
They come with fentanyl now?
Because back then they were on like 130nm and significantly sparser
lol, water cooling for hard drives
Ahem I prefer the term manchildren.
I will never ever buy any motherboard with a stupid fuck 40mm fan on it.
I threw out about 50 old nforce motherboards that had dead mobo fans. All of them the fan died, they became unstable under load, couldn't source fans because all unique bullshit.
Just take the blades out and put a bigger, proper fan on top of the hole.
They do though, you just fell for OPs meme. Way to go, retard.
fuck off amdshill
this, fuck amd
Fans on mobos now?, soon we'll have to coat the entire board with thermal spunk and zip-tie two 200mm fans on it ffs..
>AMDrones make fun of the 9900k
>X570 has a fucking heatsink
six million!!
>AMD releases a CPU that BTFO intel in perf per watt
>The motherboards for it all come with annoying whirring fans because the chipset is stupid hot
why they are worrying? its not like you gonna use pcie 4 to its full potential to begin with
therefore i doubt you gonna even see it being activated
See you when PCI 4 boards will come for intel.
>The current state of Jow Forums
Just buy a passevly cooled one? There are a dozen options now.
user, anyone who actually gives a fuck buys a passevly cooled one anyways, people here are just shitting on it because they are Intel fanboys mad at Ryzen 3000.
>mobo fan
Canr believe this shit coming back
They'll never ever be active unless you run nvme raids
Currently there has been two passive x570 boards unveiled. They cost 600$ and 1000$ (waterblock).
You know that you can enjoy something without being a stereotype, right?
I always just plugged out the chipset fan when I saw a PC with one. If you have any kind of airflow it is simply unnecessary.
no, there have been like 50 since all b350 and up boards work
>AMD housefires
Intel wins again
>no vrm heatsinks
enjoy your explosions
Everything about this is cringe.
Why aren't mainstream platforms at triple channel ram already?
>there have been two passive x570 boards unveiled
>no there are 50 because b350s are x570 boards and I'm a retard
Did you even read anything he said?
>he's not using quad channel
get on the patrician level
These fans are not 40x40
Look more like 60x60 which are tame comparison
Sweety... (the Gigabyt one)
Not to mention, you can literally turn any of those boards into passively cooled by just using thermal adhisive to put a copper block onto them with fins.
this has nothing to do with the CPU the fan is literally only on there because of pcie4. Regardless if it's AMD or Intel any board with pcie4 will need a fan or a huge ass heatsink.
Anyway there's no fucking point in buying an x570 board. Good x470 can handle the 12 core zen 2 just fine
Feelsbadman. I have 4x8gb in my system running at only dual channel.
pcie4 is a meme and idiots will fall for it
What is it about x570 that people would want over another chipset? I haven't paid really any attention to the CPU/motherboard space in years.
yes goy
pcie3 is more than you'll ever need
Literally pcie 4 is the only change. But that's a useless feature for 99.999% of people
GPUs are still far far away from maxing the pcie3 bandwith and NVMEs already work so fast you wouldn't even be able to tell the difference between pcie3 and pcie4 under normal use.
Pcie4 only has a use case in extremely niche professional workloads where you would actually need the faster write speeds.
b-but muh futureproofing
just get a B550 if you don't like fans
Why the fuck do so many new motherboards not have the top PCI Express slot, but they do have the one that would be covered by the video card?
wew lad. Does PCIe 3 or even 2 even get maxed out these days?
only in nvme drives because they only use x4
Ouch the bottleneck
Oh I should have been more specific. I just meant GPUs, not SSDs.
gl getting the fan to turn on when all you do is browse /mlp/ you faggot.
Eh, PCI-E x1 is not that fast anyway.
Still better than nothing.
>GPUs are still far far away from maxing the pcie3 bandwith
No shit, you fuck wit, infact cards like 1080ti and 2080 have only just managed to max out pcie2. The benefit of have higher bandwidth is so there's less of a penalty when lanes have to be split when you're running more than just a single 16x item.
Why the fuck are you aping the Candlejack meme faggot, fuck off wi
I wish I could say they're not making them like they used to, but as a matter of fact they're making them exactly like they used to.
looks like i'll upgrade my CPU this generation but wait on the mobo.
I see what you did there.
There's something wrong about this PCI Express.
I'm behind the curve but what for are these black plastic screwed things on top and bottom of CPU socket?
>step 1. save money by slapping blocks of metal with no fins to save on machining costs
>step 2. tell people they need mad cooling for their gaming rig
>step 3. sell the same thing but with a $1 turbine fan for $300
It's for the stock fan
It doesn't have pci slots.
These are AMD mounting brackets.
There is one x16 slot at the very bottom. It's kinda hard to see it, but it's there.
>It doesn't have pci slots.
Then what's that? It just looks too close to the chipset+m2 heat-trapping shield.
What kind of ghetto process are they fabbing the chipset in that it requires active cooling?
Better heatsinks than on any x570 board except for the GB flagship.
Maybe they were short on staff and had RTG design the chipset. That'd explain the power consumption.
Needs more pins for cpu, cpu socket, increase motherboard complexity, all of those increase the price. You can get x299 of threadripper already
It's because gpu are fuckhuge nowadays. If they make the heatsink any bigger, you won't be able to plug a gpu in the 1st pcie x16 slot.
>not wanting more nvme drives
We get it, you're a poorfag. Some of us want all our nvme drives running at 100%, not at sata speeds.
The only reason your ram doesn't burst into flames is because it's only capable of 8-16gb of memory.
Now imagine using several terabytes. You're gonna need active cooling if you don't want it to downclock and run like a hdd.
*$200 blocks your path*
>falling for the early adopter pcie4 meme
>no exposed aluminum fins
If by 'better' you mean 'better at cooking' then yeah, it is.
The fan looks quite big, should be silent
>It doesn't have pci slots.
It's not really USB, it's just the physical connector. The signalling that travels through the cable is still PCIe.
>post a mobo without fan
>fuck off amdshill
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