Come to the dark side.
Come to the dark side
Other urls found in this thread:
gaming is for children
wine plays old games better that windows
Proton, nigger
>buying ebay windows keys
>not activating with HWID
>not getting Enterprise
kys boomer we all use WSL now
Why should I?
>but you can run Linux in a VM, or use WSL!
the whole reason I left was so that I wouldn't have to put up with Windows and its shit anymore.
>doesn't even have graphics
>can't run virtualbox from wsl
>can run virtualbox within virtualbox
Who is supposed to be killing themselves again I forgot?
this is actually true, linux actually supports old windows applications better than windows 10 does
but at the same time modern games run much worse in wine than windows. most modern games suck though, and you can just dual boot for the occasional game you need to be in windows for.
Yeah but then you can just run a VM and get both the windows support and the linux support.
I can't fathom the logic region of these people's brains.
>doesn't even have graphics
just use vcxsrv ffs
>use linux
>emulate windows
Allowing windows to hold your computer hostage just so you can play "muh games" is the highest form of cuckery.
>most modern games suck though
Classic cope line. And the fuck is "run better" anyway? Is your so shit it can't even handle games from 15-20 years ago properly?
whats the point when your vm is the bitch of windows and it knows everything it's doing?
but what should i do for fun instead of games?
Gtfo zoomer. Today's video games are shit pushed straight into your mouth. Example CSGO, FORTNITE. Go take your mums credit card and go buy some crates or whatever it's called
WINE is not an emulator
Based retard
Read books, go to gym, play drums
there's still great games coming out every year and actually there's probably more per year now that are amazing than ever before, but AAA is the worst it's ever been. AAA in 2019 is absolute garbage. but I mean subnautica for example was fucking amazing, that game was so god damn good.
play an intrument, read a book,
play sport or something,
sit in silence and look for atman,
chat with friends,
go to the opera or philharmonics,
contemplate art, creative writing,
work on side project,
practice martial art,
go for a walk, go for a swim, have sex
go fishing, go get a message, play with your pet or kid, social media, gambling, do opiates, tease , tease somebody, go to church, sing in a choir , climb a tree, do some sailing or rowing or paddle boarding, build robots, recite or write poetry compose music, eat with friends,
watch movies or stopid jootjub vids, go to the zoo or an amusement park, go to a stand up club, go to a bar and order a beer after work, play pool, go hunting, go to a forest, gather mushrooms in season, go skiing, parachute jumping, do mathematics, design and sew clothing, woodworking, baking, mountain biking, hoolahopping, juggeling, boardgames, dancing, drawing, painting, sculpting, fencing, mems
>Is your so shit it can't even handle games from 15-20 years ago properly?
Has nothing to do with hardware, at least not directly desu.
I can program a game for you, that won't run smooth, even on the best consumer hardware available.
M$hit is bloated and dirty as fuck.
Clean (and open source) reimplementations of Windows (libraries) are most times much more fast and stable.
Work on losing your v-card
no u
I'm not saying everything is shit. There are some gems out there, but most of the new titles focus on multiplayer and micro transactions. Unfinished product is delivered so often
who gives a honkus the point is online games only stay popular for about a year so if you want to play with your friends you have to fork over your neetbux for whatever is the meme game at the moment.
>he's not triple booting macOS, Windows, and Linux
>recently been playing online halo 4, a 7 year old game, and online halo reach, a 9 year old game, on my xbox 360 with the £1 xbox live i got from microsoft recently
>this guy tries to tell me you can't play multiplayer games more than 1 year old
What did he mean by this?
So you're saying the Xbox lived rent free with you but still demanded money after all that?
Impressive footwork.
Windows inside Linux is better
you dumb fucking ape if you play ultima online you will be playing with a bunch of koreans. You know why? It's a twenty year old game. Burn in hell.
you didn't answer his question
I don't know what the fuck you mean. But I've recently gotten 4 months of Xbox Live and 4 months of Game Pass (unlimited access to like 200+ games including all Halo games, Forza, Metro, and other AAA games), for just £3 for all of it (would've been $3 in the US). They've had a few different offers recently, basically. I worked out that it would have cost at least £69 normally.
>online games only stay popular for about a year
>a twenty year old game and you're still able to play with koreans
How are you so fucking dense? What the fuck is wrong with you that you pivoted from one point to a completely different point just because I proved you wrong? Genuinely how fucking stupid are you? A fucking twenty year old game has NOTHING to do with 1 year old games, does it? And you say you can still play on the 20 year old game with Koreans. Jesus fuck you're a dense cunt, go fuck yourself you fucking idiot.
no, but did you know there's a linux version of virtualbox?
>video games
Global rule 2
have fun playing with koreans. meanwhile I'll be playing apex legends with the americans until the next meme game comes out.
hank you dolt, that iMac isn't even plugged in
>implying lincucks do any of these things
more like gaypex legends lmaoing @ ur life this is me right now ->>> XDDDD
sure is summer
>CSGO is pushed straight into your mouth
Imagine being this autistic
I buy my games on GOG
>not having a 2 desktops
Just build a mid to high range windows pc just for games and get slighty cheaper pc(apu or low end gpu) for linux for you daily driver. it only cost me like 1100 back in august.
i run linux on my main desktop, and windows on a laptop i picked up for $30 to run the one program i need that doesn't work in wine
Whoever says "werk" deserves to be thrown off a cliff.
>Windows 10 Pro
Why not LTSC? Literally all the games work, even UWP ones.
Why do you need Linux on a desktop anyways? You're not going to game with laptops or servers, leave it there.
And Wine also runs perfectly on Windows 10. So what's the fucking point again?
But why would you? Each of those operating systems has their own speciality for different use cases, usually not related to the same hardware.
Plus multi-boot systems are literally outdated, if you need to do that, just run a type-1 hypervisor with passthrough.
Manchild website
distro hopping used to be my hobby
This is a trap with which they get you.
Don't trust him. 99% community and HD patches for old games don't work on wine.
But gaming is one of my many hobbies. My favorite hobby even makes money, around 700 euros a month.
Proton is getting there, not quite perfect yet, but it's main issue is DRM and anti-cheat. Valve is trying to resolve that, but one of the biggest anti-cheap providers just happen to be owned by Epic.
Which is a free game, so your point about having to fork out money for a new game every year is still wrong.
To be fair only my old late 2006 MacBook has that triple boot setup. I think I've got a 500GB hard disk in that thing which is more than enough space for three OSs since I don't store a lot of stuff on the machine locally.
On my new MacBook Pro I've only got dual boot, macOS and Windows 10. macOS can do most things Linux can, of course.
That means each OS has to share system resources though. I like the fact that I can boot up Windows on my MacBook to play a particular game if I feel like it, with all system resources available to Windows. Although to be fair I mainly just stick on macOS, because most games that this laptop (without discrete GPU) is capable of can be run on macOS anyway. Cuphead, emulators, etc.
the newest meme game is not always a free game u dumshit
>uncomfortable topic of video games comes around
>Jow Forums starts sounding like its own dad
There are a bunch of games incompatible with W10. Fuck this shit.
I prefer playing games on consoles
>but what should i do for fun instead of games
are you playing them for fun
or are they your only escape and only source of dopamine in your life
are you a junkie
Learn LISP, because LISP is most powerful language in the world.
Cartoons (including japanese ones) and comics are for children as well, by the way.
Nah, video games are just that good. The world agrees, game industry has far exceeded film and music combined.
They do though. Mainsteam AAA games suck, they are not worth it.
However modern indie games like Factorio, Baba Is You and Zachtronics games which are actually good work natively on Linux. And you can always use Proton to run windows games, which usually works flawlessly on non-AAA games.
>reading a book
>chating with friends
>going to the opera or philharmonics
>contemplating art, creative writing
>having sex
>going fishing
>using fucking social media and drugs
>watching movies
>etc etc
>implying any of these is better for you than playing games
Stop deluding yourself. If you like it or not, games can be way more beneficial for you than all of these things. Of course you can play repetitive braindead games like CoD or LoL, but that's not all of them. There is plenty of ambitious, artistic, creative or story-rich games out there to play and admire. There are also games that challenge your cognitive skills or even let you practice programming like the ones I've mentioned above.
Avoiding whatever media calls immature and mindlessly following whatever is considered mature just because mainstream shills it, doesn't make you any more mature. Think about the real consequences of things you do instead of relying on naive categories from memes.
no, GTA SA and probably VC and III run much worse on wine than on windows 10.
>Factorio, Baba Is You and Zachtronics games
All of those games are closed-source nonfree software and therefore harmful.
>games can be way more beneficial for you than all of these things. There is plenty of ambitious, artistic, creative or story-rich games out there to play and admire. There are also games that challenge your cognitive skills or even let you practice programming like the ones I've mentioned above.
I don't care if you like games or not but this is a cope. Just admit it's your favored time sink that has no practical purpose and get over yourself, you got suckered into buying a shiny but useless entertainment product.
>All of those games are closed-source nonfree software and therefore harmful
You could argue that since music and movies are copyrighted, they are harmful and we should only use public domain media. Still doesn't take away from their entertainment value and artistic merit.
Not sure why you look down on entertainment, we're not made to work 24/7 without reprieve.
baba is you is overrated, snakebird is the true puzzle game of this generation
It's only 15 dude
>i'm being forced to pay money, help!!!
Does Gabe Newell come to your house and hold a gun to your head?
Look at how many people still play CS:GO, or TF2 even, both of which are free to play, and even Destiny 2 is releasing a free version, with most of the game and multiplayer modes free. There's tons of free games you can play, stop being a fucking whining little bitch as if someone is forcing you to buy things - it's your fucking decision you fucking idiot.
>All of those games are closed-source nonfree software and therefore harmful.
So are all these binary blobs in your drivers.
>I don't care if you like games or not but this is a cope.
You missed my point. I didn't say anything about my personal experience with games.
>Just admit it's your favored time sink that has no practical purpose and get over yourself, you got suckered into buying a shiny but useless entertainment product.
Actually, no. I don't play games that much. I prefer to spend my time working on overengineered programming projects, this is the real time sink. But I do play few rounds on SS13 every two day or something. And I usually play a lot Zachtronics whenever they release new game.
And you are so wrong about practicality. I actually learned most of my programming skills and practice by playing thousands of hours in Garry's Mod. This can really teach you a lot, from literal computer engineering using discrete components to making relatively complex software like raytracers, genetic simulations or futuristic real-life applications like designing and implementing hoverboards, space drones, space ships controllers etc. The diversity of problems you can face there is incomparable to any other real technology or job.
>discrete components
basic integrated circuits*
Yep, proton, nigger. I play Rome II Total War flawlessly on linux
play runescape
If i was Ian id kill myself too
I enjoyed baba but haven't heard about this one. I'll check this out, thanks.
get a job
>2019 triple booting instead of using a hypervisor...
I bet you don't even have 24/7 uptimes you disgusting fag.
Windows unironically makes the best hypervisor.
Vmware is the true redpill.
Any reason why?
Because all of the documentation for vmware is seemingly implied that you are using it on Windows.
and also it just works.
How does that random software and the fact that it just works makes Windows the best hypervisor?
because vmware is the best vm software.
Any reason why?
Shared GPU in VM when? I would like to do this but I'm not going to buy a second GPU for the host System.
Nah, I just use PCI passthrough for the 2 times out of the year I want to play a windows game
and what old games are you fucking talking about then you retard? pretty much all 20+ year old games have fixes for new operating systems which are much better than running the vanilla game, and if you want older than that you use DOSBox. I don't get what games winefags are talking about in this thread.
you wouldn't know given you never leave your room and probably are underage.
I use windows on my desktop and ssh into a seperate shitty computer/server running linux. why should I waste my desktop resources on something I mainly use for seeding torrents?
I use the Windows operating system because I am a proud cuck. I don't give a shit about Linux or free software
>'b-b-but the telemetry!'
like I said--I am a proud cuck, so I don't give a shit.
Is that where you watch your OS play with your computer while you just watch wishing that were you? Yeah, that sounds like Windows.
idk Wine runs AoE.
Not him but I couldn't get Tomb Raider angel of darkness to work on windows but it worked out the box on wine
>linux emulator