i thought Jow Forums is a shitpost free board?
I thought Jow Forums is a shitpost free board?
Other urls found in this thread:
Add this to your Jow Forums-x filter:
/:*:/i; boardes:*; stub:no;
False flag organized by mods to justify banning all mobile apps. This is a good thing because fuck phoneposters
based, crucify dickcheese and rise up against the emojifags
Fuck YOU
based mods
fuck normalfags & zoomies
>deletes the legit kuroba thread
>keeps the spam
>implying they would need a reason better than fucking emojis
This board is basically /b/ outside the generals tbqh
Based. Fuck dickcheese and fuck phoneniggers.
Stay mad kurobafag.
you got it backwards, Jow Forums is a qualitypost free board
>false flag actually got mod attention on Emojis
Press T to thank the spammer
It'll be worse in 3 days.
I honestly think emojis would make this site better as long as emoji spam is controlled, but I know they will probably do a complete ban :sob:
what's happening in 3 days?
honeslty we need to do something about the chinese diaspora
Some fag will triple his spamming
>I honestly think emojis would make this site better
big bait
The fire rises according to :cheese: .
can't wait
what's the time exactly?
He's so called gonna spam the board. He's full of shit, and has yet to provide proof of being capable though.
No bait :wink:
Some retard said that he'll spam the board if mods don't ban emojis. People asked for proof and he did this
the terrorists won
Literally nothing.
Again, what can go wrong in posting proof that you are capable of what you say?
Yeah but in 5 minutes I won'be mad and you'll still be retarded
This filters the phonefag cancer? Thanks.
only the ones using the emjoi
You literally copied this comeback word from word from that old /v/ thread.
How would they ban it? Make posting old school BBcode against the rules? :wink:
Holy shit, thanks, my nigger
That's exactly what they'll do retard. The kuroba emoji formatting doesn't do anything on this site so why would they have a problem with filtering it?
Don't use this, it filters any ':'. This guy is mentally retarded.
Name one good post that had : in it that was worth reading.
yours, I enjoyed it a lot.