I'm pretty good at figuring out how to do shit in python. I've been messing around with it for about 6 months...

I'm pretty good at figuring out how to do shit in python. I've been messing around with it for about 6 months. How do I get a job now? Preferably freelance since I'm going on vacation next month.

Attached: B58D82A2-E744-42F2-9774-A78BD37FD12A.png (815x476, 31K)

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>i've been dicking around for 6 months, gib me a job
Fucking millennials.

Fuck off. Why does it matter how long you've been coding when reality is that you can either accomplish a task or not irrespective of how long you enter been coding.

Bump help a brother out.

Contrary to what your retarded parents told you, actual experience and past merits actually do matter, and not everyone can "be whatever you want to be sweety". If you need to ask Jow Forums on how to find a job, that's a pretty decent indication that you have no idea how to hold down one in the first place.

>Dicking around for 6 months

>4 years highschool for electrical technician
>2 years of experience in telecommunications as technician
>5 years of Uni / EE - Control systems engineering
>2 years of engineering work experience

I still get offers only for starter positions with pay equal to average.
13 years vs 6 months
Have a fucking nice time finding a job m8.
STEM is a meme.

>merits matter

Maybe for being hired, but not for programming ability.

I'm probably a better programmer than you if you've been programming for 13 years and you're still braindead.

>I still get offers only for starter positions with pay equal to average.
That's because you are retarded. I had job offers thrown after me when I was still in my 3rd and 4th year, and by the time I started working on my master's thesis I had already signed for a position as senior developer. Now, only two years after I graduated, I've worked my way up to senior architect.

>merits doesn't say anything about ability
God, I bet you applaud diversity hires and gender quotas too, don't you?

You're boring.

Electrical engineering, nobody even asks for what you know how to do, just what uni you graduated and what were your grades.

I live in a 3rd world EU country so there is basically no work besides documentations and such bullshit.

Programming is even worse cucked here, you'll get a job but will be forced to work 10-12hrs a day + weekends for average pay.

Waiters earn 30-40% more than engineers here.

Solution: become waiter, earn up some savings, and move to Norway. There's a serious demand for people with STEM degrees here, since most native Norwegians are too lazy to bother and settle for studies they can just cruise through without any efforts (read: marketing, economy/finances, nursing and teaching).

Being a waiter limits you to a physical location, being a programmer doesn't. There's no reason for you to not be creating projects or doing things that interest you if you're competent.

Not the guy you are responding to (I'm ), but some types of programming actually do demand being on premise, such as working with classified data and/or security, or if you work with embedded.

Attached: image.jpg (1171x540, 279K)

You sound like the same retard that was arguing on merit. Dumb as a rock.

As I said above, I'm control systems engineers, not programmer by any means.

A friend tried that, has same degree / experience as me, even speaks norwegian, got rejected.

>piece of media
>soul purpose
Shouldn't it be "medium" (singular) and "sole"?

So learn how to program you useless idiot. Python is simple, I learned it in a couple of months, from knowing nothing. I now have a server running and I'm doing backend stuff with postgresql.

Learn 2 code


I don't care if you think it is dumb, that's life. Nobody is going to give you a job for having dicked around for six months and learning fifteen ways of doing fizzbuzz, you have to be fucking delusional if you believe that.

Then his skills were probably shit, or likely a security issue if your country is Russia? We import foreign workers from the EU on a massive scale and give them all sorts of tax benefits and straight paths for permanent residency and even citizenships.

Writing instructions should be easy for an electrical engineer. You're just sitting here complaining about wasting 13 years of your life being a myopic retard bred to be a specialist for capitalism without any real world skills.

Who said I was doing fizzbuzz? I don't need a job, that's the beauty of it. If no one wants to give it to me I can start my own company with almost no overhead unlike other businesses.

>I don't need a job
OP clearly asked how he could find a job.

>If no one wants to give it to me I can start my own company
"I can be anything I want because mommy told me so" millennial. Start a business then, 90% of all startups fail btw, but I'm sure you're the special snowflake your mommy told you you were.

I've already accomplished more in life than you could ever imagine. Programming is fun, if I make money from it that's a bonus but not a necessity.

>I've already accomplished more in life than you could ever imagine
I seriously doubt that based on the fact that you are asking Jow Forums how to find a job.... Unless you by accomplished mean "mommy and daddy are financing my NEET lifestyle" of course, I wouldn't expect someone who doesn't value a merit-based system to understand what an accomplishment really is.

Fuck off. We're full.

In order to go on "vacation" you have to have a job you can take vacation from, faggot.

Your women are full of Slavic cum.

dunno man I am about to get a bachelors in CS, know multiple languages and a bunch of theory and just failed an interview

Well, of course they are, I live in the Czech Republic.

How did you fail?

Protip: actual successful people don't brag about their successes to random strangers online in a Jow Forums pissing contest

You don't know any successful people.

Was asked to show how I would make something that prints all the numbers from 1 to 100, but numbers divisible by 3 should be replaced with hee, numbers divisible by 5 should be replaced by haw, and numbers divisible by both 3 and 5 should be replaced with heehaw. Apparently I should have used something called "modulogo" or something, idk, it was a weird percentage sign in the middle of the code which I insisted was invalid syntax in C#.

Cool story bro

Very nervous answering questions. Senior dev asked me to prototype some code. I could only come up with an O(n^2) solution in both memory and time efficiency lol. Then I proceeded to completely fuck up the "how do virtual functions work" meme question.


You didn't get the job because you were nervous not because you didn't answer some meme question. Stop being beta.

Didn't help that before the interview they had all applicants write C code on paper for ~ 2 hours. And right after that they critique your code and then and only then send you into the interview room. If that is the normal interview procedure I don't think I am getting a job.

Hey OP can you list some examples of scripts or programs you have made? I've been messing around with python about a year now but i still feel like a retarded brainlet and i wanna have a point of reference

>doesn't know what EE is
>calls others braindead

>I've already accomplished more in life than you could ever imagine
kek underage b&, focus on graduating high school first

Sorry that all you'll ever be is a code monkey

Millenials (Gen Y) are 30 years old now. You mean 'Zoomers' (Gen Z).

>think programming is fun and does it for free
>calls other people code monkey

Attached: 2spookyjap.jpg (750x697, 70K)

I'm 33 so technically a millennial myself, and this generation is entitled as fuck. Zoomers aren't old enough to get jobs yet, AFAIK.

Gen Z are born between 1995-2005. That means that some are old enough to be graduates, mate. Definitely old enough to get a job.

Every single word you wrote screams millennial and is cringe and painful to read as fuck. I can just imagine you writing this in a overpriced laptop at Starbucks and I want to puke.

unless he's a women

Real work isn't done in python

>Gen Z are born between 1995-2005
Most people use definitions that start in the mid 2000s, some around 2000s. Maybe some say from 1995, but that would mean that there is a massive overlap between millennials and zoomers in entry jobs though.

Fuck off. Didn't instagram run on Django?

Not making this up, mate. But even when shifting +5 years, some are still old enough to get a job.

Old enough to get a job, sure. Old enough to graduate a master's and having 13 year experience and complaining about only getting entry level jobs with shit salaries (), not so much.


>master's + 13y work experience
That's not even possible for most millenials yet. You'd have to have been born early 1980 to get close, but we weren't even discussing such an edge case. And I wouldn't count school years are (work) experience, certainly not when it overlaps with your work at the time.

You don't.

*as (work) experience

It's short for too retarded for even CS.

sorry i have to bring it to you but almost everybody is able to learn how to code. just like everybody can learn to read and write.
not everyone is able to write a novel though.

same goes for coding. coding is maybe just 20% or even less of the things you do as a "programmer".
learn some architecture. "clean architecture" by robert c. martin is the perfect beginner's book. learn everything about how processors work. learn about networking. learn math. there's literally an ocean of knowledge which you'll have to master to become professional.


you become a code monkey who can't compete with pajeets because coding is literally trivial.

>not everyone is able to write a novel though.
Actually, everybody is. The current selection of garbage books prove it.

>wealth of knowledge to become a professional

That's the problem with the world. Too many dependent specialists that are inept at anything else. I can write python and do a plethora of different things while you read your little networking books that will be outdated in 10 years.

Keep being a good slave to Jewish capitalism.

Yes. The guy was a fag and didn't fix his shit.

Attached: fix.png (1171x540, 451K)

tell me something you're good at besides 6 months of python. (assuming you're the op)

>(assuming you're the op)
Well, in htat case he's probably good at taking dick and giving head.

You're too dumb to understand anything.

Keep specializing your labor, making you even more dependent on the labor of others.

i'm not specializing anything. i'm just telling you that there's way more to programming than you actually think. if you don't believe me just don't listen to me - i might just be some guy larping, right?

but if you're really interested in becoming a software developer you should be open to more than just coding because coding is literally nothing.

Jesus Christ. I don't know if this is bait but I was literally thinking of modulo as I was reading your task, and I've taken one introduction to coding lesson. I really really hope you were baiting.

>pic related
Mt Stupid, that's where you're at. If you knew fuck all about the topic we're discussing, you could've listed a dozen essential things for producing production-grade, non-Pajeet software off the top of your head, but instead you deflect.

You think this shit's easy because you don't really understand it at all. You've just scratched the surface.

Attached: 1 lg8oMoZuGKqO0So7DxENdw.png (559x451, 96K)

13 years in total, not 13 + master's.

>Apparently I should have used something called "modulogo" or something

Attached: forty.jpg (292x257, 68K)

The amount of slaves they created is astounding. All of them fighting to defend the system because they're helpless without it.

Please be bait.

Quite the opposite, kiddo. We're trying to release you from your juvenile fantasies. I do frontend, backend, deployments and cloud. If I want to write production grade software, all I need is a computer and time.

You say you've dabbled in Python for a few months and now you're here pretending you're not just a fucking faggot fresh off the boat who couldn't even get a VPS running without a tutorial.


13 minus your 4 years of high school and 5 years of uni, which leaves 4 years experience, at best.

I have a vps running right now golang with gin-gonic connected to a postgresql database with users logging into it. I forked it, yeah, but don't act like programming is some sort of magic. And I've been coding for less than 6 months.

And I have about 30 python scripts to monitor the activity on the server and the data it's producing.

Which is the point, he's an entitled millennial who's put in the absolute minimum effort and barely has any relevant working experience (only 2 years of actual engineering experience), and he's still complaining about why he isn't being handed his dream job with a high salary. Our generation is the fucking worst.

>i forked a project and followed the README in order to make it run
>i made this
Pick one

>I forked it
>tl;dr you figured out docker compose up -d
Good for you, buddy. I'm so proud of you.

Where I work architects scratch their ass all day sharing programming challenges on the company dev mailing list, meanwhile semi and seniors do the work.

>I forked it
>got it running
>started to alter it for my own purposes

Not really complicated.

Ah, haha. Thank you my man.

Never used docker.

That's like changing a tire on a car and saying you built the car.

The fact that you missed the point despite the other user spoon-feeding you speaks volumes.

Ehhh, increasingly not true. Lots of existing software in academia that's easier to refactor/optimize than write from scratch if you don't have a degree in the field and good documentation. Python could do with a well optimized compiler, though, and that's more difficult for a language of its scope.

The same kind of code I see in Python is only a little more crap than the Java I see, and Oracle may be the best reason to go with Python instead.

Not really. Gin is a pretty simple framework to understand.

Mate, we weren't discussing this edge case to begin with. All I was saying is that millenials should already have landed jobs long ago, and that OP is likely Gen Z. That's all - please verify with OP if he/she/xe/whatever is or isn't. Can I get some sleep now?

I painted the walls on this house I bought, therefore I built the house.

I'm a millennial I just did other things before I became interested in programming.

Why are you replying to obvious bait?

I guess the main thing is that OP is entitled, regardless of his age.

>building houses is complicated


It's like early retirement, except you get to write it off as real work and use it to argue why you should get a pay rise.

*unironically snoring now*

You know what? Enjoy the unwarranted smugness while it lasts. Let's talk after you've had a paying job doing that for a few years, presuming anyone would hire a person like you.

t. 15yo

>missing the point
I wouldn't call myself a carpenter after having put together a single Ikea bookshelf. You shouldn't call yourself a Python developer if all you did was fork a project and dick around with it for six months.

Itt op larps as a wannabe programmer