Anyone remember the blue butthole wallpaper from Windows XP? Microsoft made some pretty R-rated shit back then.
Anyone remember the blue butthole wallpaper from Windows XP? Microsoft made some pretty R-rated shit back then
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such a good and rememorable thread, thanks for the nostalgia!
I had xp on maybe 2-3 computers, but I only ever remember the Bliss wallpaper
Thank you, OP.
I completely forgot about that wallpaper I used back then before switching to the redpilled solid black background + grey theme
what about this piece of fine ass? I mean jazz
D'ya like jazz?
>solid black
>not w95 turquoise green
what kind of an animal are you
>not 2k blue
also another consideration. very cool, user. but that's nothing..
Why are these 1920x1080, when they could just as well be 1x1?
>not using the pattern background you drew yourself
just examples, obviously you'd use your systems' colour background option, not actually set a picture
Seek help for your mental illness, schizo.
>dr who/10
i think the last time i did that was on my 1994 thinkpad with a 640x480 display
ME? never used that wew.. thats why i didnt recognize that one
I have some feelings you people wouldn't believe
we will never have this level of comfort again
Drag icons to the start button to add them to the start menu? We need to bring that back. Now you can manually add things by adding them to the right folder. But then half the time, Windows 10 quietly removes them for you on the next update.
I prefer win2k but yeah, dumb microsoft removing classic theme is really a retard decision
the 'stretch' option would reduce desktop draw performance
This was bliss before there was bliss
I remember my wallpaper being the alternate default for Windows XP, think this but green instead of blue.
yea, i never actually used home edition
i only had prebuilts before xp came out, and afterwards i just pirated professional vl
but plenty of people i knew ran home, so i know about the greenblue theme thing between them