Cant move

Cant move.
What do?

Attached: IMG_20190609_182346.jpg (2000x1500, 1.94M)

Are you plowing the cat?

Neck yourself.

Imagine actually, literally, voluntarily, having a parasite
I couldn't fathom that level of cuckoldry

>Cant move.
>What do?
Lose weight.

stop being a fatass

you look like you need to move a lot more, fatty.

Your choice of keyboard is more disturbing than anything else in the pic.

Get treatment for the toxoplasma and dump out all the onions milk in your fridge

fourth pbp

Imagine having a weak immune system.

Yes, I could only imagine the reaction of your relatives when your mom gave birth.

i had the exact same keyboard as you. its shit, replace it asap

>can't move
From what I can see, it's obvious the cat is not the problem.

have sex

Accept your fate and appreciate that you have been chosen.

Top kek

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Pull him closer to you, cats are nice and soft.

holy shit you're fat.

>Cant move.
Lose weight.

typical cat owner: obese and retarded cuck

cats are property
do what you want

>cats bad
>le cats are for soibois
How new are you?

>>cats bad
>>le cats are for soibois
and yet you dare call someone new

checked and based


Worthless toxoplasmosis faggot.

Give it a little prick

This. Men who own cats and act like this about them need to rid themselves

ITT fragile masculinity

Eat mouse


Attached: elrisitas.jpg (600x600, 41K)

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Lose Weight

Reading comprehension level: American

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ugh, what is wrong with your belly?

shave your belly

Where does your neckbeard stop and your pubic hair start?

Attached: rectangle.gif (160x252, 13K)

>tfw not obese but look like OP when sitting down because skinnyfat

Do NOT fuck the cat

now this is based

Attached: YOOOOOOOOSHI_2pnylsf6ug.jpg (225x225, 11K)

>Those digits

Attached: 1558380171724.png (691x913, 639K)

photoshop level: american


Have another doughnut.