How do people from different countries end up here

how do people from different countries end up here

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I'm curious to know does the color of the sky means anything special to you?
It does to me hell of a lot

how did you end up here

say is that a proxy

They don't.
I just like to proxy a lot and pretend to be half of the Europe.

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i think i heard of Jow Forums from chanology

it is a mystery

They see us big strong Americans do it and follow our lead.

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are there any major Chinese Imageboards ?

Yes and no, we do have one anonymous imageboard called 'A岛’ but its traffic is rather slow comparing to Jow Forums.

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do they have an equivalent to Jow Forums?
I'd love to shitpost there to tarnish the reputation of westerns

Is anime allowed in China?

I tell you what
They even have their own anime

I am sorry but they don't have it buddy.

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Name one, please, i'd like to try.

Found couple:
- The Legend of Condor Hero
- Storm Rider Clash of the Evils
Unclear yet if they have waifus.

There is one phenomenal animated movie called 'Big Fish & Begonia' which is released in 2017. Maybe you can check it out.

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because Jow Forums use to have good threads. then the fags leaked into here

Seems comfier

this. an*mu faggots should go back to /a/.

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There is a whole board dedicated just to fallout 4?
is it really that fucking popular over there?