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first in sue me thred


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such a lust for revenge

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how is it going

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less sick now...also trying to stick to 1000kcal a daywhatever amount of kcals I exercised and my parents are getting me a new pc( they said I'm old enough and it will be their last expensive gift but yay anyway)
How has the nogging been jogging suebi?

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hello gay karenposter

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idk i've just woken up

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What time is it?


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You know who

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this picture makes me feel uncomfortable

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i don't know of any gay karenposters

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You're gonna have to wake up earlier for your job that is soon to be!

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You are not supposed to mix evolution of Pepe with evolutions of Pedobear, that just doesn't feel right in brain.

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that just doesn't feel right in brain

Gay is okay
hmm okay

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gay is pretty okayish i guess

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animal crossing looks like a comfy game... might try it...

Something have to be done

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its a 9-15 job
what are you going to do

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chu chu


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It's good to know senpai is having a good day. I shall indulge myself one last time before Christmas.

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how is it going?
did you start working out as i recommended you?

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After I finish my paper I may consider do some cardio like running 3km every other day.

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a real man runs 10km everyday, since im a girl i just run 5km twice a week

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pretty good, I guess. How about you?

same as yesterday, im stucked in a loop where i always do the same things and feel the same way

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Haven't been running for about 3 months now. I think it's better for me to build it up step by step. Also how much time does it take for senpai to run 5km?

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30 minutes at 9.1 speed

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That's a decent time for a girl of course. May one day I become a successful neet like senpai.

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i'm everything but successful and if you are mentally fragile like me you mustnt try the neet life, a complete no no

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But senpai is actually doing pretty well in the field of being neet. You know like senpai go to church regularly, have a nice relationship with families, and excercise a lot.

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same here, but I wnet to an anime convention yesterday, and i'm still feeling the euophoria from yesterday.

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The bad Subi's! Delete this now!

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how was it? euphoria?
yeah well, you're also depressed all the time and you cant stop thinking

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It was probably the most happy i've been in a year or so now.
I got to talk and take pictures with a bunch of cosplayers, and bought a shitload of manga and light novels for a really cheap price.

what filter is that

A saved picture, wish I knew. I would love to make edits, but the software is something I don't have.....

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Every autist do the same. You just need to learn how to cope with those feelings.

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was it the first time you went to one? i only remember fondly the first one i went to in 2014. i usually dont take pics since i rarely see a cosplayer doing a good job.
light novels sell like garbage here so they stopped bothering selling them
most mangas i found i could easily buy them in my local library for the exact same price
why do you call me autist kohai

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Yeah, it was the first time. It doesn't matter to me if the cosplay is "bad". Most people I saw were doing more low bdget cosplays, and they still looked amazing to me.
LNs and mangas there were sold for an extremely cheap price, to give an example: I bought all of the 4 novels of the sword oratoria series for just 15 euros. I also bought all of the Appleseed manga and appleseed XIII for just 10 euros.
The nearest library where I could buy them is about a 2 hour car drive away.

I just related to the "feeling depressed all the time" part, and thought senpai was one of us. Sorry if I was wrong. Going to make myself some tea and do some reading now. Have a nice evening senpai.

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well, autism would explain why im so emotionally detached from everything. see you tomorrow!
i dont want my room to look like an otaku bedroom so i got rid off most of the stuff i bought previous years. i still keep a miku plushie and some nendos tho

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People other than my parents don't visit my room at all, so it's ok for me to keep this stuff since I like it.

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i just did it because i realized thats what a chad would do

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im really fucking bored

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learn how to music

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thats going to take me years

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do it faggit
you learn and improve and it's fun and stuff

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what do you play

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pretty much just guitarr
but it's debatable whether i'm any good or not

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i would like to learn how to play the piano. guitars are for hippies and liberals

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you can get keyboards for pretty cheap
there's plenty of tutorials and resources online to help you learn

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yeah i know im waiting for january to see how much salary im going to earn. i dont want it to cost more than 400-500€. i already have a normal piano at home but its loud as fuck and i dont want anybody to hear me practicing

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what kind of guitar would you reccommend for a beginner?
i was thinking getting an electro-acoustic maybe

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i think mine is worth about £40
it's not great desu

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jar id

G5 id

what, thats absurdibly cheap, would you telling me the model name?

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i'm probably not the best person to ask
it depends on the type of music you want to play i guess

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i might be slightly retarded the cheapest i can find it is £65
its a yamaha e323. i would not recommend it. it's huge and has these two massive speakers on it

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as long as it lets me use headphones it'll be fine. my house is kinda tiny so i'll struggle to find space enough

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there are better ones for a similar price
it's pretty old

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