Python is cancelled. Scriptshits BTFO.
New macOS won't ship with Python, Ruby, or Perl
why? They're killing their market
all coders and programmers use macs because the management always buy them and they're pretty useful because of bash and a lot of unix stuff you don't get with windows
inb4 satania
sounds pretty based to me
Literally anyone who would ever use scripting languages on macOS installs it via brew.
Nobody uses the defaults, even stuff like gcc redirects to clang by default.
MacPorts gots ya covered
port install python
port install ruby
port install perl
>apple does something right for once
Hard to believe
>not bloating the install and letting people download what they need
And some brainlet will still find a way to see it in a negative light.
So, now I can easily run Python 3 instead of keeping track of some outdated Python 2 shit that ships with my Mac?
This is a good thing.
I would fucking love to use macOS but I'm not buying their shitty overpriced hardware. And yes, you can run it on a hypervisor, but it's a crap solution prone to breakage.
The Windows users on Jow Forums have severe Apple derangement syndrome. They will try to spin anything Apple does into a negative. Even when it is something objectively good like this.
They're not removing my precious tclsh are they?
Default installed outdated versions. Anyone half serious always installs newer versions via homebrew/ports/etc.
>why? They're killing their market
what is home-brew? the default shit that ships with macOS is always outdated and you end up replacing it either way..
So, how are you going to get homebrew running without these languages built in? Run some binary off the internet? Nice.
Obviously they'll ship a version of tcl or ruby with their tarball of scripts. I think macports already does this
>just use yet another package manager dude
Great, another reason to avoid macOS.
Why do they include an office suite? Pages alone uses a lot more space than any of these languages.
>Why do they include an office suite?
They don't.
Show me a computer I can buy with macOS that doesn't include an office suite.
>included apps
Imagined being paid to shill for a company and not even knowing their products.
That comes with the MacBook Pro. Not macOS. Are you retarded?
This is by far the dumbest straw an Apple shill has ever grasped at.
Again, show me a computer I can buy with macOS that does not include an office suite. I'm waiting.
Your original claim is that macOS includes an office suite. Not that MacBooks sold include an office suite, in addition to other software. This is a thread about macOS. macOS by default does not include an office suite. Are all you winjeets this stupid?
>trusting a programming language based on a snake
mankind fell for his tricks before, I will not doom myself with the same mistake
mac ships with 2.7
who even uses 2.7 anymore
I thought you had to download iWork (Pages/Numbers/Keynote) from the App Store
If you're actually using python, ruby, or perl the first thing you'll do is
brew install python ruby perl
No, it comes with macOS.
But that's garbage. Why would you use several package managers for one OS and get conflicts?
>No, it comes with macOS.
It doesn't. You don't know what you're talking about.
>Why would you use several package managers for one OS and get conflicts?
You don't use several, you use homebrew.
They’re removing python 2.7, not python 3.
But macOS DOES include an office suite. In every single form that macOS is distributed, it includes an office suite.
>macOS by default does not include an office suite
Prove this statement.
>Pages, Numbers, and Keynote do not come preinstalled.
>Assuming you bought your MacBook on or after October 1, 2013, they are free downloads from the Mac App Store for qualifying computers.
>It doesn't.
I asked you to prove this statement.
>You don't use several, you use homebrew.
What do you think pkgsrc is, you retard?
>In every single form that macOS is distributed
You can download macOS for free. That does not include an office suite. The base install does not include an office suite, winjeet.
>Prove this statement.
see >I asked you to prove this statement.
see >What do you think pkgsrc is, you retard?
Does not need to be used, winjeet.
Is Perl better than python soÿ faggotry?
Fucking lol. From the manufacturer's own website:
>Built-in Apps:
>You can download macOS for free. That does not include an office suite.
Provide an official download link for macOS that does not include Pages.
>Does not need to be used, winjeet
So your solution is to not use the App Store at all?
>Why do they include an office suite?
They do? Wasn't it the option to download the stuff from the store? Been a while since I bought a new Mac.
And if they do, well it's obviously a shit decision, and the size of the thing is horrible too. Doesn't negate their good one.
>Download Pages for Mac
>Pages for Mac, Numbers for Mac, and Keynote for Mac are available on the Mac App Store. macOS High Sierra or later required. Downloading apps requires an Apple ID.
pretty sure they're not included because I had to download them friend
Yes, I think it changed quite a while ago. I'm going to say somewhere around the time they changed their naming scheme from cats to mountains.
Installing an optional package is trivial. Whether it’s an official one like Xcode command line tools or through a third party package manager like brew, this is a nonissue for actual coders. Moron.
>Provide an official download link for macOS that does not include Pages.
App store.
>So your solution is to not use the App Store at all?
To install packages? Yes. There is nothing worth using there besides macOS.
>Fucking lol. From the manufacturer's own website:
That's for the MacBook Pro when bought through them, you illiterate winjeet. Why do you pajeets have ADS so badly?
>But that's garbage. Why would you use several package managers for one OS and get conflicts?
brew is a single package manager. Do you think Apple has a built in package manager or something?
Well, mine is from 2015, but I just don't recall whether they were preinstalled. Think Garageband and iMovie were for sure.
Only winjeets think like this. "coding" has been a commonly used term since the 60s.
Using your own retarded choice of words OP
>it's built-in because you can download it again
Getting a bit desperate aren't we? How else would you re-install it?
Actually it should be trivial, but it isn't. If you have Xcode and decide to install python through brew, you'll get 2 installations. Sometimes you can't update brew packages because Xcode hasn't been updated. It's a clusterfuck.
But you don't care about that, you get paid to pretend like these issues don't exist.
>Do you think Apple has a built in package manager or something?
I remember when Apple shills were top of the line. Like incomparable to Microsoft shills. Now it's just morons who don't even know their own products.
To answer your question yes, macOS does have a package manager. It's called pkgsrc. It's what the App Store uses.
Mactoddlers are just the worst.
Observe how they try to justify Apples methods of preventing them from gaining access to software.
>"Yes massa, I will not try to run apps from outside of the app store on my MAC."
Pathetic excuses left and right.
So has AIDS. "Coders" are retards. It's a term made up by web developers because they can't call themselves programmers.
What? Everyone in here is saying to use homebrew. Nobody is talking about the App Store. Winjeets really think you can't install anything outside of the App Store, where as their OS prevents installation of anything outside of the Windows Store.
No "coder" has been used in the real world for 60 years. You just get upset about it because your video games didn't use it. That's all you know.
>Getting a bit desperate aren't we? How else would you re-install it?
Consider that Pages, Keynote and Numbers only became free in april 2017.
I checked the Ars Technica reviews for 10.13 and 10.14 (which tend to be pretty thorough when it comes to new features) and found no mention of the iwork suite coming preinstalled.
It looks like every operating system is improving ins some way. That's good.
>I checked the Ars Technica reviews for 10.13 and 10.14 (which tend to be pretty thorough when it comes to new features) and found no mention of the iwork suite coming preinstalled.
It's because that guy is talking out his ass. He's a retard.
THAT CHAD FACE. No wonder /v/ kids are obsessed.
>No "coder" has been used in the real world for 60 years.
I'm gonna need proof, and since you said commonly used" I sure hope it's not like one guy using it.
Absence of proof != proof of absence.
>App store.
You cannot download macOS through the App Store since Mojave. Also, not a link.
What's funny is that I know macOS much better than its Internet Shilling Force.
>I'm gonna need proof
Yeah, I'll go compile all that into audio recordings. Are you retarded?
>You cannot download macOS through the App Store since Mojave
You can download Mojave through the App Store, it is the latest release.
Can't you just download them. It takes like a minute.
I'm not going to install a package manager on somebody elses machine, user. Nobody who values smooth sailing will do that.
So all in all a whole plethora of options less for everybody, including you, yourself, and still you apparently celebrate it. You make it sound like you appreciate having less, for no actual gain whatsoever. Unless you're the guy maintaining python2, perl and ruby at Apples headquarters, LOL! As if! You're just a consumer drone, you never face the "bloat" you're always parroting about.
The defaults are what matter. That is (was) the epitome and main selling point of macOS: Sane defaults. A sane default web browser. A sane default web cam application. A sane default Mail application. A decent default imaging and file compression utility et cetera. Ask any (ANY) UX developer. Especially the guys that are responsible for the removal of these scripting languages.
Eventually you'll realize that as well.
>I'm not going to install a package manager on somebody elses machine, user. Nobody who values smooth sailing will do that.
Only a wintoddler would think this.
>So all in all a whole plethora of options less for everybody, including you, yourself, and still you apparently celebrate it.
Nothing changes. You winjeets are just clutching at straws here.
>The defaults are what matter
Again, only a wintoddler would think that. You sound like an old woman.
You can download Mojave if you're on anything before Mojave, otherwise you can't. And obviously I'm not discussing the deprecated versions.
Hey if you can show me a base install of macOS that I can get through the App Store while being on the latest sable that does not include Pages, you win.
Nice ad hominem.
Proceed chewing on some dick, you ƒ bitch nigger.
Safari is definitely not a sane web browser. Sucks to be you, get ready to port all your keyloggers to applescript.
>You can download Mojave if you're on anything before Mojave, otherwise you can't
What else would you be on?
Yeah, no one cares what you think, wintoddler. Cry harder.
>You winjeets are just clutching at straws here.
From the guy using Quora as an official source for his made-up claims.
Wrong quote bro.
In his fit or rage of realizing he's retarded, that sucker even starts to mix up post.
Yep, you're suicide watch, shilltoddler.
you're on* kek
Get rekt, ƒ bitch nigger.
From the pajeet who thinks iWork comes with macOS by default. What a bitch.
Calm down schizo, I'm shitposting on multiple tabs.
Uh, on the latest stable? So you think you can't download Mojave unless you're on anything before Mojave? Lmao. Please keep showing us how little you know about the things you're paid to shill.
It’s only a clusterfuck if you’re a mouth breather who has to google instructions for every little thing
>Uh, on the latest stable?
That's what I'm on and I can download it just fine. Not sure about your issue, but you should report it.
Smoke some, bitch. Even their patience was gone.
We're rather skitzos than a cuck consumer drone dick sucker like you are.
>called out for being a google search citing tard
>Posts google search results to prove point
Mouth breathing moron
Does he fucks Tim Cuck?
Like this? Though it sends me to update screen.
And whenever I install the base, the stock macOS includes Pages. It's almost like it's included. Just like Apple's own page about macOS says:
>built-in apps:
But you and Quora know macOS better than Apple, user.
Not good, not terrible.
I don't see the issue.
Nobody uses the versions bundled by the OS.
Mine prompts a download.
You were quoting a page about the MacBook Pro. Work on your reading comprehension, pajeet. I'm on a fresh install of Mojave and see no iWork applications. Where are they?
you're thinking of pkgutil or sofwtwareupdate. pkgsrc doesn't come with macOS. Also pkgutil is hardly a package manager. I mean it can install .pkg files, view what they will install and where, and that can help you figure out what you need to get rid of the .pkg receipts but it doesn't connect you to any repository of pkgs so it's really useless as a cli tool.
In a way, softwareupdate is more of a package manager. But it only deals with system updates, so it's not really useful.
>Absence of proof != proof of absence.
What are you going to ask Santa for this Christmas?
>macbook pro
That page clearly says it's about macOS.
>where are they
You deleted the applications that were included in the macOS base installation, what's your point? You could delete Aqua if you wanted.
>inb4 Aqua is not a part of macOS
When you enter a car, the car doesn't make
>vroooom vrrrooooom
>hurrrr durrrrrrr
Stop having contagious retardation. Keep your retarded defaults to yourself.
>Mine prompts a download.
Well, haven't updated mine to the last version, so probably that's why.
They hide behind the safari icon, lulz.
Whatever you say pajeet.
>That page clearly says it's about macOS.
On the MacBook Pro that is sold through Apple. Again, work on your reading comprehension.
>You deleted the applications that were included in the macOS base installation
No I didn't. I think you're just a lying pajeet.
Idiots who have to use google to tech support for the most inane little thing will naturally wind up at google to tech support. fucking moron,
Assume some more, it's delightful.
>it can install .pkg files
Gee, it's almost like it's a package manager.
>but it can't connect to any repositories
And? If I turn off my internet, is rpm suddenly not a package manager?
>What are you going to ask Santa for this Christmas?
For iToddlers to get BTFO.
But seriously, I never claimed Santa existed, you/he claimed Pages is not a part of macOS.
Learn to shit in a fucking toilet.
Get new material, bitch nigger.
Does that cut you deep, winjeet? It's because it is true.
He just explained to you how it’s not. you moron.
Klärwerke sind die KZs der Neuzeit, wusstest du das nicht, mein kleiner dummer bitch nigger?
>you/he claimed Pages is not a part of macOS.
And you're claiming it's not; and neither of you provided 100% proof. Gotta find someone autistic enough to do a fresh install to find the truth.