Firefox appreciation thread

who /firefox premium/ here
I'm signing up for that shit as soon as it comes up

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Other urls found in this thread:

I'm buying 2

Shill alert !

I'm buying 3!
Privacy and Freedom!
Firefox for life!

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I wish
>I'm doing it for free

CEO is literally a german globalist feminist who worked for United Nations
They have a thing called "Internet Healthy Report" which tracks "fake news" and everything that is not on Washington Post and NYT is labeled "hateful and toxic". Their browser is memory eater. It's less secure than fucking Pale Moon. And now they want you more shekels so they can sponsor more LGBT events with Ford Foundation (google it. They literally used donators cash to donate to Open Society through Ford Foundation)

>CEO is literally a german globalist feminist who worked for United Nations
>They have a thing called "Internet Healthy Report" which tracks "fake news" and everything that is not on Washington Post and NYT is labeled "hateful and toxic"
All I gathered from this is "I read Breitbart"
>Their browser is memory eater. It's less secure than fucking Pale Moon.
Both are bullshit and if you don't have a source I suggest you fuck off.
>And now they want you more shekels so they can sponsor more LGBT events with Ford Foundation (google it. They literally used donators cash to donate to Open Society through Ford Foundation)
Literally no one cares, and also, Mozilla is probably gonna give you an option to tell them where your money should go.

>who /firefox premium/ here
I'm already behind on my dilation payments and these hormones aren't cheap so as much as Mozilla has done for our community, I'll have to pass for now.

The sad state of Firefox.
Really, I'm giving up on it, they can't keep up with the botnet.

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Why would you pay for a browser-only VPN and some random bloat?


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>synthetic benchmarks
literally irrelevant

>tfw nyt literally spread fake news today and all claims on thread are true

>hurr durr dont read breitbart

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Go back.

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You´re not really missing out on anything if you don´t buy the premium.
You do support firefox and mozilla with it though, which is a good thing.

In real life usage the performance difference is even more noticeable, so no, it's not irrelevant.
Unfortunately Firefox can't compete with Chromium.

go back and kys

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Modern Chrome and Firefox is riddled with bloat shit from the start. I don’t think how they can make it worse. Pocket Firefox accounts, google account are the most botnet shit I have ever seen. If they cared about privacy they need to permanently disable insecure cyphers and no profile crap.

>I don’t think how they can make it worse.
CSS shit is gonna be removed so no more UI customization anymore.

>In real life usage
in real life network is bottleneck. or do you actually use ""web apps"".

>user talks about not liking how a software nonprofit spends more money and effort on nontechnology oriented pursuits than on improving their absolute trash browser and its embarrassing market share
>only rebuttal is ad hominem and "I don't care so nobody else should either"

Ok mate. Firefox is great, noone can feel it being slower than Chrome and that's why it's market share only grows!
Mozarela is saved forever, Jewgle BTFO.

just switched from FF to Iridium, so much faster and actually respects privacy out of the box! unlike Jewzilla......

No thanks, i'll stay on FF56, a browser i can actually customize, and a browser with actual functionality and addons that can do way more tasks than their castrated or nonexistent equivalents on Quantumdiarrhea.

>is German
I will donate half my monthly income now to Mozilla.
The only relevant people anywhere worldwide are Germans.
US only relevant people are Germans (especially German Jews), UK monarchy has been German since 500+ years, Austria, Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, Switzerland and Germany are not only among the richest countries in the world but also the most developed. And they are all Germans.

Brb installing firefox

Germans are only good for making extreme hardcore porn.

Oh no! If only I could just ignore the politics and only opinionate based only on the source code.
This non-existent LGBT code is really fucking up my day

Nice reddit spacing!

>This non-existent LGBT code is really fucking up my day
Yes, there is some non-existent code and it does have something to do with LGBT and stuff like it. That non-existent code is the code they could have been writing to maintain their relevance. Sadly as you've rightfully mentioned they had other plans.
A company like Google with the resources of small nations decides to take up the SJW hobby, fine, knock yourself out. Maybe it'll varnish your rep some while the real work of exploiting privacy gets pushed behind the scenes. At least we got a decent javascript engine out of the deal.
But Mozilla on the other hand doesn't get that benefit of the doubt. They're too small. They live and die on their Firefox engineering efforts. Yes, engineering cuz without that people stop using it. They don't have the marketing muscle Google has to put their code on every desktop, laptop and mobile. They tried to build an OS and that failed spectacularly.
But what did they do? They sat on their laurels, squandered their goodwill, threw their (really other peoples') money to the wind and now they want us to trust them with our VPN and cloud storage or whatever this scheme is. All that when they can't even get sync right.
Yet they think they have all the time in the world to posture and preen.
Your job was to make a browser. Simple as that. You came out the gate strong, I remember Firebird fondly (gaze at its pic related magnificence). But Mozilla was a different company back then. I bet a lot of the people working there now were in diapers in 2001. The crew they have now? They don't give a shit about the browser, only varnishing their reputations and looking good to their like-minded buddies. Firefox is lost and Mozilla with it. No fucking way I'll throw a dime down that shit hole. I suffered through IE6, I'll suffer through Chrome until a new champion appears. Maybe this time they won't forget what they came here for.

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Meant for

when will the new icon land on nightly?

I respect your view too I guess