Date of birth(day, month, year)
what boards you frequent
Where you live(city,state)
A list of crimes you never got convicted for
Prove you're not a schizo
Prefer not to say / don't want to feed the marketers
Just here really
Boston, MA but I also want to note that your question is racist against people who live in a country not divided up into states
No crimes
>Date of birth(day, month, year)
>what boards you frequent
Jow Forums, Jow Forums & Jow Forums
>Where you live(city,state)
Sweden, EUSSR
>A list of crimes you never got convicted for
Piracy & probably hate speech
Help, I missed the n. I have never been convicted of any crime.
nie try fbi
Jow Forums /e/ /d/ /i/ /t/
Kakeyufii, Atlantis
Piracy and illegal software duplication/redistribution
While were at it also post social security numbers and bank accounts
I want to get out of this godforsaken city, I can't breathe without spending money.
>A list of crimes you never got convicted for
Wait a sec
The CIA don't even try anymore, holy shit. Have you guys ran out of funding or something?
Piracy, illegal software duplication/redistribution,Computer hacking, and underage possession, and possession illegal narcotics
>Prove you're not a schizo
hehehe... No
(for privacy reasons)
/d/ /a/ /b/
fuck off nsa, don't you have some americans to spy on?
01, 01, 01
[a / b / c / d / e / f / g / gif / h / hr / k / m / o / p / r / s / t / u / v / vg / vr / w / wg] [i / ic] [r9k / s4s / vip / qa] [cm / hm / lgbt / y] [3 / aco / adv / an / asp / bant / biz / cgl / ck / co / diy / fa / fit / gd / hc / his / int / jp / lit / mlp / mu / n / news / out / po / pol / qst / sci / soc / sp / tg / toy / trv / tv / vp / wsg / wsr / x]
[#city, #state]
i never stabbed OP in the back of the head with a phillips head screwdriver, no matter how badly he deserved it
>Date of birth(day, month, year)
20 April 1889...
Why do you even need it, CIA nigger?
>what boards you frequent
Jow Forums, /a/, /y/
>Where you live(city,state)
Braunau am Inn, Austria
>A list of crimes you never got convicted for
Burning jews.
Fuck off with your information collecting ass. This has nothing to do with tech.
Either trying to data mine dumb niggers or trying to get a good laugh.
I got a few funny xd's for you:
>Date of birth(day, month, year)
>what boards you frequent
Jow Forums, /el/
>Where you live(city,state)
Doesn't matter. If you are reading this I'm already dead
>A list of crimes you never got convicted for
hacking a pacemaker and using it to take down firewalls
>Date of birth(day, month, year)
20 April 1889
>what boards you frequent
Jow Forums and /a/
>Where you live(city,state)
Braunau am Inn
>A list of crimes you never got convicted for
Conspiracy to Seize Power, Waging a War of Aggression, Commission of War Crimes, Crimes against Humanity
Plagiarism because I copy pasted ^ form a quora answer
>Date of birth(day, month, year)
>what boards you frequent
/trash/ and /aco/
>Where you live(city,state)
Los Angeles
>A list of crimes you never got convicted for
bestiality, high impact sexual violence
Jow Forums, /fa/, /po/, /3d/
Memphis, Tennessee
Gangbung with the Ridgecrest Reptiles intermittently for a period of 36 months
november 25 2000
Jow Forums, and if it exists, sometimes i try to visit qa, bant, int and such boards, but i just get sick of it and leave within 45 seconds
springfield, missouri
piracy, and when i was a little kid, petty shoplifting
Nice try, NSA
>Date of birth(day, month, year)
fuck off shill
>what boards you frequent
fuck off shill
>Where you live(city,state)
fuck off shill
>A list of crimes you never got convicted for
consensual sodomy, arson, public affray, multiple possession with intent, DWI, DUI, and movie pirating
1: Lol no
2: g, mu, vg
3: Norway
4: Piracy, social engineering with intent of monetary theft (revenge motivated), hate speech
Calgary, Alberta
Jow Forums Jow Forums Jow Forums /a/
Nazareth Israel
Speaking out against Jewish blasphemy
Disrupting order in the Roman lands
Illegal possession of pirated shotacon
>Date of birth(day, month, year)
15, December, 1969
>what boards you frequent
None of them, my OS doesn't support networking
>Where you live(city,state)
On the run from CIA niggers
>A list of crimes you never got convicted for
I ran over a CIA nigger with my car
I make daily offerings to God which is illegal according to the Linux and CIA atheists
Oh and visiting the united states without a visa