Okay so my birthday is coming up Jow Forums...

Okay so my birthday is coming up Jow Forums, I need recommendations for a really comfy and ergonomic chair for my computer - Go!

Attached: file.png (1200x1200, 760K)

Bumping for advice!

Also wish me a Happy Birthday kek

Also interested in this thread for a new chair for myself.

Anyone? Chairs are technology.

Bumping again; all these websites recommending chairs are tripe and I don't know what to trust.

I will keep this alive for advice

Could you please repeat the question?

I've seen plenty of recommendations for anything Herman Miller, a Steelcase Leap, or a Humanscale Freedom. I don't own any of these though so I can't tell you anything much. The general consensus seems to be get a decent office chair and don't fall for any fake or cheap leather chairs that will start falling apart in a year or less

I'm looking for a good office chair because I'm probably due a new one. I sit in it everyday, the least I could ask for is maximum comfort. Looking for recommendations.

Any recommendations Jow Forums? I'm sure you're all sitting in some kind of comfy chair...

I don't see a questionmark here. Is this a question?

Chairs are mostly a meme to be honest. Even in chairs that offer supposed "ergonomic" support you just end up slouching in them anyway.

bro why are you posting high end high-chairs?

No, it's a statement. Christ, don't post any of your own recommendations, you're clearly retarded.

I am not. Mom says I am the special kind of kid (genius probably). Can we go back to topic now? I don't want to derail this thread.

The topic is already posted in the OP.

Just get the most comfy looking 50-80$ cheap chink office chair off amazon bro

I guess you're right but I was hoping for some input from Jow Forums to help guide me to maximum comfy

>input from Jow Forums
i've seen similar threads and they were always usless
half the people reccomending 1 grand chairs like pic related
others zoomies with gaymur racing chairs

Attached: 2-2.jpg (1024x1024, 130K)

Get an extra long monitor arm and a recliner

Attached: IMG_20190418_110443.jpg (2592x4608, 917K)

uplift pursuit

gaymur chairs are exactly what I don't want. I've a table about a metre off the ground so a tall swivel office chair would be ideal.


Shameless bump

Go full Morpheus.

Comes in black, or white for full Bond villain cat stroking. Brown as pictured for Captain of industry feel, and Burgundy so you can call everyone Neo.

Attached: _20190609_174219.jpg (720x705, 48K)

this probably costs more than me

Less than 300 with free shipping.

Or this one, back height adjustment, forward tilt and back rocking lock, basically every feature minus one from those $1000 Aeron Hermeme Miller chairs.

Nice Grey mesh and black frame color.

Less than 200 dollars.

Attached: _20190609_175403.jpg (720x714, 73K)

get a Herman Miller Ergon or an old Steelcase

Attached: Ergon stool.jpg (720x1280, 251K)

Some decent suggestions, any from the UK? Maybe conveniently on Amazon too?

Look for an ergo-tek mesh chair.

Take a look at Secretlab chairs