Today is my 21st birthday and I have no care, concern or money for this day. Literally what do people even do at 21?
>fuck alcohol
>fuck clubs
>fuck bars
>fuck casinos
>fuck strip clubs
Today is my birthday
fuck you
Do you have Family? I mean try to meet your mom or dad or siblings
Nah, fuck you, my man.
When I turned 18, I NEVER touched a cigarette.
Degeneracy isn't my thing.
No, user. Just me.
>I don't want to do anything so what should I do
Sit alone in the dark and fap to cp
Happy birthday faggot
Belgians are the best one to banter man I swear
convert to judaism and become celibate
buy gun
Ehh.. I'd rather not
Thanks, user.
Ew, you people took my foreskin already, what more do you want from me?
I can buy a handgun now and that is one good thing I suppose. I've wanted a LifeCard 22LR for the longest time, as well as a Walther 22LR with integrated aiming laser and a Gemtech suppressor.
happy birthday
Thank you user
Then do that and go to a shooting range
>Literally what do people even do at 21?
Travel, study in a university or working
Will do that later, user. But, what do I do for today? I have no friends or anything. I don't believe in the "OKAY I'M 21, NOW LET'S HIT THE STRIP CLUB AND DO SOME X PILLS" mentality.
they eat healthy, they do daily workout, they do daily readings, they collaborate with their local community...
Y-Yeah I don't know what kind of neo-noire film you live in but most people don't have that mentality. Just fucking do what you want and if what you want is to just have a day like any other then do that
Just take it easy and entertain yourself, watch a movie, take some time off and play video games. You don't need to be a faggot about it.
I will work on self-improvement.
I see. Thanks again, user.
I'm listening to songs today so I guess that's good enough..
Maybe you could just go out and buy yourself a big fat cake or whatever you love eating. I never celebrate my birthday with the one exception that I use it as an excuse to splurge on comfort food
I'm depressed, I am desensitized 100%, my childhood was rife with abuse and I am full of hatred and apathy to be honest.
>pic related is me irl
On top of this, I never had a friend or a girlfriend in my whole life. I don't know how to talk to anyone that isn't a therapist or online.
I'll try to do that, user. Thank you for cheering me up.
>rife with abuse
what sort of if not a secret
Psychological, physical, verbal
When I was a kid in the 8th grade, I even got forcible groped and caressed by a larger landwhale female INSIDE THE CLASSROOM.
I got bullied too so imagine the shit I get at home + school + in public + being sexually assaulted by a girl who got away with it.
My condolences user
did she touch your peepee
Go and take advantage of your second amendment right and blow up a coyote with a .500 nitro
Did you have a stepfather
Just stop being sad lol
This girl was literally trying to jack me off through my pants, I told her to get the fuck off me and she was literally just laughing the whole time. Teacher walked in on it. I had to grab her wrists and 20+ other kids saw this. No one said shit. Fucking Catholic school.
Single mother and occasionally visiting deadbeat jap father.
Atleast not a stepfather
I'm not. I'm neither sad or angry. I feel like my life has been sucked out of me.
Yeah. No matter how fucked you are, someone always has it worse. That's not good but that's a victory in itself.
Id suggest you to keep going buddy
Do you have something you like?
I like art.
Memories don't fade on their own
Only way to push them away is to try and replace them with new ones
Not saying you should go out and be a completely different person right this instant
But it's good to keep a slow progression towards something better in the back of your head
No matter how much life rapes your asshole there are always some things worth looking forward to
I've been going to Jow Forums these last few months and now I have dreams of being a fascist dictator of some third world country one day. I don't know if that is bad or not.
Jow Forums is a newfag cancer circlejerk
but don't let that stop you
>going to Jow Forums
So, Jow Forums is just an echo chamber?
That's not what I said
But reading imaginary comments that nobody said is very Jow Forums-like
I'd suggest you'd simmer down on visiting there at least
Newfig stormfaggotry and easily baited retards
I literally see Jow Forums's influence all over the site. I thought that Jow Forums dominated the ideology of the site. I didn't know. I'll try to stay off of it so much.
I see.
I had a b-day a few days ago. Got myself a cake, shared it with my roommates whom I hate, and just enjoyed myself for the rest of the night. Music helps me a lot too :)
Don't listen to those neo marxist globalist kikes, my aryan friend. Jow Forums is the saviour of this leftist shithole of degeneracy
We need a racewar soon to cleanse this world of niggers, spics, chinks, kikes, mudslimes and any other undesirables
Heil hitler
I'm not Aryan, I'm a mutt and I don't listen to jews ever, gg.
They didn't sound Jewish to me.
If you're thinking in terms of influence on an anonymous website you've already lost. I'm sorry but that's just emblematic of a serious lack in critical thinking skills. Quantity of content does not correlate quality of content and to say it correlates with the amount of people behind it would be a stretch as well. Yeah you can see Jow Forums shit all over the place but that's just because they're the kind of retards that can't stop spamming their bullshit all over the place thinking their farts smell like roses and everyone must be around to witness it. Jow Forums is a failed containment board and nothing more
I like music. Happy birthday, user.
>shared the cake with people I hate
Did that work for you?
Kek. Glad I know. I feel 10x more radicalised after having been there.
Not really, but because of the cake that day was unlike all the others.
happy birthday op
>the cake
>was unlike all the others
>it made me share it with others I hated
Okay, what was in this cake?
Thanks user
Seems to me cynical early twenty somethings with problems they can blame on other people are prime targets. Now I'm not saying you're not allowed to blame people for shit that happened and neither am I the end all authority on how to get your shit together but I do kinda get that feeling it would make you more vulnerable to suggestion
I think that's why they market the way they do, like ww3 is around every corner and under every rock. To proselytize to the young who should be more worried about exams or getting a job or finding a decent girl. To be honest, I now expect ww3 before 2020.
idk, my mom always made me a cake for my b-day, and this year was the first time I had a cacke since I moved out. I guess that's why it made me feel special or something...
They drink Alcohol and go to clubs, bars, casinos, and strip clubs
(((They're))) bluepilled shitskin shills working for soros forcing multiculturalist rapefugees into our white paradise
They want white genocide
High IQ aryans like ourselves are required to gas their subhuman filth
God emperor trump will be our guiding light and Richard Spencer our prophet
Race deniers pls go
Ahhhh, that's why.
That is exactly what I don't like to do, user. I find all that thottery and druggery to be degenerate.
Yeah that's nothing unique on Jow Forums either. If you head out into the internet you can see that kind of fearmongering shit everywhere, just as much in the retarded lefty circlejerks as the retarded righty ones. Not to say there's absolutely nothing to worry about in currentyear but even then the internet is a burning trash heap of shitty information
I see
it's a good thing that you don't do that. That's a deep fucking hole to climb out of :(
They drink alcohol, go to clubs, whatever a 21 year old could possibly do in the norm section.
When I turn 21, I'll refuse to grow up and move on to degeneracy.
I used to smoke bags of weed and I can say it is overrated. As is smoking and drinking. Just last night, I decided I will no longer drink soda or most energy drinks.
I know, right? The world needs to come back to traditional values.
buy cheap steam games
Awww Happy Birthday Grumpy!
No money
Get your mind away from reality and focus on something constructive with few restraints. Ever considered playing online chess?
slam yo tiny dick in the door you faggot
Happy birthday user, I hope you do something you enjoy today. My birthday is tomorrow, not sure what to do for it either
Happy birthday tomorrow
Dude, I have an 8in length x 7.5 inch girth dick. If I slammed the door on my dick, the screws would come out of the door hinges and the door would fall out.
I play chess and this Linux multiplayer game I have.
Thank you! :)
I hope yours is better than mine, user.
My birthday always sucks - usually nobody even remembers - but at least you said happy birthday so it’s already off to a good start
yooo, you run linux? Which distro?
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