old thread
/bst/ - Battlestation Thread
>trying to clean my room because I want to post in these threads
>it still looks like crap after a lot of work
do you see spooky skeletons at night?
whats it like living next to dead people?
Nice chessboard you have outside
very cool aesthetics
Aggressively beige
Reminder to keep an eye out for people throwing away perfectly good hardware.
who here /livingcheap/?
nice hair
You should put your studio monitors on stands further to the sides.
Rationale for raising the monitor like that?
Would be more functional if the top monitor was mounted to one of the sides. In portrait if you need the desk space.
What does it look like without 60% of the room conveniently shrouded in darkness?
Love the piano. Do you actively compose?
I like the tech there and it’s nice to see an uncommon angle of your shot, but you really should’ve cleaned up the cans and other clutter before taking the pic.
I’m going to need a story for the steampunk KB+M.
Lol, nah. I’ve put way more money into my setups than I’d care to admit.
super neat as long as you're not one of those steampunk faggots who ruins every anime con and renfair. If you are then it and you are fucking gay.
>you really should’ve cleaned up
you're not supposed to clean up first.
zoom zoom/10
what the fuck is your power bill/10
>second monitor to the right of your mouse
why? You have to look across your arm to see it whereas on the left your view is unobstructed and your mouse arm is not crossed over your body weirdly.
/livingsimple/ here
what? what are you talking about? genuinely asking. I can move across both screen by just moving my wrist
Turning your head or shoulders to your right with your right arm extended is less comfortable than turning left. Opening up your posture is better than crossing over or closing it.
its fine user, It doesn't feel uncomfortable for me, but thanks for the info. Have a pape :)
thats not a desk
looks like a cuck/basedboy setup
What kind of shelf is this?
Specifically interested in the lighting, and if it has a blue mode
>nebula name?
I agree with
you actually use your mousepad like that?
most likely diy bruv
just search nebula in google images and its like the 7th image
comfy as all hell...nice one
super nice...love the view...very scandinavian looking style...
not my aesthetic taste at all but damm...thats a clean setup....
srsly...pls hang out with me irl....
not sure what to say here...clearly you have a fetish...
I call it 'living lightly'...
cool but seems a bit cramped....does it work for you?..
What shuold I change about it? I already removed the gaming foam and painted the wall but it seems like it';s missing some personality
I forgot pic
I don't really play that many games if im being honest, and once in a blue moon when i do, i switch my desk to epic gamer mode™ (push back monitors and adjust my mousepad)
are those 24 size? looks comfy
>gaming foam
the hell is that for anyway? its not the first time I've seen someone with shit like that on the wall
it makes sound better so you know where enemies are easily and get better in games
>>gaming foam
It's literally just acoustic foam that musicians use to dampen echos and stuff when recording. But morons buy it for their bedrooms acting like it improves the sound of their speakers when playing games
lol your felt lose as shit
get that fixed mane
It's not loose lol, those are brush marks
sorry guess im blind
Real answer:
It's sound treatment paneling. It is useful for reducing echo and other undesirable audio distortions when recording or using a mic when gaming. Hard flat surfaces are not good for sound quality
you copied that niggas answer
>implying anyone reads the whole thread
That's what a dirty copy-cat would say, I'm telling
lol but you don't even read replies?
OK big poppi stay underground like a real bad ass who pretends his time is valuable