Does Manjaro just werk like Ubuntu and Mint or what's the appeal of it?

Does Manjaro just werk like Ubuntu and Mint or what's the appeal of it?
What are the best just werk distros?
Which distro is best for which purpose, and why?

Attached: Manjaro_logo_text.png (554x128, 7K)

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Wingblows 10 just werk

idk user anymore, ive installed pretty much every distro DE and WM mentioned on here and i honestly can"t tell what's good and what's bad anymore. I'm in an endless loop of being memed by Jow Forums
The reason i installed manjaro back when i did i think it was i didnt like canonical annd also wanted rolling release or someshit.
Anyway, i ended up leaving it for arch a week later.
Just install whatever dude


>tried installing manjaro
>entire screen freezes partway through, never had this issue on any other distro
>try again, installer randomly fails at the partition stage despite clicking auto
>repeat 4 times
>after manually partitioning it installs, boot into it
>fails to start lightdm whether using nouveau, Nvidia or my integrated card

Fuck manjaro. I went ahead and installed neon after without issue.

I run 3 Manjaro machines. It does indeed just works.

Here is my experience with just werk distros.
Ubuntu and Mint just werk. Stable, huge community made for everyday users so it was supposed to just work.
KDE Neon just werks if you don't EVER FUCKIN TOUCH IT and use it the way you received it. In these conditions it is the same as Ubuntu/Mint but with KDE.
Debian just werks but idk why for me it started fuckin up as soon as I started to change it and make it werk the way I want to. Kinda like KDE Neon. You can touch more stuff than in KDE Neon but it has some stuff that require post-install configuring.

Second tier from my experience is SuSE. It does work and it is stable but comes with an overwhelming amount of stuff that require post-install setup, configurations and so on. It is meant to be simple to use but it is not if you just want to be an everyday user and not give a fuck about sideshit. Otherwise very stable (kinda bloated too). If you are an experienced user and don't mind settings most of these things up, it's certainly a jest werks distro. I'd rate it Stable/Doesn't_just_werk based on my experience.

Arch and Gentoo shouldn't be taken in account because they do werk but not "just werks" they require effort to make them work. So not "just_werks".

Then comes Manjaro. It is rolling release based on Arch thus is it much more updated and bleeding edge than any of the first mentions. But for fucks sake this shit just werks. No issues, ever. Stable as fuck, fast as fuck, has a lot of stuff to make your life easier and a lot of stuff to make your post-install configurations quick and effortless. In some regards even easier than Ubuntu. I actually started giving everyone who wants to migrate to linux the advice to consider Manjaro as one of their first choices.
I rate it JustWorks/JustWorks

alright, thanks
what's even the point of KDE NEON if there's Kubuntu?
also, is Manjaro retard proof like Ubuntu and Mint as in that you could theoretically use it without having to open a terminal?
and are there any incompatibility issues with common programs due to it not being based on Debian?

AUR has pretty much every common program you'd ever need except spotify which you can install with snapd
you just need to enable AUR in octopi by downloading pacaur/yaourt/trizen

The i3 version of manjaro gave me issues alot of them but since i switched to the kde build i havent had a single issue everything worked right out of the box on my t440p

What DE are you running user?

yo, listen closely OP, before its too late:

despite what linuxfags will say, there not a single - i repeat - not a single fucking linux distro that 'just werks'. none whatsoever. theyll all give you shit, some just a little less then others. if you are prepared for this then knock yourself out but otherwise just stay with windows. thats as close too 'just werks' as you are going to get.

manjaro is no longer a bleeding edge rolling release, they take time to make sure it wont break your system when you update. its way better because of this. and unlike mint it does not get stuck with outdate packages. plus it has aur

so its an straight up upgrade from mint or ubuntu

Unironically, Arch. Once installed, it just werks.

manjaro is arch for adults who don't have time to fix their constantly breaking OS all day.

Which distro plays blu-ray discs?

Attached: 1552908693032.png (1874x973, 904K)

two Xfce and one KDE. I prefer KDE but it's too heavy for the other machines.

How do you get Manjaro to read graphics cards?

install pop_os

What are you talking about? ofc Spotify is in the AUR.
Never use snapd, it's slow garbage that should be removed if you accidentally got it installed.

It's ironic that right now it's one of the few available OSes which literally doesn't work properly.

>intall manjaro 17.0.x kde
>don't touch manjaro is on 18.x.x
>cannot update anything, broken as fuck

fuck manjaro