>buy a new case
>i can't find the buzzer
>find out that nobody uses the buzzer in mobo nowadays
>buy a shitton of pic related from china for few cents
am I a boomer? i want to hear that "beep" after post, why nobody includes them in cases nowadays?
Buy a new case
I remember an old Pentium 3 computer we had back in the day, it had the loudest buzzer I've ever heard! I mean the speaker was at least 2" in diameter.
>i want to hear that "beep" after post
Why? I just find it annoying.
I have one of those huge buzzers in a pc with a pentium e5400
Be a man, buy a paper cone speaker
>want to hear that “beep” after post
Pavlov’s boomer
Does it make those internet sounds when connecting also?
You have diagnostic LEDs on the top right on your mainboard now.
Right next to the other RGB crap.
>>find out that nobody uses the buzzer in mobo nowadays
nearly all motherboards i've seen have a connection for speaker on the motherboard or the speaker is soldered directly onto the board. some people don't bother installing them, even though the machine's main method to let you know something is fucked without a monitor is by beeping. those people that don't connect them up are dribbling spastics.
> diagnostic LEDs
> on the motherboard
> hidden in a case (most times)
> just take the sides of your case off bro to see what the error is
extreme faggotry.
>> diagnostic LEDs
>> on the motherboard
>> hidden in a case (most times)
>> just take the sides of your case off bro to see what the error is
>extreme faggotry.
so you're telling me you won't be opening your computer if it doesn't post? fucking retard
that's why I bought a bunch of them, the pins are present on the motherboard, but case manufacturers no longer include buzzers in the boxes
depends: i can check from the beeps if i need to open the case
It's only useful when your computer won't POST.
> duur i need to open my pc to see what an LED light is telling me instead of hearing beeps
imagine being this retarded? LMAO.
You should probably read his post
>i want to hear that "beep" after post
Current Zoomer Status: BTFO!
You'll only be a boomer if you buy a true paper come PC speaker, and not this piezo-beeper shit.
>so you're telling me you won't be opening your computer if it doesn't post? fucking retard
You're acting like every case on the market doesn't come with a big ass plastic or glass window on the side panel.
durr my computer isn't working, hearing the beep will fix it! Thank god a hardware post fail means I don't need to take the side panel off anyways!
Everything still has a PC speaker of some sort since you have to hear the POST beep(s.)
>user likes the good old beep of "everything is fine"
kys dumb shit
I don't really want to hear that beep, but since I fuck around with a lot of PCs, the beep tells me it is posting correctly
It's easier to just hear a POST code if something doesn't work. Especially because glass window on the side panel won't mean shit if your PC is in some crappy ass cupboard, where you'll need to unplug every single cable, take your tower out and then plug the power cable again just to see these lights.
KYS worthless fucking boomer. I hope the AARP raises your rates.
>missing the point of the thread this hard
Why would the computer beep if its broken like what can you do other than contact customer support?
Not working properly should be enough of a hint you need to do something...
Based buzzer
It's pretty satisfy to hit the power button and get beeping back
I did the maximum kek. Thank you fren :)
are you unironically retarded?
Just throw it away and buy a new one.
@71343415 (you)
@71343549 (you)
Can you attach a huge speaker to those 4 pins? For maximum "BEEEEEP"
My fucking X370 motherboard doesn't have a diagnostic LED, I need that damn buzzer.
Based psychologist lol
based boomer
Holy kek I laughed
>I just assembled my gaymen pc, I'm ready to download fortnite
>vsssshhh *beep* ssssshhhhh
>wtf is this old style noise? this beep doesn't fit my gaymen style reeee it's annoying
pssshht *crack* - sips - i hear'd the beep son, your pc runs well - sips - back in my time, we didn't have all those colored lights, it was all beige. good times
LOL at this faggot who cant properly reply to a post
>buy a new case
>i can't find the buzzer
when was the last time you bought a computer? the speakers have been little piezo one like your picture for ages now, and have come with motherboards for ages, not the case
the machine beeps in patterns, kind of like morse code
the motherboard manual lists what the patterns "beep codes" refer to
It doesn't even always come with the motherboards, usually you'll have to buy them separately.
TIL Jow Forums can argue over a fucking beep
if you don't have 10 of them lying around, what are you doing with your life?
best BIOS all clear beeps official Power Rankings
1. two short
2. One long
3. Classic Mac tone
...fuck are there any more?
I do, it's just that not a single one of them was from a mobo.
Oh well, it probably would've been a piezo-shit beeper anyway. I have paper cones.
There's that sound Commodore PET makes on bootup.
Some Commodore-made IBM compatibles made this sound too.
that's cute as hell
>i want to hear that "beep" after post
The boomest of boomers
>am I a boomer?
i have a floppy drive in my computer
i haven't used it in years, i just like hearing robotic grinding sounds when i boot.
>Owned a cybercafe/LAN party since 2004
>Changed my while rigs every 4-5 years
>Since 2012 none of new mobo got buzzers anymore
>some of my PC are turned on but stuck and can't hear the buzz warning anymore.
>no one sold them in my city
>need to order them from online
RGB Lighting = +10 FPS
PC Speaker = -5 FPS
I have an IDE ZIP drive for that, it makes a nice *clickwhirrwhirrwhirr* on boot
I just bought a pack of 4 or whatever for like 1 dollar off ebay.
It's for diagnostics you retarded fuck, it will give different beeps if something is wrong with your computer.
I though zoomers were used to a beep when turning on a gaming machine since recently I bought a PS3 slim and it surprised me with a loud beep when turning it on.
>It's for diagnostics
No shit. But I don't need a beep every time I boot when there is nothing wrong with my system.
And a small LED display is superior to trying to find out what a specific number of beeps mean.
PS3s also beep for troubleshooting, very useful when there's video output issues.
All my motherboards come with one. What are you smoking?
>All my motherboards come with one
Usually they come with the case, not with the motherboard.
You are lucky man, none of mine came with one.
If you wanted diagnostics you'd buy a PCI card that displays a POST code instead of a buzzer. Modern motherboards/UEFIs don't document their beep codes anymore.
>having to stare at a blank screen or disassemble the computer to figure out what's wrong
have fun when your GPU goes bad or there's a CPU failure and you get no response from the machine at all. if you had a pc speaker you'd know precisely what was wrong without even opening the case.
>Modern motherboards/UEFIs don't document their beep codes anymore.
why do people just fucking make up retarded shit they know is untrue?
also many mobos use the same beep sequences nowadays, it's pretty obvious when you have a RAM failure versus missing PCIE power even though the visual symptoms are the same.
>implying modern motherboards even come with PCI slots anymore
>literally having to open the case and look at a display (which you still have to cross-reference with a manual to determine the actual problem) instead of letting a speaker beep a sequence to you
When there is something wrong with my hardware I'm going to have to open up my case anyways. And I'd rather do that then trying to decipher a specific beep pattern.
And it's not like a CPU or GPU failure is something that happens often anyways.
I keep a couple laying around for debugging. My mother board has an lcd screen that will display the system status though. Beep codes are still one of the easiest fallbacks for debugging desktops though
There are modern mobos with bridged PCI slots.
TIL what TIL stands for, and also that you need to go back to le fucking reddit
monitoring this thread
> am I a boomer?
No, they are useful for troubleshooting. Buy some PCIE POST cards while you're at it.
Trying owning more than 60 units instead of one.
All the rack mount chasis I've bought in the last few years come with /pic related/
RGB gaymer cases, not so much.
part of me wants to see a Jow Forums project now whereby some crazy user wires up a half a dozen 5kw power amps to a wall of half stack speaker cabs and when the computer posts it lets out a 150db wall of sound.
>am I a boomer
no. i have one of those installed in my keyboard. made a mech keeb without clicky switches and had to install some type of sound.
>giving free (you)s to shitposters
how much of a newfag are you? summer came earlier this year
based and redpilled
>come with motherboard
things that never happened
bought 20 for 0.86€ from aliexpress last year
false, the code is always in the manual, and you can always check online
lol wtf? it beeps at every key pressing?
based ... was fixing some old pc at the homies, had a spare PSU knew it was faulty, changed it and it still wouldn't boot
thought something else must be fucked tried other spare parts i had
ultimatley i loaded the mainboard manual - reset CMOS chaching chachang - worked
HAD NO BUZZER would've probably saved me several hours lol
>diagnosing hardware before firmware
My mobo has a small LED panel for that, why would I want beep codes when I can have actual codes?
>What are plexiglass side panels
I had one on my motherboard and I ripped the fucking thing out because its obnoxious. There were several beeps every boot and it was loud as fuck.
I might be autistic, but my computer doesnt have to be.
>several beeps on boot
>I ripped the fucking thing out because its obnoxious
i-is your pc ok user? also, cringe.
I could use a beep when I wrongly installed muh ram and I thought my monitor was just being unresponsive as it sometimes is.For some reason I thought I would hear a beep if there was no Ram.
yea, no error codes and the beep pattern was normal for the mobo I checked. I cant remember if it was a pattern or just a long one but it pissed me off and Im sure it woke people up.
Thanks for asking though.
>lol wtf? it beeps at every key pressing?
yes, and on connecting to, also i can modulate the sound a bit.
>not having a dedicated speaker inside your case
Most people don't. But, again. I have to remember where I am. Enough with the strawman, it's a matter of preference.
very useful when you need to find out why your pc won't boot. This should be mandatory for
>why nobody includes them in cases nowadays?
probably they assume mobos come with it soldered, which is bs in most cases.
t. zoomer who found Jow Forums through r/greentexts and KYM
I got an msi b450 that has an integrated one. I disabled it though
I am a 32 years old boomer and I find the beep annoying. I disconnected the speaker.
What was your point again, kids?