he would love windows with wsl desu
Dennis Ritchie's desktop, July 2002
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God that's hot.
>:stuck_out_tongue: :blush: :slightly_frowning:
fug, is she his waifu?
>Ritchie, Kernighan, Moolenaar aka people that get shit done
>plain, clean interfaces, default configurations
>BSD larpers
>riced setups, tons of widgets and shit
>what is a screenshot
>he would love windows with wsl desu
Everyone would, and does. We don't actually run hobbyist systems on bare metal. That would be idiotic.
RMS doesn't actually use Xwindows most of the time. He lives in emacs in a TTY.
The only riced setup I've seen is from TTimo.
The Ubuntu users are all default stuff.
Sadly, it's missing the GOAT -- Big Donny Knuth
Don't they know it's impossible to be productive without riced tiling WM?
Ubuntu is the "I wanna be cool but fuck messing with shit all the time", basically less faggy windows/macOS
t. Ubuntu user
Curious pic, but bad dithering.
>"emoji" filename
haha, the guy used ascii smileys before the hipster nufags
It's beautiful
>We don't actually run hobbyist systems on bare metal.
Buy an Ubuntu support contract.
I still can't actually wrap my head around all these people bothering with FVWM. It's a pain in the ass to configure.
kek you saw this on HN
>I wanna be cool but fuck messing with shit all the time
more like
>It just werks
Thats just drawterm, he mounted his plan9 on windowes
People copy a config and mod it
I'm satisfied with wmaker though.
>Kenneth Thompson the Unix Chad
>Dennis Richie the beta wintard
>i run unix.se a swedish site dedicated to all things Linux
>buh buh Linuk nut unix ;^O
*BSD tards btfo
Even though I don't like Windows (or at least everything past 7), the office theme of Classic Windows plus Unix terminal/workstation software makes for a kino combo tbqh.