MX Linux is still being clickbotted to the top of distrowatch where even newbies on Jow Forums and Reddit are...

MX Linux is still being clickbotted to the top of distrowatch where even newbies on Jow Forums and Reddit are installing and shilling MX now. It has me wondering, what involves a script like this and how it avoids fingerprinting? Let's say I wanted to clickbot some other meme distro to the top. Where does someone get a proxy list big enough and how would someone load the page with a different browser fingerprint each time so it doesn't get easily blacklisted? I know that a unique custom useragent could be sent each time but that makes it obvious it's being botted. How would you go about doing it?

Attached: D1GjDRxXgAEh2G4.png (584x486, 50K)

Should I try MX Linux? Pls advice.

MX is just that based.
Yes. One of the best desktop Loonix distros right now.

yeah its pretty good. try it out.

Aparently the appeal is a new app that makes it easy to install drivers / configure drivers

If it were the top distro for a couple weeks, I would think nothing of it. However, now I suspect it's being used as frontend for a literal botnet. It can't be a mere coincidence it has been the top for this long while having practically no userbase. I suspect one of the maintainers has a trojan for a backdoor in one of their packages and has been botting distrowatch so more people would install it.

r/Linux 370,000
r/Ubuntu 108,000
r/LinuxMint 23,957
r/Fedora 18,925
r/ManjaroLinux 11,087
r/openSUSE 7,359
r/SolusProject 5,965
r/NixOS 3,051
r/voidlinux 1,802
r/MXLinux 478

it's a botnet. probably some crypto guy figured out how easy it was to game distrowatch and that nobody had done so yet.

Fuck this niggerlicious shit distro. Let's use the combined powers of Jow Forums to get Gentoo to #1

gentoo fucking sucks bruv at least shill for void

Here's a wild thought: What if MX Linux is acually quite popular because it's liked and based?

Attached: universe.jpg (625x350, 89K)



hmm... nah

Gentoo is awesome and it's the official distro of Jow Forums

What if it's simply getting a lot of hits on distrowatch because it's new and people want to find out what it's all about? And then people on Jow Forums create threads about it being a botnet which makes people go to distrowatch and check it out

Gentoo is the distro of the Jow Forumsentoomen

Been there, done that. Pretty shitty, ugly and weird distro
You have at least tree different programs to do every single thing
It doesn't have anything to differentiate itself from other debian forks
It's based out of Greece of all the fucking places

Even Mint has a legitimate user base even though the majority are GNU/Linux illiterate
The botnet theory seems quite plausible

I haven't used much distro saved for ubuntu and arch. Tried this out yesterday and after seeing so many different repositories crap I just give up. Pacman is miles better.
It doesn't use systemd though, so there's that I suppose.

The way MXLinux climbed to the top very quickly when it took years for Manjaro and Mint to go there is suspicious as fuck. I wouldn't be surprised if in the future is revealed that MXLinux contained malware.

distrowatch rankings are just hits. if you just make your users load the distrowatch page once in a while without anybody noticing that's all it would take to keep it at the top forever. you could make a user load distrowatch whenever they update packages and that'd do it.

I hopped on it for a week from Xubuntu, then quickly learned my lesson and installed Debian. The spirit of MX is much like that of tricked out smartphone ROMs on XDA forums.

prove it, then. examine the network traffic and see if you detect something suspicious

It came from Mepis, which has been around since 2003. It's not suspicious, you just don't understand its background.

>It's based out of Greece of all the fucking places

Means nothing.

>ReactOS above Arch

Mah niggas!
I knew you all would come around eventually.

lol no
people don't talk about mx linux so i see no reason for it to be so popular. mint, ubuntu,debian and manjaro to a lesser extent i can understand.

stopped reading there

OP is just pissed that Fagjaro got pushed down.

>ugly and weird distro
It's XFCE after all. But overall it's a pretty good distro. It's stable and just works.
It's basically Debian stable with some tools and repos that makes the life easier.
This and
MX is a good distro and people are discovering it. And I say this as a person not using MX.
Also, Dedoimedo reviewed it and praised it a lot in the last releases. And he's a source that newbies often look at for review on distros.