how come you don't insert gpus into motherboards like you insert cpus into them?
How come you don't insert gpus into motherboards like you insert cpus into them?
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Are you asking why CPUs aren't on a PCB like graphics cards? Because they are. It's just a different socket and interface, which is required sincw the CPU controls everything else like addons cards. Some machines have their CPUs mounted on larger boards that include a heat sink and other stuff. Pic related is a 400MHz R12000 MIPS CPU module for a Silicon Graphics Octane 2.
>which is required sincw the CPU controls everything else like addons cards
Your PCIe cards are ultimately controlled by the CPU, retard.
but i didn't ask why cpus aren't on pcie cards
>how come you don't insert gpus into motherboards like you insert cpus into them?
Because using standard PCIe connectors and form factors is way more convenient.
Dont post pics of immature fucktards here!
no it isn't
because gpus can't use the main ddr4 system memory
Yes, it is. All CPU architectures support it, it's easy to draw power, it's easy to hook up additional power, etc. It would be a massive mistake to use custom sockets for different motherboards.
A+ attitude
go get laid and stop seeing everything as an attack on you
What do you mean "can't use the system memory"? They can access it, it's called DMA. Being a memory controller, no, that's what you have the CPU and chipset for.
Anyway, that's unrelated to what OP asked for. He didn't mean plugging GPUs into the CPU socket, he meant just having different PCIe pinout connectors that look more like CPU sockets..
why not just keep all gpu sockets the same? or update them every 10 years or something
Why don't we have socketed GPU chips and memory on the graphics card PCB though?
Imagine if you could buy bare graphics PCBs and equip them with GPUs and memory and coolers of your liking.
>different PCIe pinout connectors that look more like CPU sockets
no i didnt.. that post was just me replying to myself btw since i came up with my own answer
>why not just keep all gpu sockets the same
What's wrong with the current PCIe connector slots?
>or update them every 10 years or something
Why fix something that isn't broken?
Explain why you want different pinout sockets, otherwise this discussion is nonsensical.
>why don't we build a minicomputer inside your computer
If you're asking why you can't plug a GPU into a CPU socket, the answer is because it isn't a CPU....
Yeah, why not? Graphics cards are already computers inside your computer, except everything's soldered for no reason and you have to buy the entire package whether or not you dislike certain aspects of it.
What a dumb cunt.
nah.. that's not what i'm asking
OP you're almost as dumb as the guy in your pic
>Graphics cards are already computers inside your computer, except everything's soldered for no reason
It's not for "no reason", it's because their performance is tuned wrt power consumption and distance between chips. That being said, what you are suggesting is literally how graphic cards (not GPUs) were in the past.
If you want to manually solder on several hundred individual GPU cores yourself, then be my guest.
DDR4 and shared memory in general is too slow for a proper GPU. You need an expansion card form factor to fit the dedicated memory on there as well as the power delivery components. There's just not room on an ATX motherboard for all that.
The pentium 2 was a slot 1 processor that slotted into the motherboard the same way a graphics card would. But a graphics card would slot into an AGP slot (brown) and other cards like sound cards or network cards would use the pci slots (white) The processor's slot 1 was a unique slot. Modern processors use PGA (pin grid arrays) and their socket types can vary. And in modern motherboards the graphics card uses the pci express bus which is 16X faster than the original pci slot
Old graphics cards used to have RAM slots.
>which is 16X faster than the original pci slot
i thought it was more
Are you people retarded? He was clearly asking why GPUs aren't socketed and not why CPUs aren't slotted.
It fucks up the airflow in my case, would consider that a drawback
Everything needs to be same orientation (coolers etc)
He's correct about that but it refers to two lanes of PCIe version 1.0 or a SINGLE LANE of PCIe 2.0 and with each new PCIe version the single lane speed doubles - we're just entering PCIe 4.0 with Zen 2
tecnically it's marginally less
So yeah PCIe 2.0 is 16x faster than the latest PCI standard
The issue is a legacy one... the mainboard+cpu already existed when the first gfx cards started appearing as expansion cards. During the 90s many other hardware features also exist as add-on cards which have since been integrated into the motherboard.
The closest thing that you're describing is APUs which are graphics chip integrated into the motherboard.
cause GPUs are too racist, we must end the oppression
use your brain for once - it makes no fucking sense to make universal board with a socket - they would cost too much with all the required power and cooling and layout to be able to handle high end gpu
while lowened boards with lowend gpus and weak cooling are super cheap
use a cable extension and mount the card sideways or use a card with a blower
it doesn't have any big power FETs on it though
Literally half of the board is taken by power delivery components
few people buy graphic card
>Daily mail
Fucking hate leftists, but that shit's just fake news.