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i kinda want some milk but i keep forgetting to buy more

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im envy of burgers, they can buy jugs so they dont have to shop so often

me in the morning

>go shopping
>buy eight boxes of 1liter milk and one can of tuna
>cashier looks at me weird

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I want a mommy gf to make me drink milk!

Why don't you people have jugs? Does our milk just have more preservatives in it?

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czech cashiers are weaklings, not like stronk biedronka ladies
the cows in europe are smaller so the cartons are smaller as well

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americans have everything in bigger package
how long does the jug last when you open in?

It will last a few weeks before spoiling. I'd say a little more than 3 weeks if kept closed in the fridge after opening.

thats crazy
ours lasts few days only when you open it

It honestly doesn't taste that great, which is probably why it has so much sugar in it. Sadly, I don't know of any place near me that sells European milk

i guess we dont have it that bad here after all

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That's just nasty

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how did she spill milk on her face?

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maybe she tripped while carrying a glass

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why is the milk so sticky?
is this what american milk is like?

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no that was my czech milk

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well czech milk is dumb
how are you meant to pour it if it is sticky?
i'll stick to normal watery liquid milk thank you very much

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Some just taste like bitter water

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do you have milk snails or whatever it is called (pic related)
that's the only reason to buy milk

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