AirPower is here!

AirPower is here!

So Lew over on fukstube just revealed a product that does what Apple couldn't!

How can some small China company be so much more technologically advanced than a trillion dollar company?

Attached: APPLEBTFO.png (403x300, 62K)

it's not the same you fucking retard
AirPower allowed you to place your Airpods, iPhone and the Apple Watch wherever you wanted on the mat and it wouldn't make difference
This piece of shit is 3 separate chargers and you MUST place the device on it's spot or it will not work

>3 coils which still require you to carefully place your devices vs Apple's reported 32 coils which would have allowed charging in any position if it weren't such a housefire.

Kys yourself tuber trash lover. A thread died for this.

Bullshit! YoutTubers would never lie just to sell something.


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Pretty much this. Can't compare what Apple wanted to this plebian device.



this ought to be things you might actually catch heat for having on your screen

What’s up with the Sandy Hook false massacre thing?

Can someone explain to me why airpower is not possible with today's technology?

fucking hate lew so much, snarky fucking glorified spec sheet reader.

It's more of a physics thing I think. It gets too hot, so the only way to make it work would be adding fans below the thing which would kill the design.


He's the biggest shill on YouTube. I have never seen him criticize any product he "reviewed" no matter how blatantly terrible it is.

you cant criticise anything when you get kickbacks from the companies that send you the product to begin with, what really urks me is how I've blocked his channel, but youtube suggests it non-stop, like how much fucking ad-space did he buy, and another thing, this mother fucker never goes into any decent technical details, His review of the X1 Carbon, he just lists out the port, doesn't talk about the docking port, propetery rj45 jack or anything, same with oneplus phones, dude just reads the spec fucking sheets and doesn't give his true opinion, how did he get big again?

A sane wireless charger uses one coil. This one uses three, for three devices.

Apple had two layers of multiple rows of multiple coils so you could place any device using either Apple's standard or QI and have it wirelessly charged. They wanted to fit these three dozen coils in a tiny mat with no heat dissipation.

He did say something quite harsh for some prototype products in his early years, but I agree he is getting soft.

>same with oneplus phones
I like how he implied that Galaxy phones are better on his Oneplus review.
He has been heavily shilling Samsung non-stop ever since he got the galaxy fold. I wonder how much they're paying him.

I don't understand how people fall for such shady snake oils salesman like Lew. the dude is a cheerleader for brands, back in the day people looked down upon content like this and now they consume it like no tomorrow.

>How can some small China company be so much more technologically advanced than a trillion dollar company?
> steals the tech from a western company yet again
> stealing tech = technologically advanced
amazing logic there, dog eating communist.

The parents were crisis actors. There was one scene where the guy was laughing then when he saw the camera he immediately turned sad.

>Pretty much this. Can't compare what Apple wanted to this plebian device.
Except that this device works while Apple's did not.