Techies BTFO

Techies BTFO

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praying for the collapse is a cope for a shitty life

>a literal sun fart
can happen desu

If you knew how bad things really are.

How come you never see blue-collar wagies jumping the social ladder and joining the technocratic elite?

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>How come you never see blue-collar wagies jumping the social ladder and joining the technocratic elite?

Because (((HR))) is too busy importing pajeets and towelheads and placing them in companies for diversitybux


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Joke's on you OP, I already work in construction
Also an EMP (solar flare event, in this case) would only disable current electronics. It would still be possible to build more or replace the fried circuitry.

i want to nakadashi noa-chan

You do.

I'm actually one of them. Used to work very physically strenuous labour. Went back for a CS degree at 26. I'm paid probably 6-7x what I was making back then.

Try building more without current electronics

Fuck off pedophile

How did you deal with not having any experience in your chosen field?

>all electronics are disabled

>economy crashes
>food production offline
>no longer safe to be anywhere while unarmed at day or night
>mass looting, killing, stealing, raping, torture
>clans gain power

i'd say everyone's BTFO, except high ranking clan members

Life is just shit because everything fun is illegal.

>implying you wouldn't become a technowizard with handcrafted electronics
if you can't build an electric engine then you deseve to starve

what would you do right now if it weren't illegal?

Internships during school. My school had a co-op program.

Hard drugs and open carrying automatic weapons for two.

Aren't devices not connected to the power grid safe, at least ones indoors?

No because strong magnetic fields can induce current in wires/traces/whatever. When you induce current in a wire that's disconnected from a circuit (open loop) you get a flyback voltage spike which can reach thousands of volts. When you induce current in a circuit that is a closed loop you get a large current spike that can be up to hundreds of amps and that will melt your wires/traces/whatever.

All this requires a pretty powerful solar flare though.

You should be able to protect electronics by shielding them however the entire loop needs to be shielded not just the device in question. So that means all your power wires back to and including the power source need to be shielded and all your data/signal wires going between devices also need to be shielded assuming they aren't in some kind of shielded room already. The entire loop needs shielding.

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>the absolute state of Jony

well memed

>he thinks it's a meme

it will take some time and a couple of million/billion people will die, but it will happen eventually.

military-grade equipment is EMP-proof so they should be more or less fine

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I already covered my house against 5G with tinfoil, will that be enough?

dumb boomer

As long as any gaps in the foil are smaller than the wavelength of the signal you're protecting against, then yes.

Not if it's plugged into the grid it isn't. If the power supply is isolated and shielded then yes it's fine.

It's also vulnerable if it's connected to the internet by cable as well. If the system operates on an intranet or if data is optically coupled in from the outside then it's fine. You can't use wifi because a system that's shielded can't receive signals from the outside over air. You also can't use transformer coupling either obviously.

No. Use mu-metal tape and properly bond it to earth ground with a beefy ring terminal making a good connection to the tape.

>he believes the NASA propaganda
FEMA's internal report from 2010 basically says we'd be completely fucked even if a "moderate" solar flare hit
>130+ million without power
>4-10 years to completely recover(assuming we aren't busy fighting off invading nations)
There are probably more safeguards on infrastructure these days, but even still, a HUGE portion of the U.S. would be starving within a week. The rest of the world would probably have it even worse. Good luck fixing things under those conditions

me on my knees in the bottom right

What anime is this

I'm a merchant marine and I'm studying python on my own (no schooling, self taught). You don't have many distractions when your underway at sea. So far I'm trying to figure out the unix compiler and date tree and using a text editor (vim is my choice) right now though. Walk before you can run I guess

>no facebook
i prefer


Actually after a Solar flare or EMP attack happens.
(((Who))) can rebuild the technological infrastructure faster Wins.
... i.e. (((us))) the (((techie))) (((nerds)))

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That isn't how any of that would work

Jow Forums can't build anything

The idea that anyone here would survive let alone contribute in any meaningful way to rebuilding the world is absolutely laughable.

Glass houses faggot

I'm allowed to cast stones. I'm an electrical engineer that's actually graduated and works for a company designing and building actual products. I would be of real use restoring power to the country after a disaster like this. CS dropouts with a Comptia cert and "PC building" experience would be useless.

How would it work, faglord?

an emp wouldn't make it impossible for any electronics to ever work again. It would just disable existing electronics, at worst. Not to mention that some electronic systems currently are shielded


Maybe for US """computer"" """scientists""", I'm first and foremost a (Computer) Engineer, and my skill set is still largely useful without electricity.

>he doesn't realize that for millennia people on the fringe have wasted their entire lives frantically awaiting a doomsday that will never come because civilization is actually astoundingly stable

computer science doesn't even have anything at all to do with computers you brainlet so i don't see how "computer engineering" is further removed from electricity

I went from construction to software development without a degree and I get at least 10 recruiters a month asking for me to interview

>Engineers, as practitioners of engineering, are professionals who invent, design, analyze, build, and test machines, systems, structures and materials to fulfill objectives and requirements while considering the limitations imposed by practicality, regulation, safety, and cost.

I'm not a Scientist, I'm an Engineer.

>I'm not a Brainlet, I'm a Faggot

thank you! I was looking for this a long time.

If computer programmers are going to suck dudes off after the apocalypse, webcomic artists are going to clean the cum off of their faces after they're done

they were called the bourgeois. They made the French rebellion .

Joke's on you, I have a laptop and several drives in a shielded cage where I already downloaded 10TB of diy videos and infographics.

except you can still draw and shit on useless CS majors without any working advanced circuits. Pen and printing press still gonna rustle your jimmies.

>he believes FEMA
They're just as bad

You 100% do. I was a chemical engineer. I worked for all of two years out of uni before I said fuck this industry and got a post baccalaureate BS in CS. Now I'm working as a junior dev looking to jump into pdt management.

Why burgers believe no electricity = middle ages?
Literally would take us no further than before 1870.
Maybe because back then more than half their country was useless wilderness.
Some cities, like Paris, still have some gas lamps lying around.

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How envious was the person making this? kek