>"AMD Ryzen 9 3950X 4.7 GHz CPU Leaked, World’s First 16 Core Gaming Chip"
Intlel BTFO... AGAIN

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wccftech Taichi/index.asp#BIOS

5Ghz confirmed!!!!!

>more cores higher clock
Wtf?? Are they ultra binning these ?

delid this you stupid anti-semite

It's boost, so it's likely just a couple cores that run at that frequency.

That will be $777 goy

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Nice try bucko

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Intel CPUs are WAAAY more expensive.

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>16 core

oy vey buy more quad cores goyim

Jow Forums should i wait for the chips to drop or just get a new mobo + ryzen 5 1600?

wanted to upgrade my 4690k

My son uses a 1600. Honestly just wait for the 3XXX cpus to drop, if you dont want one of those it should still push 2xxx and 1xxx cpus down in price. It's only 4 weeks away, just wait.

wait for the new chips to drop
buying a ryzen 5 1600 and a b450 is is a sidegrade AT BEST

Meant to say my son uses a 1600 and it gives him more than enough power to game, but regardless just wait to see what the 3xxx series costs are.

2x extra cores in 1600 at just a 300mhz less per core than the 4690k. OC to 3.9 (easy) and youve got 2x extra cores at same frequency as 4690k. Plus the 4690k has NO HT. So we're talkig 4t vs 12t. Come on now. Not a side grade in any way.

9700K or 9600K

Best overall chips.

Why wait for that AMD garbage or buy even worse subgarbage? When you can get INTEL MASTER RACE chips now!

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sure its an upgrade if you're talking about threads but performance wise? ryzen on is a little bit behind sandy bridge

>best overall chips
go away paid intel shill

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AMD flaunting worthless tech yet again. The "enthusiasts" will eat this up despite modern games only using 4 cores max.

Let's say this exists, will a x370 Taichi able to handle it? I think it had a 6+2 doubling config. It should be fine, right? I'd definitely want to upgrade to a 16 core coming from a 1700 easily.

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shills are out in full force

>Update: We have confirmed the authenticity of the slide

oy vey buy more i3 8350k's

Shitposter, please stop pretending to be retarded.
Shill, you are incorrect in your 4 cores garbage especially in newer titles or titles that aren't coded by brain dead developers.

>9700K or 9600K
> ~400 usd
I can just get an amd chip and mobo for this price.

a 3700x with a b350 or b450 mobo will btfo those 2 garbage cpus

And here we can see a desperate intel shill, trying to fill his quota before 7/7

>modern games only using 4 cores max
What happened to "games and other applications never usemore than 1core" bullshit?
goyim catching up to your propaganda chaim?

I would expect no less than 1000 usd.
They are probably getting chiplets that are good enough for Rome cpus.

This 16 cores will have the best silicon available.

Even 4 fast cores are a stuttery mess - even at a resolution as low as 1080p.

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AMD Unboxed is really going all out with the AMD shilling, they're not really hiding it at this point.

>marketing it to gamers
>$1000 USD

Streamers would spend $1000 on 2 PCs, not one CPU.

Why would they show this at E3?
Do they have more eyes on them? I can see them marketing as the best streaming CPU ever. I will buy it to render and keep my VMs comfy while streaming, it's going to be cash.

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>muh cores
>muh gaming

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>3700x costs 330
>3800x costs 400
>3900x costs 500
>but the 3950x is gonna cost over 1000
If that is what you unironically believe, you haven't been paying attention.

>implying AMD will charge pennies for their top of the line CPU that Intel has no chance of competing
>implying AMD will outright kill their Threadripper line before the new ones show up

Nigga you high as fuck. I went from a 4790K to an R7 1700 oced at 3.9 and the performance gain was huge.

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>x370 taichi
>Ryzen 7 1700
hello, me. Last time I checked, Asrock didn't release BIOS updates for the x370 taichi yet (version 5.6 needed). Taichi/index.asp#BIOS


Jews and now Chinks economics

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They did say they were supporting it, so I'll just wait™


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>AMD RBMK Reactor tore core x570
I really hope it comes with A3-5 button

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>sees exactly how the 3900x, 3800x and the 3700x are priced
>still continuing to spread his bullshit
lol, ok intcel

You're just to young nooblet to know about fx

>My son uses a 1600
Your son, or your wife's son?

Interesting naming scheme. Everything so far was 3_00(X). Maybe they're going to announce more than one 3_50X CPU at E3. Maybe a 3850X which could be an 8-core part that boosts to 5GHz.

hm, interesting observation indeed


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Sometimes I forget we have actual adults with children browsing this place.

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No, AGESA ComboPi 0.0.7,2 / are required. is in bios version 5.50.

I hope they have a 3850x that boost to 5ghz single core.


1600 was such a great deal. im so glad i got it over the incel chip. at first i was kinda iffy on it, but it really matured into a great product. im kinda sad now that 6 cores are going to be obsolete tho.

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Man I hope these are coming out at the same time with the other CPUs. It would be absolute horseshit to have to wait till the end of this year for this model.

Kaby lake buyers were absolutely scammed

Jow Forums

also Jow Forums

a lot of benchmarks say otherwise

While welcome a 5ghz model would be extremely unlikely. They probably picked the best bins for the 16 core to make sure they maximize performance in the 105W TDP budget. I have a hard time believing there's a secret bin of 8 cores that can do an extra 5% over that. And I have a feeling 105W on an 8-core would already hit around a 4.3ghz all-core boost under heavy loads, which while decent isn't astounding. So they'd have to make it particularly high power to make it an interesting offering


At this point I have such little trust in Intel that I'm not even looking at benchmarks, I'm just buying AMD and getting everyone to do the same.

As much as I want the 3950X
I would rage so hard if it's expensive.

it will use 2x 4 cores

Prepare your wallet. I can see it going as high as $800. I hope mommy Su goes for a $650-$700 desu

>gaming chip
>gaming cpu
Do they not make tech targeted at non-manchildren anymore?

>For one, the frugal 105W TDP makes it the most power efficient 16 core desktop CPU we’ve seen yet. Its closest competitor from Intel the i9-9960X is a 165W chip and runs at lower clock speeds.

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is this a bot? humans don't talk like this

they define our market and we have to piece together what applies the best
or we can go down the less consumer route and pay thousands...

Gamers are the only people buying discrete desktop PC parts in any serious number and have been for over a decade. Normies have laptops or mobileshit or prebuilt towers.

That's always been the case with Zen. The best overclockers in Zen 1 were the Threadrippers

let's address the elephant in the room of why this wasn't announced at computex

Sames goes for the workplace. The only desktop form factor PC I service is one with a quadro. No one (as in 99% of users) uses desktop form factor for productivity in 2019.

The game code itself only scale to ~4 concurrent threads. More than that is either system level which is seeing improvement or it is bigger cache size (which is just coincidence of the chip the cores not actually helping)

My son.
Can confirm. 35yr old boomer.

Will it be faster in games than a binned 9900Kfhsps?

If no catch me outside, I'm sitting on this 2600 and it's slow, AMD you better deliver

DIY gamers are a tiny market in the desktop PC space.

OEMs and SIs take the huge chunk of the market.

That's why Intel can easily drop off desktop CPUs to AMD, they make more money on laptop vendors and servers that they cannot meet demand.

>6 core for $100!!
>"There is a 12 core part
>that boosts to 5ghz."

>techtubers haven't called fake news AMDrone yet
>but are quick to shut down Principled Technologies when they're just a boomer company who doesn't even benchmark desktop parts

Should be. 300mhz slower but Zen2 is faster clock for clock

Yup, pretty much no workplace is going to purchase towers unless they need the grunt. Every place I've worked in or refurbished has a mix of laptops and small form factor / all-in-one mini-PCs.

Normie PC gamers do still buy high specced prebuilts or else there wouldn't be new model refreshed every year or two.

3200g and 3400g when?

Aren't they going to be Zen+? I'd rather they skip it altogether desu, but it doesn't look like we're getting I/O die + CPU chiplet + GPU anytime soon.

Nice. I hope these can OC to 5GHz or better. Hopefully AMD keeps dabbing on Intel. I still don't see the need to replace my 4670k tho.

9900k owners on suicide watch

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>For one, the frugal 105W TDP makes it the most power efficient 16 core desktop CPU we’ve seen yet. Its closest competitor from Intel the i9-9960X is a 165W chip and runs at lower clock speeds.
>the i9 9960x costs $1,700
AMD will compare the 3950x to the 9960x and will price it around 1,000

>16-core double the price of the 12-core

Probably more like $700-800, especially since the 2950X is currently selling for just over $800 with more PCIe and double the memory channels.

>I still don't see the need to replace my 4670k tho.
Previous 3570k here, I felt it for the last few years until I bought a 1700. I couldn't stream for dear life and recording video was extremely taxing on that piece of shit. Editing video was not completely terrible but still sluggish when exporting. I'm hungry and I can't wait for that 3950x.

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$700 sounds about right, but they could go and be cheeky again against the 9960X or even the 9980XE if Lisa feels smug enough. They do favorable benchmarks and then say it's less than half but that'd be at least $800.

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>same as 9900kys
>twice the core, lower tdb, better performance
I don't see the issue

>4 cores in 2017 was a good purchase
Coping intensifies

>says the increasingly nervous shill for the 6 gorrillionth time

Let's see how you will kill yourself when they announce the price

>projecting this hard

Which ones?
And this isn't even a fair comparison since the 7600k was more expensive.

The Asus will sure provide is a standard feature since Skylake-x

That's the reality. You expect them to price it at $600 (lmao) and you won't be able to afford it once you realize they are going to sell it at $1000+

Because they had the 2700X on hand they had tested it multiple times. That's why they called bullshit on Intel lies undercutting the competition. You can't disprove a product that you don't currently have hands on.