President George W. Bush (R-Texas)-----Married to a reptilian -major part of the reptilian agenda here on planet Earth.
Blake Ashby (R-Missouri)
Richard ?Dick? Bosa (R-New Hampshire)
Albertha Moultrie Brinson (R-New York)-----Alien-controlled at very high level
John Buchanan (R-Florida)
Edie Bukewihge (R-California)-----Reptilian
Michael Callis (R-New Hampshire)--Reptilian-controlled
F. Dean Christensen (R-Arizona)-----Alien (other type) w/ dark agenda
Carten Cordell (R-Alabama)
Thomas Fabish (R-California)-----Artificial intelligence
Lowell ?Jack? Fellure (R-West Virginia)-----Alien (other type) w/ dark agenda
Hoover Mark Gee (R-California)
George Gostigian (R-New Jersey)-----Alien & reptilian-controlled
Robert Haines (R-New Hampshire)
Mark ?Dick? Harnes (R-New York)-----reptilian ?squadron leader?
Mildred ?Millie? Howard (R-Ohio)-----Alien-controlled
Michael Idrogo (R-Texas)-----Reptilian-controlled
Derrick C. Johnson (R-Oregon)-----Artificial intelligence
Tom ?Billy Jack? Laughlin (R-California)
Cornelius O?Connor (R-Florida)-----Alien (other type)
Louis Rapuano Jr. (R-Connecitcut)
John D. Rigazio (R-New Hampshire)-----Alien (other type)
Keith Slinker (R-Pennsylvania)
Jim Taylor (R-Minnesota)-----Reptilian w/ very high connections
William ?Bill? Wyatt (R-California)-----Reptilian w/ very high connections

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Other urls found in this thread:

Wesley Clark, Ret. Army Gen.(D-Arkansas)-----Alien-human hybrid
Howard Dean, Fmr. Gov.(D-Vermont)-----Alien w/ very high connections to dark agenda
John Edwards, U.S. Senator(D-North Carolina)-----Human, wow!
John Kerry, U.S. Senator(D-Massachusetts)-----Reptilian?other than main agenda
Dennis Kucinich, Congressman(D-Ohio)-----Reptilian
Joe Lieberman, U.S. Senator(D-Connecticut)-----Reptilian leader
Al Sharpton, Civil Rights Activist(D-New York)-----Artificial intelligence w/ negative agenda
Warren Ashe (D-Virginia)-----Alien/human hybrid
Donald Award (D-Connecticut)
Katherine Bateman (D-Illinois)----High level reptilian/human hybrid
Jerry Beck (D-Missouri)
Sanderson Beck (D-California)-----Alien (other type) w/ very dark agenda
Jim Bollinger (D-Indiana)
Harry Braun (D-Arizona)
Willie Carter (D-Texas)-----Reptilian-alien morph
Patrick Cazneau (D-California)
Jeanne Chebib (D-DC)-----Clone of alien/human hybrid
Randy Crow (D-North Carolina)
Gerry Dokka (D-Georgia)
John Estrada (D-Nevada)-----Artificial intelligence
Susan Fey (D-Colorado)
Mildred Glover (D-Georgia)
Al Hamburg (D-Wyoming)
Vincent Hamm (D-Colorado)-----Reptilian/human hybrid
Amanda Lou Hardy (D-DC)
Ken Hill (D-South Carolina)
Arthur Jackson Jr. (D-DC)
Alfonzo Jones (D-New York)-----Reptilian, leadership trainee
Caroline Killeen (D-Pennsylvania)
Lyndon LaRouche (D-Virginia)-----Reptilian leader of very high status
Glenn Leaverton (California)
R. Randy Lee (D-New York)
Robert Linnell (D-New Hampshire)
Sherry Meadows (D-Texas)-------------------Alien-controlled
Grady Dean Mollenhour Jr. (D-New York)
Fred Ogin (D-Oregon)-----------------------Alien/human hybrid
Fern Penna (D-New York)
James Prattas (D-Hawaii)
Ole Savior (D-Minnesota)-----Clone of alien/human hybrid
Vermin Supreme (D-Massachusetts)
Craig Sharp (D-Texas)-----Human w/ very dark agenda, alien-controlled
Evelyn Vitullo (D-Arizona)-----Reptilian energy form on a human, other controlled

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fookkin ell

Attached: 1504578114421.jpg (828x559, 501K)

TL;DR: we are screwed

mid transformation pic?

Diane Templin (California) Presidential Nominee
Al Moore (Virginia) Vice Presidential Nominee
Michael Peroutka, Presidential Nominee(Maryland)-----Reptilian & alien-controlled, others
Jim Clymer, Vice Presidential Nominee(Penn.) -----Reptilian & alien-controlled by others
Sheila Bilyeu (Virginia)
Peter Camejo (California)
David Cobb (Texas)-----Reptilian w/ very POSITIVE agenda WOW!!
Brian Czech (Virginia)
Paul Glover (New York)
Kent Mesplay (California)
Carol Miller (New Mexico)
Mike Morrill (Pennsylvania)
Christina Rosetti (New York)
Lorna Salzman (New York)
Michael Badnarik (Texas)
Jeffrey Diket (Louisiana)-----Artificial intelligence
David Hollist (California)
Gary Nolan (Virginia)
Ruben Perez (Texas)-----Reptilian w/ very high and dark agenda
Mike Ross (Arizona)
Aaron Russo (California)-----Human w/ alien programming
Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio)-----See other
Christina Rosetti (New York)
Walt Brown (Oregon)
Leonard Peltier (Kansas)-----Pleiadean
Earl F. Dodge, Presidential Nominee(Colorado)-----Alien/human hybrid
Howard Lydick, Vice Presidential Nominee(Texas)
Jason Pacifico (New York)-----Reptilian w/ very dark agenda
Ted Weill (Mississippi)
Walt Brown, Presidential Nominee(Oregon)
Mary Alice Herbert, Vice Presidential Nominee(Vermont)
Bill Van Auken, Presidential Nominee(New York)-----Reptilian/human hybrid
Jim Lawrence, Vice Presidential Nominee(Ohio)
Martin Koppel, Presidential Nominee(New York)
Arrin Hawkins, Vice Presidential Nominee(New York)

Attached: 1515902362021.jpg (912x996, 66K)

A.J. Albritton (American Republican Party-Mississippi)
Sterling Allan (Providential Party-Utah)
Joe Bellis (America?s Party-Kansas)
Kenneth M. Bonnell (I-Mississippi)
Henri Calitri (I-New Jersey)----------------Reptilian w/ very dark agenda
Fred Cook (I-Georgia)
Eric J. Davis (Michigan)
Robert DiGiulio (Children?s Party-Vermont)
Bob Dorn (Washington)----------------------Alien/human hybrid
Lonnie D. Frank (I-California)---------------Human w/ very dark agenda
John Galt Jr. (I-Pensylvania)
Jack Grimes (United Fascist Union-Pennsylvania)
Michael Halpin (I-New York)
Larry D. Hines (I-Texas)------------------Pleiadean-controlled
Georgia Hough (I-Georgia)
Keith Judd (I-Massachusetts)
Darren E. Karr (Party X-Oregon)
Samuel Keegan (I-Rhode Island)
Joseph Martyniuk Jr. (I-Illinois)----------Alien w/ other agenda
David Mevis (I-Mississippi)---------------Clone
Muadin (E-Democratic Party-Massachusetts)
Ralph Nader (I-Connecticut)
Jeffrey Peters (We The People Party-New Hampshire)
Andrew M. Rotramel (I-Texas)
Joseph ?Average Joe? Schriner (I-Ohio)--------Hybrid clone
Dennis P. Slatton (United America Party-North Carolina)
Dan Snow (I-Texas)-----------------------Human w/ very dark agenda
Brian B. Springfield (I-Virginia)
Lemuel Tucker (I-Michigan)
Da Vid (Light Party-California)----------Negative agenda
Tom Wells (Family Values Party-Florida)
A.J. Wildman (I-Virginia)

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Lieberman certainly looks the part.

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I think its just that the aliens obviously have incredibly advanced technology, advanced enough they can insert an A.I. into a human being and make it a politician, like pic related, i believe thats an A.I. politician programmed by extraterrestrials in a clone factory

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lol right

How would it be like to fugg a reptilian?

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god i wish that were me
(the girl)

what the fuck happened to him? his eyes seriously look..wrong. he didn't used to have that bizarre stare. government drugs?

Like having a pretty vivid wet dream.

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Based and ickepilled

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I have listened to Icke talk in the past but I really don't like people talking about reptilians, it just sounds so crazy even if there is evidence(personally I think it's just demonic more than anything).

I like Steven Greere a lot more but I also think he's a bit crazy since he clearly lies about certain things. Like in the past year at his conventions, some of the stuff he said I could just tell he was lying. Like he said there's a head gadget you can wear and it lets you literally see wherever you want, it's like a portable remote viewing device. He said someone was going to give him one and he refused. Why the fuck would he refuse that? He could have proven literally everything he's been saying was true if he 3D printed that bad boy and put it up on ebay.

I like how he wraps up all spookiness though, really interesting really makes me think.

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>Icke was right all along

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Autistic leaf

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truth is stranger than fiction

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I know, I learned it the hard way

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Stop wasting our time and list the human ones

did an ayy lmao give you a cheeky probe up the bum?

"alien" is a cover for the reality that they're demon posessed humans , many of which are trannies

nah, they are just fucking with me, putting bottle caps on my head when Im not looking, must be a real funny one

There's gotta be both though, there are just too many stories of ayy interactions to brush them ALL off on demons. And like even among different kinds of spirits you can't just say they're all demons. That's just way too vague of a classification.

Some good people have good experiences with ayys or spirits. I think anyway.

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Seriously, no Chuck Schumer?

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That was one creepy as mother fucker. It was literally wearing a human skin.

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>tfw no more witch burnings


Kind of getting /x/ tier but have you guys ever seen a(n) UFO/UAP? I've seen the blue ball things (a little lighter of a blue tint than stars)
And a big ship that was a dark orange color (still very bright) but it looked like it had fog in the middle. Also saw a helicopter chasing something in circles around the sky when walking dog with gf. That one was the same colored blue just very dimmed.

fuck aliens to hell.


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fucking morons

live now

How have you known these & the correctness of them all ?

because im from the Men in Black secret agency, yes, it also operates here in Canada

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>CANAM unity
God bless you Leafs !

Brilliant embed
> LIVE Now

