Custom Navi CPU

>Custom Navi CPU
>8K resolution
>ray tracing

I'm very very impressed.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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I'm very sceptical.

>Navi CPU

Attached: astolfo_think.png (1700x1946, 1.45M)

>tells us nothing
>wow, it's nothing
>up to
>up to
>"""""ray tracing"""""

>custom Navi CPU

It's a custom Zen 2 CPU and Navi GPU, brainlet.

Okay, time to look at this post through reality glasses
>custom Ryzen based APU
>shared system RAM
>1080p with machine learning based upscaling to 8K
>60 fps with tweening to 120fps
>raycasting with some raytraced lighting and tons of denoising

Whats even th point of xbox?
With pc and ps4 you have access to all multis plus weeb games.


Halo and Forza really

Both are on PC going forward.

No, don't get tricked again.

You are still on a Microsoft platform and both games still use Xbox live
Xbox isn't just about a console anymore, it's an ecosystem

Maybe if they play everything on lowest settings


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I'm on a PC and I'm not paying a monthly fee, forgive me for not feeling particularly attached to the "xbox" brand.

Then maybe they should just let us install Office on it.

There's not even true 4k on consolest, and fake 4k can barely get 30 frames.

Microsoft hasn't made anyone pay a monthly fee for service on PC
With Forza as long as you buy the game you can play online for free
That's the point I was making, yeah. There's a world of difference between paying your monthly good goy fee on a locked down console and a PC.

Still on PC, and you can pirate them for free + no account needed. Get fucked.

>Consoletards actually think they're getting 8K 120FPS ray tracing games loading via magically faster-than-PC SSDs

My favourite part of the presentation was either when they tried to sell "using the SSD as virtual RAM to speed up games" or when the engineer said both 'SSD' and 'solid state drive' in the same sentence as if they were 2 different things.

>Microsoft hasn't made anyone pay a monthly fee for service on PC

Did you forget that Games for Windows Live, which all Microsoft partnered games on PC initially required, launched with required a Gold membership to play online? Took a year before the fee was dropped.

Maybe for a menu.

It's technobabble to impress the plebs and investors.
And knowing the brain-dead industry everyone will fall for it.

At the end of the day, you gotta give Microsoft credit. It capitalizes by expressing communistic notions to a mentally castrated fanbase and in doing so tightens its grip on the promise of profit.

I mean this is some top shelf shit being slung into Microboi mouths.

yeah. your dashboard will be rendered at a native 8K. thats about it
yeah. some 1080p games. sure
>ray tracing
yeah. at 30FPS and below, sure.

They said hardware accelerated raytracing in that video of theirs. Has amd ever mentioned any physical RT cores before on Navi?

As I remember it, GFWL had free online, but certain online features were behind a paywall, like playing Shadowrun (lol) with console gamers.

>physical RT cores
it uses crytek's solution so no RT cores dumb /v/edditor

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user, "hardware acceleration" just means it isn't being done in software. Any instance of the GPU handling ray tracing, with dedicated cores or not, fits the technical term "hardware acceleration", regardless of how unimpressive the final product turns out to be.

has crytek even disclosed their method for RT'ing? knowing them it'll be some half-assed, slow as shit implementation or some half-baked cone tracing garbage.

you're prob right.

>Xbox barely catching up

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K resolution
hahahahah lol

Does this mean we're hurtling towards another situation where Nvidia delivers better looking graphics than AMD?

amd has time to catch up. i suspect nvidia pushed out rtx this gen because they thought they could get away with it and offset some of their r&d costs.

they just don't have enough rt cores on the 20xx series for it be worthwhile right now. that said, the writing's on the wall and raytraced lighting should be the defacto standard within a decade. we have no indication how far behind amd is - i'm not optimistic. i don't see them being competitive for at least 2 more gens.

> ray tracing

What a fucking meme. 70's technology being used to hype zoomers into buying overpriced shit.

Depends on whether customers prioritize higher resolution or better lighting. Some people are tired of 1080p, and ray tracing is only viable there.

AMD will approach ray tracing via brute force computation rather than having dedicated RT hardware like nvidia.

It is sort of how the whole adaptive sync system worked (at least when it was first released) Where as FreeSync was free and didn't add to monitor cost, in the early days it had very painful sync windows and terrible refresh rate floors that made it not work at the times it was needed most (sub 30). AMDs ray tracing system will be free of extra hardware and therefore no extra cost but will probably be less visually impactful or lower quality as brute forcing raytracing is a bitch on hardware.

Considering the insane price premium carried by RTX cards, AMD will likely win this battle too like FreeSync, even if their solutions isn't as good. You can't be selling $300+ extra mark up cards for a single visual feature.

I remember the halo PC demo online play, do you?

It's a bigger treat to devs and level designers since they no longer need to worry about lighting crap apart from adding or removing light sources or windows if there's too much or too little light in a space. Better shadows will be great too, no more of this stupid pixelated shadows.

non-baked gi specifically will help tremendously with making game worlds less static again. people have gotten used to nicely baked lighting on large environments but have legitimate complaints about how rigid things have become - rt solves that issue entirely.

Yes. If you get in one of the rocket warthogs, back it up to one of the far sides of the map, and fire it indiscriminately at the enemy fort, the rockets with explode over the base without hitting anything, causing many kills.

- less loading times - Zen 2/Navi technology - 4x more powerful than XBX - GDDR6 - 120 FPS/ 8K (HDMI 2.1) - real-time raytracing - New generation SSD, virtual RAM

Nvidia and Intel BTFO!

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Dedicated hardware is the brute force approach m8. VXGI and derivatives which use voxels to simplify the workload are the non-brute force approach, i.e. optimized software to reduce complexity of the problem, albeit at the sacrifice of the quality of the raytrace. Per vertex raytracing is fundamentally not something you can optimize around without changing the entire workload

As for your freesync analogy. Freesync monitors all have dedicated hardware for timing and receiving the adaptive sync protocol. The difference is that Nvidia created a controller that meets their extremely meticulous standards every time. So basically you have a smorgasboard of crap that OEMs made on their own that accepts the adaptive sync protocol, trying to save money on the controller vs. the gold standard G-sync FPGA that handles the G-sync protocol perfectly and timing perfectly and so forth. It's still dedicated hardware.

Yes, Custom Edition was great. But the PC port had a lot of graphical flaws because Gearbox is full of retards who screwed up the shaders and lighting.

Best project name ever

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You dumb nigs are comparing it to PC hardware which is retarded. Consoles can always deliver much much more out of the same hardware.

Just look at all the fucking Switch ports running on literally decade old tech. When you can optimize specifically just for your exact hardware you can get much better performance and graphics


No one noticed he said this when they were making the video?

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>xbox is an ecosystem

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>No VR mentioned


>The tech isn't optimal, so I gotta really exaggerate or else no one will be believe me. Uhhh, what's really old? Oh yeah, the '70s
>"Fuckinnn 70's-ass technology bullshit zoomers cri time shit"
>nailed it

people who don't play on PC primarily? same way So y makes money. Do you think PC gamers buying consoles solely for exclusives was ever lucrative?

There is no difference between native 8K and upscaled 4K and if you put annupscaled 1080p on a 4K or 8K screen, the difference is barely noticeable too.

4K/8K panels are a scam.

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The only difference of G-Sync to Freesync is that the refresh rate can go lower than 45Hz.

What are they gonna use it for if they have no games?

This remind me about Sony that claimed that the ps3 would be able to play games at 1080p 120 fps

>it's an ecosystem
Could have simply said it's a dead product.

The engineer said SoC and Solid state drive, fucking retard.

People with half a brain correctly heard SoC and not SSD.
There is plenty of marketing fluff here but criticize the correct things or you look like a fucking retard,

Over 1440p it's all about aa and deminishing returns.
I can get up sampling and aa/ai to look better than dlss and native 4k with tweaks
Txaa like doom uses is particularly good
4k is a meme for games response/low latency and high fps are king
90hz is the bare minimum these days hence why every decent screen is 144hz+

How is 4K a meme? It looks amazing

So according to what they said it's probably an 8 core zen2, a navi GPU with around 20TF and a SSD that is probably pcie4 or perhaps some custom controller connected via IF. There's an unknown amount of GDDR6. It would be impressive if it were out the end of 2019, 18 months not so much. It basically comes down to if navi is any good or not.