Why do libraries in America and other public or governmental offices only have HP or Dell Computers?
Why do libraries in America and other public or governmental offices only have HP or Dell Computers?
they're good mass produced pcs
Cheap in quantity.
Service contracts/warranties.
Reliable names that aren't going away soon.
govt contracts with kickbacks son
These, basically. HP and Dell are the two main American computer companies besides Apple. Everyone else is based in Taiwan/China
nobody ever got fired for buying optiplex
boomer brands
Which one of these brands is the oldest? Which one is the best, most reliable and serious/mature?
Both have issues. At some point you won't get the service you need or get shipped a batch of defective garbage
Where I work has a bunch of Optiplex 7020s and 9060s that have shitty radeon cards in them that play up and cause screen flicker for several hours. They're all shit
Dell has the best warranties and the best chats/calls. I only use them when the machines are really fucked, but I imagine whatever boomer is running the library PC department wouldn’t have a hard time getting someone out there to replace a hard drive.
Kauft nicht beim Juden!
>work as technical assistant for German boomer professor
>we use some HP core2duo machines with 4gb of ram at work
>ask professor if we can upgrade the machines because they are really slow and cant handle the CAD workload
>professor tells me we shouldnt spend money if its not necessary
>2 months later professor comes to the office really happy
>"hey user, look what the deans office allowed us to purchase"
>shows me a bill for 2000€ loudspeakers and an 8k TV that costs 4700€
>nobody in our office needs loudspeakers or a TV
fucking boomers, day of the pillow cant come soon enough
based boomer professor
This. Now he has a new tv and he doesn’t have to work as fast as a new processor and ram would allow.
>licking boots of boomer prof scum
Probably Penatagon approved, marked safe for national security by manufacturers self-audit through it's lobbyist network.
Simple USA gov require service manuals and both corporations are about the only ones that provide them ...
Big three that is not Lenovo
Because they win every solicitation in the public sector?
What else would it be.
They're cheap, they're of fairly good quality, and they're modular and easy to service with few proprietary parts outside of heat shrouds, disk caddies, and rarely PSUs, so shit you usually don't need to replace anyhow.
They actually honor their service contracts and have decent tech support. Last time I called Dell they connected me to an American woman who spoke perfect English and solved my problem in under 10 minutes, whereas ASUS tech support was a Pajeet who put me on hold for 30 minutes and then told me to call Microsoft, even though my issue was with their EFI configuration.
Two or three years after Lenovo bought the ThinkPad line from IBM those laptops when to complete shit. Your average ThinkPad now is complete and utter chinkshit. I have a Lenovo X230 and it's flimsy shit.