Not great, not terrible.
Your experience with Linux in one sentence
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It does what I need it to do, and that's it
They lied to me. It's just a kernel and not even free software.
Does what I tell it to do and doesn't get in the way.
Weird, confusing and complicated at first
but after I got used to it became quite fun
Kinda like my ex
I'd just like to interject for a moment, What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux, Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX, many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it, through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project, there really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use, Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run, the kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system, Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux, all the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.
made me hate every other OSes because they're too locked down and linux because it's shit
Intellectually satisfying: it not only made me realise how slow and locked down Windows is, but it taught me about a new world of open-sources software, gave me something fascinating to learn about and introduced me to some very intelligent and informative communities/individuals [not on Jow Forums though].
Made my shitty, weak laptop run at a reasonable speed and it's useful for fixing broken windows machines.
Can't imagine going back to Wangblows.
The synaptic package manager won't let me mark anything for removal.
I can feel the power in my hands.
Strange yet superior
unironically, essentially, LITERALLY this
Linux is my salvation from the MS_Windows botnet
Better than windows
I've seen worse
sucks a lot, yet sucks less than everything else
Better than Windows, but not enough compatibility yet.
I know you can make things run on it, but it's not the same.
Looking forward to a Linux future until literally The Matrix replaces the Internet.
>Fuck! Gotta reinstall the OS
Only sane modern OS.
less bloat than windows
There is no system but GNU and Linux is one of its kernels.
Today tens of millions of users are using an operating system that was developed so they could have freedom—but they don't know this, because they think the system is Linux and that it was developed by a student 'just for fun'.
inconvenient at best, unusable at worst
7/10 too much water
Frustrating to start then impossible to leave
Check 'em
doesn't ever work like it did before restarting
"Not Microsoft."
Stallman was right.
Fun for tinkering and ricing, bad for anything other than web browsing and media players
I was enthusiatic about being able to understand configure the OS to my liking until I was so constantly busy googling problems, reading old forum entries and wikis and trying to constantly fix broken shit or get shit to work that I got frustrated with having to turn a slight interested into a fulltime occupation just to use my fucking computer and so I eventually switched back to Windows.
Linux is great.
However its consumer-oriented areas are terribly buggy and outdated.
Love it but wouldn't recommend it to others
I'm too drunk to compile this kernel.
watched all 5 eps last night, pretty damn good series
i'm NOT calling it GNU/Linux you cocksucker, fuck you
the only read answer
based. "b-b-buh gnoo leenocks doe !!!!!" shut the fuck up nerd call it linux for simplicity you abhorrent OCD fuck
like what? for example on any distro you can just download gnome + gdm and you get everything working out of the box in a modern style. you don't have to set up anything
it just werks, but only if you make it.
nothing works but at least I look cool
For simplicity, you can call it just GNU, which is the operating systems name without a slash and installed programs added.
If you have further questions, visit
Great until you find out about BSD.
an entire FAQ page of cope lmao
Why is it so hard to install programs from virtual isos?
like for example hardware combatibility. first time I attempt to use Ubuntu I hooked it up to the beamer it spazzed out and displayed the wrong desktop which had my private email account open, then it froze so i couldnt even fix it quickly.
i have witnessed several time that people attempted to demonstrate whatever in uni with their linux laptops and there was always some technical issue. that was in humanities however, and it was usually some girl btw whose father or boyfriend set up their computer. so i am not talking about powerusers studying computer science who couldve probably easily solved these problem.
but for you average user there will always be some stupid shitty problem. i acutally think that linuxfags have some kind of warped perception since they are able to so easily fix shit they probably bare recognize it as a problem.
my friend used to work as a techie for uni and used to recommend linux to all the normalfags who came to his desk. that always drove me up the wall.
linux is alright if you know what you are doing and computers is basically your hobby but mere mortals just dont wanna deal with this autistic crap, they just wanna use their computers
2x increase in productivity
that's fair. I've only used it on my laptop and desktop but never had any hardware issues. I'm sure brand new stuff will though
Good for work.
My bug report is 10 years old, looks like I am on my own.
great os environment, but i feel like most of its software are always in testing
All operating systems are pretty much the same.
Only froze once since 1994, and that was because of a defective power supply.
I started using linux with Debian sarge.
My sound card didn't work.
Then I installed linux within windows. That feature was supported for a while and then was not supported anymore.
Then I installed it on my new laptop. The Nvidia driver prevented it from booting.
Then I installed it on an old netbook. The linux kernel in Ubuntu 16.04 didnt work with my GPU, so I had to use a dummy VGA cable everytime I booted.
Then I upgraded to Ubuntu 18.04, and hibernation got broken on every machine I have.
>you don't have to set up anything
My experience is that linux is exactly the opposite of this, but this applies to Windows perfectly.
You had classmates with Linux laptops in your humanities classes? In all of mine, it was a sea of apple marred by my shitty HP netbook running Ubuntu.
Works great on Servers.
Virtual Machine, yes, Hardware, fuck no.
why is my screen flickering?!
It looks, feels and works different. It also looks, feels and works better.
My only limit is now myself, not my computer.
The best there is, but only because everything else is worse
Does exactly what I tell it to do and doesn't do anything I don't tell it to do.
ruined my enjoyment of windows
pretty gud tbqh
Never bothered, will probably try it out in like 5 months when I stop being lazy.
computer is useful and so logical at last
>starting openrc
That's it. Period. No other direct experience, it's a kernel after all.
Enter your password
pisses me less than windows
The power of the linux command line has won me over from a life of Windows usage
autistic but functional
>Does exactly what I tell it to do and doesn't do anything I don't tell it to do.
installed gentoo
It's worked well enough for me that I've been using it full time for about 13 years.
man *
Using it was a fun learning experience to tinker and toy with but I do not need it.
Recompile the driver (again)
Faster than windows but has a bit of a learning curve; would recommend if you don't play /v/idya.
Not having to manually turn off windows update and microsoft office services every bootup is nice, I guess.
I use arch!
Hours of looking through 10 year old forum posts is the price of freedom.
YDFS Jow Forums public MUC-nigger detected
If only all drivers worked
Fantastic apps for work, but I wish upgrading graphics drivers was less volatile.
This doesn't just werk
It doesn't have excel, therefore I can't get a job with this, therefore it's literally unusable.
>but I wish upgrading graphics drivers was less volatile.
get an amd gpu
Fun and interesting
what about using your keyboard, screen and literally any hardware retard