Can we develop techniques to become real life mentats?

Things that I tried:

1. Training to see more of the field of vision at once.

2. Trying to solve block puzzles in my mind instead the screen.

3. Training to see better in the dark

4. Learning to listen to all instruments/layers of music at once.

5. Learning to walk without making a sound.

6. Listening to audiobooks/TTS at ridiculously fast rates.

7. Listening to TTS/audiobooks at ridiculously slow rates.

8. Memorizing several pages of a book verbatim (you can try to guess guess which one)

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I recite this just before I cum:

Sector six-eighty, copy the sixth the sum of the eighth quadrant of the ninth plus eight-four circles weave the eighth quarter the fourth, copy!

>you can try to guess guess which one
Mein Kampf?

You're only training those specific skills. It won't have much effect on a general level.

Look into mindfulness. It has some actual tangible benefits, although that won't make you a "mentat" either.

Before trying shit like this always look at the scientific literature first to make sure your not completely wasting your time.

>You're only training those specific skills. It won't have much effect on a general level.

On the contrary, it seems it does, possibly because they train up some general cognitive process that affects a lot of other things.

>Look into mindfulness. It has some actual tangible benefits, although that won't make you a "mentat" either.

It kind of expands on the idea of mindfullness, actually.

>Before trying shit like this always look at the scientific literature first to make sure your not completely wasting your time.

The paths are paved by those who didn't and did something everybody else knew was impossible.

>The paths are paved by those who didn't and did something everybody else knew was impossible.
So you're admitting you're just a labrat in an experiment more likely than not to fail.

You could be studying math instead of this shit.

ITT: Zoomer snake oil bullshit

based and redpilled.

That is the path I've chosen.
The book was first published in the 60's

And you failed at all of them miserably.


Nobody born before 2003 has ever read Dune

fucking what

>1. Training to see more of the field of vision at once.
You use Schultz tables?

1 and 3 are bound by the physiology of the eye. You can't train your eye to have higher photoreceptor density off-center.
2 and 4 are trainable, examples are people solving rubik's cubes blindfolded, or contrapunctal improvisation

1 is actually somewhat trainable, through mentioned Schultz tables. It of course doesn't improve sharpness off-center but it makes your brain pay more attention to what's happening off-center

>Schultz tables
Never heard of that. The point is to perceive more at once, the tables don't require that, you could still cicle your attention around the table. I may try that too, though.
See above. The point of 1 is to perceive more at once, the point of 3 is to better filter signal from noise.

>Never heard of that. The point is to perceive more at once, the tables don't require that, you could still cicle your attention around the table
Yes but the whole point and method of training using the tables is to read around your field of view without moving the eyeball.

the fuck is this reddit shit

Yes, I mean you could still mentally "scan" the image, instead of seeing it all at once.

The thing is you normally can't even "scan" much, but the area you can scan improves with training overtime which means improving your brain's ability to process what's around the center focus area.

You gotta make that Juice of Sapho my nigga.

Attached: Thirst_for_Knowledge.jpg (300x242, 45K)

Protip: you don't perceive more in your field of vision than what you'd fit on your thumb with your hand stretched in front of you.

Read some cognitive psychology.

Obviously false.

Actually, yes. I was thinking of attention. Not perception.

Would you rather have the abilites of a mentat, Beni-Jezerit, or face dancer?
I would like to be a pro Beni-Jezerit so I can control my aging process, reading people, and having knowledge of my ancestors

Lol such lazy bait, apply yourself

Face dancer so I could commit rape

Based. Currently reading God Emperor. Why did all the centipedes call Trump their God Emperor? Are they aware how disgusting the actual God Emperor was? Giant sandtrout man.

The god emperor they are referring to is Warhammer 40k

Oh, I don't know anything about Warhammer

smoke weed, dude


If used as a tool rather than recreation alone, I think it can be a great aid in personal improvement.

I code and make assets high

Same. Programming, meditation, and recreation are the areas I find benefit in. My weed meditation sessions feel like an exhausting chore before I even commit to the act but they have been valuable in helping me understand and overcome some of my personal quandaries in a way that feels like it would have taken multiple lifetimes to consider otherwise.