Template<class T>




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Thank you

I prefer typename even though it's longer because it's more consistent.

They are not the same thing

yes they are

"typename" is correct. Use of "class" in that context is only available for backwards compatibility.

How about



The absolute state of static typing.

in haskell this is just

typename when simple types are acceptable
class when the parameter should be a class

you may write e.g.

None, stop being a faggot and don't use templates.

genuine question i never understood the hatred for templates.

>huurrr they generate a function for every single type
no they obviously dont, they just generate for the ones that are calling it

It's pure bloat and makes reading C++ code even more confusing than it already is.

template code is a hell of a lot easier to read than macro code

If you want readability go program python.

>“C++ is designed to allow you to express ideas, but if you don't have ideas or don't have any clue about how to express them, C++ doesn't offer much help.”

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This is fucking dumb, specifically because it's not enforced.
If you want to do this. Wait until concepts.

>C++ code even more confusing than it already is.
Look at this fucking brainlet

Class for when you know the exact class, typename for when you need to somehow determine it.

>"There are only two things wrong with C++: The initial concept and the implementation."

Obviously C++ isn't for you, stick to C