Jow Forums just the most fucking gay place ever now

So i guess Jow Forums is just straight up seriously gay and everybody is a trap or a faggot.

Was gonna happen at some point, i'm not surprised. Only disappointed.

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Kill yourself namefaggot

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Posting popular anime loli? Just another megafaggot posing as a based and redpilled non-npc.

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stfu r/bant is a subreddit what did you spect faggot?

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I expected that you'd help make america great again

where's the wall keeping out the faggotry, juan?

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You shut your mouth you dirty namefag

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Instead of saying how shit Bant is, Start telling me what would make Bant BETTER! Be positive, not negative.

Well for starters we could fix anime

Canada is a gay dog molester so opinion discarded

How so?

Namefag has low iq as usual

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nigga whe both are americans, mongreling is what created our cultures

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everyone who posts that image is extreme cringe

Namefags with some what of a personality> an underage homosexual avatard without a personality


are you trying to say ”Leafman” has a personality?
just kys now

Yeah, it was inevitable at some point. /lgbt/ would've been a good board for this if it hadn't gotten overrun with trannies and pushed the lgb onto other boards.

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Underage avatard > Namefag who complains

The gayposting seems less active now.

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it is, OP just feels the need to drama post
he's been making these threads for ages, I believe in one of them he said he was moving to Jow Forums
too bad he didn't stay

LMAO at the fudge packer looking down his nose at trannies. Gays are not much better than trannies. You'd both get sent to the gulags.

Jow Forums taught me a valuable lesson about what new zealand has to say

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But you admit they are better.

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>So i guess Jow Forums is just straight up seriously gay
Wrong, so wrong, user is so wrong.

are you trying to say i don't?

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I will admit that i enjoy larping as a lgb extremist on /lgbt/ from time to time, trannies are weak and easily riled ;)
go back

However, i am not an user.

I am leafman.

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i am god too

your posts are indistinguishable from other Jow Forumsdditers
go back btw

And your posts are indistinguishable from a 13 year old on a roblox forum- or /s4s/.

I think we both know that your attempts at slandering my person are nothing more than an attempt to fill some sort of void in your empty, meaningless life.

I am not the easy target you think me to be.

don’t get your panties in a twist, yeah? its not YOUR fault you’re fucking boring, just blame it on the genes
>no u
>ur underage
>ur life sucks and is meaningless unlike mine
>reddit spaces the whole thing
babby’s first shitpost

Don’t give the namefag Jow Forumstard any attention. They live off of it, just sage and hide

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cope harder

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