/hpg/ - Headphone General

Forever a Stax Incel Edition

How to ask for recommendations:
>Type of headphone
>Open or closed
>Comfort level
>Sound signature
>Past headphones

For sub-$50 headphones and IEMs, check out the infographic in Jow Forums wiki headphone FAQ: wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php?title=Headphones

Previous thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:

dropbox.com/s/61srehjyaltd7w0/Stax SR-009S.pdf?dl=0
dropbox.com/s/dm0m6u3s3b4zqzl/Sennheiser HD600.pdf?dl=0

buy stax

sub 50 usd (Brazil)
I don't like IEM, need something comfy
>Open or closed
I prefer closed, would like to use in gym, or to run in public (must be tight to the head, otherwise could fall off)
>Sound signature
Don't care that much
>Past headphones
Don't care that much

>dat Jew nose on the second guy

Oi Vey buy stax

First for END GAME

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Let's do a little bit of detective work.
3 replies and 3 IPs, which means someone already posted twice.
The nostax incel and the "buy stax" guy are not the same person and neither of them is a newbie asking for sub 50 usd headphones.
Which leaves us with only one obvious conclusion.
Both these posts are mad by the same specimen.
The seething nostax incel is samefagging like a tard.
Case closed.

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>making a post this reddit

Fuck nostaxers and fuck you.

ouch, same IP
mad as always I see
stop shitposting and go suck some cock to afford stax

Attached: brainlettttt.jpg (800x450, 44K)

Good idea. We should all buy Stax.


How much sound do AKG K240 MKII leak out?

buy stax

Sell it and buy Stax.

under 250
>Type of headphone
over ear
>Open or closed
>Comfort level
not important
>Sound signature
flat or balanced
>Past headphones
currently using superlux hd 681

hd58x and a cheap dac/amp combo

these cans have excellent bass

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So user, what are you listening with this afternoon?

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thanks ill check them out, i already have sound card do i also need amp/dac

got Bose qc35, want to use them on discord etc but due to limitations on the codec it has to go from headphone to headset mode, which makes both the mic and sound quality shit.

what's a good cable I can get or something like a mod mic to fix this problem? eg use bluetooth for sound and aux cable for mic or other way round?

or should just get a separate mic

what sound card?

Daily reminder that pic related is the ultimate setup for critical listening, anything else is just placebo or plain wrong.
Staxhoes mad-

Attached: endgame.png (530x1016, 385K)

Elex da best

Why are DT1990 so praised when they have almost the same frequency response as DT990, which sound like shit?

Headphones have more to them than graphs tho. Even tho I hate subjectivists as much as the next guy.

Just get separate microphone, a decent mid-range hyper-cardioid condenser will do you absolutely fine for desk work and everyone will go "Holy shit your mic sounds so good".
Assuming you're not too much of a potato to set it up correctly.

What headphones will get me a girl like this?

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For what purpose?

Getting audio technica ad700x for $90, what i am up for?
No Amp/Dac ... yet.

Beats by Dre

What dac-amp should i buy? i need it for my ATH-es 10

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imagine not owning stax

good post

I had it with es10, micca got broke

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It would be like not being an incel.

Attached: Stax Incel Listening.png (471x579, 146K)

i want to know as well

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buy stax

Is your headphone capable playing this track with correct bass impact ?


If it doesn't shake at least a little bit your head, you're in the wrong.

>videogame music

why are low iqs so obsessed with bass

it has to do with primacy and undeveloped frontal cortex

pls respond


Planarcel detected. You are way worse than Staxcels. Learn to track them.

can i ask here about speakers?

excuse me, what did you just fucking say?

>TFW you forget to measure and adjust for Vojtko crossover

nice, a bunch of random noises from a shitty gayme

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Sure, here you go.

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planars are the niggerbass favorite

oh really?
if you don't want to help, don't reply to me.
thanks. scrub

don't fucking @ me ever again

What headphones have the best bass? Im looking for top of the line closed back with massive whomp whomps

buy stax

You make me genuinely depressed.

Its like, with your eyes you can choose to look at good things or you can choose to look at dogshit.

Your ears are no different, they are a highly advanced sense, drop your bass obsession and start learning.

can't give proper answer, kys

Attached: stax.png (300x250, 62K)

what a cuck

I'm sorry, I can't quite make out what you're trying to say over the violent shaking of your lowered car and the constant lack of trigger discipline your friends are showing.
Could you try again?

I heard stax was shit jap technology owned by china, just like how ibm thinkpads were once great but now chinkshit

I primarily listen to EDM and travel a lot for work, so closed backs are a must to block out plane sounds. Womp womp reproduction is a must for edm music, what’s ur problem? Everyone has diff tastes


Get out of here nigger.

Jfc, this is why i dont come in recommendation threads like this. I cant be the only person who listens to techno and wants good noise isolation and bass reproduction

>I heard stax was shit jap technology owned by china, just like how ibm thinkpads were once great but now chinkshit
why do people who know so little act so sure of themselves?

Because ive lurked in threads like this and read the antistax copypasta

you mean the meme pasta that one autist spams and samefags to himself that's filled with complete nonsense that has been debunked dozens of times?

>shit stack
>over ear
>doesn't matter
>decent to max comfy
i listen to a lot of "heavy" electronic music if that helps with recs


>i listen to a lot of "heavy" electronic music

>This triggers the Stax shill

Redpill on STAX for newbies: STAX is an old Jap company with outdated tech that was considered high end back in the 1960s and 1970s but sounds like ass by today's standards, so they went nearly bankrupt.

They were purchased by a Chinese company for just a million dollars who decided to market STAX to the audiophool "more expensive is better" demographic who buys those crappy $3000 vinyl players, they shill heavily on HeadFi and here on /hpg/. They also leveraged STAX's prior Japanese identity to market it to weebs, using Youtubers like Zeos.

>In December 2011, Chinese loudspeaker manufacturer Edifier announced the acquisition of 100% equity in Stax

Oratory has measured the highest end STAX, the SR-009S.

dropbox.com/s/61srehjyaltd7w0/Stax SR-009S.pdf?dl=0

dropbox.com/s/dm0m6u3s3b4zqzl/Sennheiser HD600.pdf?dl=0

It's worse than the HD600. HD600 scored 92 and SR-009S scored 76.

Recently Rtings rated STAX across various dimension, it's worse in terms of sound than mid-priced offerings from Hifiman and Audeze, and only got a 7.7 rating.


In a separate study:

>The very highest end STAX ($4000 SR-009) was rated lower in blind tests than a $200 K701


Download the PDF of the study at: mega.nz/#F!3MFm1DrD!4GlU_vNtEeF148kZcQ05wA

To add insult to overpriced injury, they have shitty plastic build quality that you would expect on cheap chinkshit headphones:


Oratory (respected sound engineer) on the build:


Even best Stax headphones sound objectively worse than mid-fi. This is why they don't demo them in store, they rely on the internet to create a sense of mystique around STAX and shill it as the endgame because its expensive, Asian, rare and obscure. In reality its no bass sounding garbage, Made in China snakeoil for the audiophool.

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Fostex Th-XX Eboby

>Anal Beethoven

>tfw I dress EXACTLY like pic related
on a scale of 1 to 10, how much does this explain my virginity
for reference i look like Nathan Kress

Attached: IMG_20190526_135553.jpg (612x351, 33K)

which guy do you dress like? the guy on the left is a cuck but the guy on the right is doing pretty well. button up shirt with a suit jacket or light sweater is as good as any man can be expected to do.

Xtas makes really good budget gear.

Buy Stax

good post

kys chink

given that /hpg/ hates bass and all the people who come here asking for bass heavy headphones, how high iq would it be to EQ bass and subbass to 0

Absolutely minimum possible IQ achievable.
The music was mastered with the bass.

extremely high IQ

True OP here

Attached: headphone tiers.png (1536x3123, 1.39M)


absolute garbage tier list

Where are my footfags at and what are you listening to?

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>tfw have a pair in each tier

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The best part of this pasta, to me, is this image

Read both sides, then read the last sentences of both sides again. Understand what this is saying.

For me, it's whatever the fuck I want

Have Stax

Imagine being gen z and paying $100s to $1000s for a literal chink trash like Stax.

Attached: bm2.jpg (1440x1080, 1.54M)

gen z is buying airpods and bluetooth beats lol

This is someone who spent his life savings on snappheisers that heard GLORIOUS STAX right after his return window expired


>calling someone poor while supporting chinkshit
Can always expect excellent mental gymnastics from you guys.

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How to avoid your headphones fucking up your hair like pic related?

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git bald

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Use IEMs.
Otherwise, this:

Convince me that my SHP9500s and LG G7 Thinq are not the ultimate mid budget music machine

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I can't. Now time to save up for stax.
