What CPU are you currently running, and do you plan to replace it soon? Finally gonna shelf my good old Q9550 and replace it with the 3900X.
What CPU are you currently running, and do you plan to replace it soon...
E5-2667 v0, I might upgrade in few years.
not really, it does what i want to do just fine
i'd like to but all other laptops are shit
What do you use it for?
based and C2Qpilled
I'm still running the exact same CPU (@3,6 GHz) and am planning to get a 3700x
thank you for replaying to my RP/AD survey :)
Standard desktop setup. Gaming/Browsing/Anime/video encoding/etc. The 6c12t does it perfectly. I can play any game I want without an issue. Where as a 4core might suffer from low drops due to lack of CPU resources, I don't suffer from it that much at all.
For games, I mainly play Path of Exile/WoW/Civ6/etc
>What CPU are you currently running
>do you plan to replace it soon?
3700X or 3800X in an X470 board.
Q9550 at work, I do get stutters in some of the more complex steelworks models I'm working with but replacing it is not up to me.
2500K at home, I kinda wanna replace it with a Ryzen 3000 mostly for the sensation of building a new computer, but with the games I'm playing now I don't realistically have a need to, and if I replaced it I'd have to start getting into way newer games to justify my expenses.
I was using a Q9550 until about a week ago. Long story short I ordered GT 710 for video editing but it didn't work in my Core2 Quad machine. No idea why. So I ordered an Optiplex 790 with an i5 2400s.
Pic related. It's me installing my new GPU.
Cool market research thread, bro.
I got an ancient Q6700 on my desktop. It can into 3.50Ghz on an el cheapo Cooler Master 212+ I picked up for $20. I'm still amazed at how snappy it is for everyday stuff - especially when multitasking - even if you're stuck with a crappy Windows XP- or Win7-tier scheduler.
I also know a guy with a laptop that has a Core i3-8130U. Seriously impressive price:performance for 2c4t in only 15W TDP, he paid under $400 for it. I think it's Intel's first mobile i3 with both turbo boost and hyperthreading; the base clock is a ho-hum 2.2Ghz but it turbos to 3.4Ghz. I've never owned a laptop, but it's tempting to pick one about like it up from Walmart for the lulz.
As for what I might get next, I don't know. I've been thinking about replacing my desktop for years but I just keep not quite needing to. If I did, I'd just get whatever Ryzen has the best price:perf for muh gaems and video encodes.
>and if I replaced it I'd have to start getting into way newer games to justify my expenses.
I know that feel, bro.
But y-you could always replay those old games that were terribly optimized and need a really strong CPU. The original version of Dark Souls (not the remaster) comes to mind, as well as the original Crysis.
not replacing any of these anytime soon
Realistically, what's the oldest CPU around that can still handle web browsing? That includes decoding 1080p@60 video in modern codecs like vp9 and H.265.
What about a modern CPU? Can some Intel Atom handle that kind of workload?
I5 2520M. Its what came with my T420. My motherboard can support a quad core I7 that I will upgrade to after I replace the cooling system, screen, upgrade the powerbrick, ram, and switch to SSD
gonna upgrade the whole system in a few months with a 3700x or 3800x depending on overclock ability, I just dont want to buy a 2080ti it feels horribly overpriced for what I get....the whole 2k line up is shit. sadly nvidia is not gonna release a new lineup anytime soon
>after I replace the cooling system
you don't need to do that to run a quad core
>upgrade the powerbrick
or this, unless you're using the 65W which i haven't seen in ages
i7 2600k - I'll use it until it's 10th anniversary at least
i5 540m - I don't have much use for a laptop so I'll use it until it dies or become so obsolete that it'll have trouble loading web pages
i5-4570 master race here
Excited to test out that 3800x. I'll probably not upgrade for several years after that. I just want the IPC and clock boost. The 2700x is going to be undervolted and underclocked and stuck in a server.
4790K, 16GB DDR3, Geforce 970 and 2x500gb SSD. I have built newer rigs for friends and played around with them, aside from sightly better framerates in gaming, they don't seem much faster than what I have now. If I was a photoshop fag or doing rendering or something I would probably notice a difference. Why replace?
>amd fx 4100
upgrade in july
>ryzen 3600
my body is ready
i5-4690k, waiting for the new series to release soon, will get depending on price.
Need to get a new mobo and ram too.
i5 3570k and replace it with a ryzen 3600x.
Still got a Q8200 4GB DDR2 800, GT210.
just bought an 8700. very happy with it, i don't see why i would even need to up grade for a few years time
I have a 1600 and I'm ok with it but if I were to replace it it would probably be for a 3600x.
i7 3770
I have no need to upgrade
>just bought an 8700
OH NO NO NO NO NO NO NO he doesnt know
I'm currently running a 3570k, and planning to replace it with a 3700x. Then I'll give my old system to my sis because her desktop died a few months ago.
i5 760. I might look for a replacement in the zen2 lineup but I don't want to go full retard and rebuild my whole pc.
Modern cpus should do it easily. Was researching for a minimal HTPC build a few days ago and every current low end cpu with integrated graphics should be able to decode 4k H.265.
Have i5 4690, will replace with Zen 2.
Still don't know which one honestly, I'll wait for benchmarks.
Oh, nice. Do you know if those low-end modern CPUs decode in hardware, and/or if they're capable of decoding in software?
I'd hate to get a cheap CPU only to find out that H.266 or VP10 or whatever new hotness drops frames like crazy on it.
I'm using an X5670 on an X58 board, I got it for like $40 a few years ago to replace the i7 920 that was there.
I really want to replace it with a Zen 2 - both for my regular uses and so I can bump this board down to my NAS/file server, which is running a Q6700 - but they came in much more expensive than we thought, and now everyone's going on about making the mobos more expensive and how AMD doesn't want to be seen as a "value" brand anymore (read: we want to charge the same extortionate prices as Intel Aviv)
So I don't know, I guess I get to wait for black friday and see if they cut the prices a bit
My q9550 uses almost 50% to decode high bitrate 1080p h265.
Wait for old servers to be sold on ebay. Snatch up the older Haswell Xeons that will EOL soon.
Get one of those new Intel pentiums, they'll handle all basic tasks you throw at them and a cost pennies.
Decent c2d's could do all that too still I reckon.
Ryzen 7 2700 non-x, and no. I want to hang on to it for as long as I possibly can. And that seems likely to be a pretty long time.
2700x, going for a 3950x. Will buy a cheap B350/450 board, put that bitch in and either make a homeserver or give it as a gift to brother or family member.
An i5-3470, Can't wait to replace it with a Ryzen 2600.
Man you must really love wasting money
Literally me except 4570
change the pixels him trying to put his brain into his change the pixels him trying to put his brain into his head
End of the year nvidia will launch new cards to 1-up navi
he probably salvaged the 2667 from an office refuse area or got it cheap on aliexpress
E8400 wolfdale core2duo
I see no need to upgrade
Ebay sells it for $50, its dirt cheap paired with my $50 x79.
Core i5 750
Will be replaced by Zen 2 12-core
Xeon E3-1241v3
>r5 1600
>r9 3800X
you'll be lucky in the ryzen 5 series launches next month