Is making a tech startup easy?

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not as easy as your mom

it's like chewing glass and staring into the abyss

Pretty easy desu. Most are useless bullshit that burnout after they blow investors money.

Looks like the summer fags showed up. Isnt it your bed time kid?

What does that even mean

"Instead, he says, they're promoting scammy multi-level marketing schemes and e-books on how to make money online by, of course, selling e-books on how to make money online."

Attached: explain-this-shit.jpg (250x250, 5K)

I'm already in bed. Just go check your mom's room.

It means it's painful and you don't know if it'll work out and it's difficult the whole time.

Wow, brainlet doesn't understand similes...
Color me surprised.
Next you'll correct my grammar for making fun of you're iq.

Learn to spell fucking brainelt


Swindling venture capitalists out of money, especially after things like Theranos, not so much

Becoming a log term financial success, even harder than the above

But so many bugmen are doing them it cant be that hard

good thing your mom's an expert on hard things

nice, actually didn't expect that one
maybe you're not a brianelt after all...

When you work for startups your boss is usually just some asshole who had enough money to launch a startup, not somebody with any experience running a business, managing employees, or even a good product idea. Really all you need is enough money to pay the salaries of a couple novice programmers for six months and a basement or something to stick them in.

easy if you have money or friends with money or you can convince retards to give you their money.

very easy to make. Any dipshit can go get a DBA or form an LLC for $200 or less.
tons of Grants exist for people starting their own business.
However, you will likely have difficulty finding and keeping clients in today's Market.

How do i get money?

>However, you will likely have difficulty finding and keeping clients in today's Market.
your mom would beg to differ

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Yes, just be in Silicon Valley, have minimal programming skills, and create something using a lot of recent buzzwords. Someone will then buy you out for a few million and you can retire.

No I literally see the tech bubble.

Personally I cannot comprehend what a zommer like this could "launch" given that mastery of any discipline takes 10s of years.

But, of course, something like node_modules sorting as a service could be a startup too

Why, yes. It is called a non STEM degree - you have to pay 100k to get one, and then, you know, fuck you.

Making one that doesn't lose its investment money is more difficult.

Not really. I started a couple of small tech businesses in 2012 and eventually shut down them (gave my resume a nice little boost tho). There are too many little things to worry about and marketing in this day and age is a pain in the ass. And as someone who doesn't like talking to people I had a hard time attracting investors and hiring people.