Why do you come here, user?

Why do you come here, user?

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To discuss various technological topics with fellow high IQ individuals such as myself.

based pajeet

i'm waiting for some glue to dry

oh sorry i though it said "why did you cam here"
i come whenever i have to wait for something to happen

To bury my crippling depression in a never-ending torrent of brand whoring which makes me feel comfy.

Because I do this for a living now, for better or for worse. I'm not changing anything about my life ever again.

>high IQ individuals
Ok, correct
>technological topics
such as?

Laptop stickers, Distro recommendations, how to get past iCloud, Linux desktops, smartphones, graphics cards, etc. etc.

I have no friends, and no other place to go.

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technology (tɛkˈnɒlədʒJ)
1. the application of practical sciences to industry or commerce
2. the methods, theory, and practices governing such application: a highly developed technology.
3. (Sociology) the total knowledge and skills available to any human society for industry, art, science, etc
[C17: from Greek tekhnologia systematic treatment, from tekhnē art, skill]
technological adj
ˌtechnoˈlogically adv
techˈnologist n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014

or simpler but longer
Technology, the application of scientific knowledge to the practical aims of human life or, as it is sometimes phrased, to the change and manipulation of the human environment.

Laptop stickers are technology

what did he mean by this?

I dropped out of uni to do programming and like it or not I have to do it. I was in a good school, good STEM program, now I'm in a shitty school with a shitty program. And I don't have enough money to do anything else after this. Bruh I'm smart enough for this plus some

Tell us what's going on man. You're among friends.

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No I'm not, you guys are assholes

To check for the latest tech news. It's a good balance of rumours and actual releases. It's always phrased as Intel/AMD/nVidia BTFO, but there's news.

your mom's face got boring.

#1 . It' faster than other forums
#2 . More anonymity & freedom compared to Facebook
#3 . Bold & unhinged discussions

no registration

Yeah, no, you're right.

The best thing to do in your situation is to just finish up your schooling, but also try to keep an eye out for a good way out of your current career path. Money can really be limiting, that's for damn sure, but saving up and making some good financial decisions for a while can go a long way and give you some more elbow room in terms of your options.

And just try to keep being happy, man, even if all you can do to be happy is to read the chuckle-worthy shitposts you see throughout the day.

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I fucking hate talking to incels who advert themselves as “high iq”. Jump off a cliff faggot

I'm smarter than you.

csg, and because /mu/ is complete garbage

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at this point, it's habit more than anything else.

wtf are you me? except not learning anything

Pretty much. There's better security, tech and programming discussion on lainchan, but it's so slow that I may as well come here to shitpost in the interim

because I feel slightly less guilty about wasting time shitposting here than other boards

>Why do you come here, user?
For the banter.

I'm not allowed to kill myself just yet so I come here and try to enjoy life in some kind of non functioning shitpost induced stupor.

It makes the day go by faster

I installed Clover which opened Jow Forums as the default board


Making people aware that the GNU system is called GNU, not "Linux".

Because I suffer from rampant procrastination syndrome. Should have finished my theses several months ago but can't do shit now.

I came here because I liked technology.
I stayed here for the rare autists who find less horrible technology once I realized that 99% of all of technologies implementations are anti-humanity shit.
This board has gotten worse as time goes on but it's faster than any of the more decent tech boards on altchans so I end up being here more.
I'm at least here until free society crumbles in the wake of our cyberpunk dystopic future or I die...