/pcbg/ - PC Building General

ATTENTION: Ryzen 3000 series CPUs with PCIe 4.0 will released on 7/7/2019. High performance Navi graphics cards will be released later in July. More Navi today.

>Assemble a part list
>Example gaming builds and monitor suggestions; click on blue titles to see notes
>How to assemble a PC

Want help?
>State budget & CURRENCY
>Post at least some attempt at a parts list
>List your uses, e.g. Gaming, Video Editing, VM Work
>For monitors, include purpose (e.g., photoediting, gaming) and graphics card pairing (if applicable)

CPUs based on current pricing:
>Athlon 200GE - HTPC, web browsing, bare minimum gaming (can be OC'd on most mobos with the right BIOS)
>R3 2200G - Recommended minimum gaming
>R5 2600/X - Great gaming or multithreaded use CPUs
>i7 8700 or 9700K - Extreme solution for absolute max FPS
>R7 2700/X - VM Work / Streaming / Video editing

>Always choose at least a two stick kit; 2x 8GB is recommended
>CPUs benefit from high speed RAM; 3200CL16 is ideal
>AMD B and X chipsets and Intel Z chipsets support XMP

Graphics cards based on current pricing:
>Used cards can be had for a steal; inquire about warranty
>RX 570 8GB - good performance with great value
>GTX 1660 - standard
>RTX 2060 - high framerates (requires complementary CPU and monitor)
>RTX 2060 - standard
>RTX 2080 - high framerates (requires complementary CPU and monitor)
2160p (4K)
>RTX 2080 - standard
>RTX 2080Ti - better fit for 4K but expensive

>Don't bother buying a new monitor for gaming unless it's 144Hz with adaptive sync
>A 256GB or larger SSD is almost mandatory; consider m.2 form factor
>Bottleneck checkers are worthless


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Other urls found in this thread:


Is this a good build for a general purpose PC?

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>More Navi today.
follow the shoah live now

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If I undervolt my 580 with wattman on windows, will the same settings apply if I reboot to Linux?

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Is there an easy way to undervolt on Linux then?

Couldn't say, I don't use Linux. All I know is undervolting is considered an OC and that'll be attached to the driver, not to your hardware or bios.

16GB ram are overkill for a 2200G. Otherwise you are fine, even though I would buy a different Mainboard.

Im in the market to make a new gaming pc as i just got a fat signing bonus for joining accenture - what monitor would best pair with an RTX Titan?


Why does the left one have a dent?


what do you guys think? pic unrelated

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Fuck off nigger

third world tier, get a warm meal instead

Apple XDR Display

>64 ROPs to 36-40 CUs
They did exactly what I predicted 2 years ago.

All those idle CUs waste a lot of power. Games don't use them. The compute was bottlenecked by poor raster performance.
You can disable 24 of the CUs of Vega 64 and it performs nearly identically in 99% of games.

no need to, i work in a kitchen

ahaha the new 12 core Ryzen is SLOWER than the 9900k in AMD's own gaming presentation

OH NO we're back at "productivity workloads" with the 3800x

Attached: 1559067841374.jpg (700x5000, 1.83M)

3600x is looking like the better buy desu

>note undervolted wattman settings
>apply in linux using whatever utility
What's the catch?

Yet it's actually slower than the 9600k on the 14nm+++ node how the fuck do they pull this off? They are now claiming comparable performance and not best performance anymore.


>They are now claiming comparable performance and not best performance anymore.
When/where did AMD claim beating intel across all games? The Computex charts only compared gaming numbers vs 2nd gen ryzen.
Surely matching is enough?

Oh no no no. How could the incels do this to us?

The delusion

before it gets forgotten

Attached: 83643_2245_draft.jpg (1383x1880, 706K)

>go from not really competitive but "good enough" to trading blows in 1 generation
>Jow Forums


So RX 5700 and XT turned out better than the supposed leaks. Even in Nvidia favored games, they're better.
But also worse price:performance than the price dropped Vega like I said ti'd be.
I was right like I've always been since these predictions are so easy, and some others just have no technology or industry knowledge are just so sure on their shitty predictions anyway.

It's just the ban evader pretending to be multiple people.
Stop evading your ban.
And 3800X isn't the 12 core. Most people reasonable guessed the 12 core would be worse than the 8 core for gaming at least stock.

Well obviously you compare the 3600X to the 9600k which it btfos.

Attached: chrome_2019-06-10_18-29-57.jpg (2448x1325, 262K)

AMD's own live stream with I thiknk Borderlands 2

keep up, grandpa

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>Falling for marketing lies
Wait for benchmarks you fucking goyim

>tfw just bought rtx 2060
mr bones off me

woops, mislinked

Fuck so the 9900K will reign supreme or will the 16 core BTFO it?

Worse in some games, better than others, which has been known for 2 weeks.
Keep up.

>must be lies since they're closing in on intel performance

>cpu and gpu launching on 7/7
welp ima have to take off that day to snatch a 3700x and 5700xt


>take off that day
It's a Sunday.

3800X is better than the 9900k. 9900k roughly performs the same as the 9700k in games.

Also no 16 core. 12 core is the highest. And 12 core seems to be worse for non-streaming gaming than the 8 core.

We've been telling you since Vega price drops, which was pretty much 2060 release, to not buy a 2060. You didn't listen so it's your own fault.
Only the confirmed ban evader recommends the 2060 at current pricing.

do you not have amazon?

Well fuck. I guess this means that Vega56 is now not worth buying new.

Attached: Untitled.png (659x375, 153K)

nothing wrong with that when I look at that pic

>Left: $449
>Right: $379
This is price for performance?

2060 is still better lol
Cheaper and within 5% of housefire 5700

>rx 590 with a 450W psu
will I get housefires?


How long would would you guys think until a better card than 2080Ti is released?

literally no evidence in any way, shape, or form to back this up

bros, are the vega 64 price drops going to be substantial enough?

It's only what, about 20% faster than Vega 56 for $80 more? Vega 56 is still the 3rd best price:performance GPU after the RX570 and RX580. This changes nothing. How are you guys THIS bad at math?

If you want price:performance, you're best off buying Vega 56 before they go out of stock. Though these new cards are much better perf:watt.

>lying about power consumption is the only thing Nvidia shills have left
Figure out a new angle.

You might have to undervolt it. Your PSU fan is going to be running hard at the very least in some cases.

Attached: power-consumption-100784515-large.jpg (700x457, 73K)

at $299 Vega 56 a good buy

late next year nvidia turing die shrink will beat it
if you want the performance then buy the 2080ti

Attached: house_fire_confirmed.jpg (1200x641, 151K)

>it has two power connectors
that's it? really? weak shit m8

I want to test temps before and after my new case. what program do i run to stress test the gpu and cpu?

oh my god


>180 watts
>Better clocks than my 1070
I'll get em when I have the funds and I'll keep my 1070 as a backup GPU.

weak psu

I currently have a i7 4790k with a 980Ti but it's a bitch trying to play at 1440p on a 165hz monitor.

New games drop to 40fps and anything below 80 feels unplayable for me. I just don't know if I should wait until the 2080ti is beaten because even at 2k some games stay at 80/90fps max

>How DARE aye em dee allow users to actually overclock beyond just a 12-20% increase in power limit!!!
Also that picture is wrong. It's an 8 pin and 6 pin, same as the
RTX 2070

Attached: you are an idiot AGAIN.jpg (708x626, 63K)

1x8pin, 1x6pin


Imagine trying to defend this stuttering housefire DOA garbage lol

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No, he's simply LYING and making fake pictures to troll.
This is the ban evader who has been shitting up /pcbg/ now stop posting that. You can clearly tell by his picture editing style.
see: for the real render.

Just report him like usual.

>3rd best price:performance GPU after the RX570 and RX580
What am I reading?

Attached: Cost.png (1326x1225, 83K)





>Yes goy, consume and dont ask questions
You're retarded if you don't wait for benchmarks in general you breaindead consumerist nigger

are these real? AMDoredTV shills btfo yet again

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>the lowest point is still higher FPS than the 2070
Likely an issue due to pre-launch drivers which will be fixed, anyway. Wait for independent reviews on launch like usual.

you would have to wait more than a year for anything better to come out
I would just buy something good now
you should consider ryzen 3000 though

Nvidiots are too poor to afford CHADEON GPUs.

Where are you getting power usage info?

>The price:performance is different as long as I use the wrong prices
stop evading your ban.

What will your next cope strategy be after the benchmarks prove you wrong again?
Are they all going to be AMD sponsored?

I seriously seriously hope you guys bought those cheap Vegas and weren't waiting for Navi.

>...and then I told him to wait for Navi

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oof, so the v56 is the best price to performance card still?


Be gentle. I also already have the hard drives, case, PSU and monitor (which was a gift) so this is more of a long-overdue upgrade

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EVGA FTW2 iCX 1070 vs Radeon RX 5700 XT

you mean the 2060

What coping you massive nigger? If it's better then it's great but you have to be retarded not to wait for benchmarks.

The Vega 56 is only €50 cheaper than the 2060 here.

looks good, now fuck off, this is a Navi and AMD ridicule thread now

>tfw got a V64 at launch for 500$, put a Morpheus II on it, overclocked it to hell and back to beat a 1080 by almost 20% and have been sitting comfy with my space heater ever since
>mfw navi announced
Guess I'm keeping the good ol stove for a bit longer!

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No HDMI 2.1?

From the E3 stream.
RX 5700 is 180W TDP, same as a factory-OC 2060 model.
RX 5700 XT is 220W TDP.

I said for months that the prices wouldn't be better price:performance than the 570/580/V56.
I've been right or very close with all my previous predictions in the past, yet lots of people didn't want to believe me.
3rd best.
5700 seems to be a close 4th. Might edge out V56 if you factor in power consumption since it's 180W with better performance vs 212W.
Stop lying. It's not like it's hard to point out the lie. If you're going to lie and shill, at least make it something more difficult to disprove if you're going to be more effectively like that retard who kept spamming fake shit about DPC latency that was due to a board of a redditor which he claimed was his and not an actual CPU/chipset issue.

Drop the cooler.
Drop the HDD and get a 1TB SSD like the SU800.
Get Windows from grey market for $5-$10.
Do you really only want a 60hz monitor?

I'd assume the RX 5600 and then RX 5800 are coming soon. Though I'm not sure AMD can break that 64 ROPs limit or not. I'd assume they can.

>Navi & 3000 Series news
so if I was considering a 2080, i'm still getting the 2080 aren't I?

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How's this list for 1080p 144hz gaming?

Anything I can downgrade to save money? I'd like a rig to last at least 5 years, and I'm not sure this list achieves that.

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Seems like there's no point in buying 5700 considering a Vega 56 beats out 2060 already?

anyone near a microcenter
RX 590 is $199
Vega 56 is $299

Yes. Maybe wait a bit to see if Nvidia does a price cut, but somehow I doubt this will be happening.

Well yeah, these cards they showed were just 40 and 36 CUs, I'm expecting RX 5800 and 5900 with 56 and 64 CUs, and maybe even something beyond that if they break the 64CU barrier.
But those will probably come much later, so for now I'm keeping my Vega.

I am hoping that this is all 4D chess and they are announcing Navi at these prices so Nvidia tries to undercut and then AMD undercuts them again, but I'm not too sure about that.
5700XT should have been 349$ and 5700 250$. These prices are retarded.

Attached: amada.png (500x500, 122K)

The PSU is overkill for that APU. He could get away with 150w if he wanted.

I see, im open to suggestions to my setup i just quickly put the parts together to make it as good as i could make it. It's been years since i researched on parts and performance.


Don't wanna put a waterblock on that sweet Radeon VII?

Mortar/Tomahawk. The RAm is garbage, don't do that: 3000CL15 or 3200CL16. At worst, 3000CL16 is far from bad. You fucked up the PSU: you could get Gold efficiency for about half the price. Ditch Windows, you can get keys for like $10-15. And pick a 1440p monitor if you're that hard on cash.

>these prices and the cards are still blower style
what the actual fuck amd