Am i in your head

am i in your head
half as often as you're on my mind?

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I don't even know who you are.

A thousand demons are in my head.
Melodies play in my left ear, and voices whisper in my right.

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am really sad right now

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Yes but I know you're not into me.

im startin to get alil worried about u


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i'm lonely and the only person i want to see lives far away and doesn't really care about me that much
i'm usually used to being lonely but i spent the day with her a week ago and it reset the whole process, now i have to get used to being lonely all over again

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I feel the same user, I just got some girl to like me and now we don't see each other for a whole month

if she doesn't care about you that much then why do you want to see her?

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Because I care about her alot. And I don't want to ruin Christmas by being rejected.

No all I can think about is circumcising young children

Each new post I see from you scares me more than the last one.

Such a waste of trips

i don't know, that's just how it is and how it's been for as long as we've known (and that's a really long time)
it's not like she hates me or anything, she's nice and fun to be with and we're really alike and get along, but i know i'm nothing to her unlike when we were kids

That's sad, I just thought about the girls I rejected at the age of

i was talking to the finn but both of you shouldn't go chasing girls around and constantly being stressed about making her like you. just be yourself and if someone you love comes into your life then you can accept it, but you need to focus on yourself as your main priority, you can't base your well-being around being with another person.
maybe you should talk to her about it, you'll never know how she really feels unless you ask. if you really meant nothing to her it wouldn't make sense that she's traveling far just to be with you

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This board is better than anything I've read on Jow Forums

Trips of absolute truth.
Go see your local rabbi for a circumcision and a blowjob afterwards.

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Haha, I also basically had a harem in kindergarten (nothing to do with the girl i'm talking about btw) and here I am. At least I got my first kiss at a young age.
Good luck and stay strong, Bruder.

it's not like you would have stayed with any of those girls since fifth grade so why would it matter now? you can still be an alpha now if you want to, if anything it would make more sense to start changing to be the person you want to be now because you can actually do things that will affect the rest of your life like getting a wife or whatever you want

I try to do this, but it's hard. That's why I'm happy about the advice I get on this thread. I will definitely fix my life someday and a big step is going to leave
this site for a while.

Thanks, I really hope you will find your luck someday. Don't forget that feelings are temporary and you need to do something to get problems solved.

shit n piss n cum

I'm nobody. But you certainly stand out.

I once told a boy I love him.
Ended up being homeless for a week.

I'm not gonna go into the details, but I know I can never be with her, no matter how rich, handsome, fun or smart I became.
We're kind of "forced" (not literally, I could just go "nah" and never see her again) to stay in touch so we see each other around every 2-3 months.
It just makes it worse that I could never be with her, that I still see her every now and then and that she never acts disinterested and we get along so well, but I'm sure that having fun with her for a day and then feeling this pain for 2 weeks afterwards is better than just staying in my bed instead and feeling nothing.
And I'm usually the one who does the travelling.

And when I message her about meeting some day (doesn't happen very often), she replies 12 hours later at the the earliest even though she's on her phone all day. That's what I do when I don't really want to reply but I have to. She also doesn't remember my birthday.

I can relate so much to this that it hurts.
There was a time where my girlfriend replied almost instantly, but now things changed. We usually met secretly , so our friends don't know about the thing between us. I fell instantly in love with her and she did the same with me. After I told her about my feelings things started to get weird. We were somewhat a couple, at least so much, that we cant hide it in front of our friends anymore. The girl I knew changed from one day to another. Since she told her friends about me, things started getting complicated.
She takes hours to respond, even when she's online. She rejectes half of the meetings I arrange and I know that she lies about plannings a lot, since her friends influence her so much . I feel that she isn't a bad person and that there is still love, but I absolutely need to talk with her about it. I know it's normal for girls to play these relationship games, but it's completely unnatural for her. It feels just like a brainwash. How can I convince her, that she changed her trustworthy behavior in a bad way?

what happened?

He told his father he loved him, Duh?



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