Look at this shit. It's over, fuck them.

So I created an account with a fake name just because I wanted to send a message to some old friends that I have no other way to communicate with. First they asked for my phone number to unlock the account. I gave the phone number because I realized that they already have it through WhatsApp and what could they do with my phone number?, send me ads or something? I thought I could do that sacrifice to be able to communicate with the people I wanted. But now, after some days using the account with no problem they have blocked it again and now they are asking for a fucking picture to identify me. HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA.

Just fuck you Zuckerberg and your piece of shit social network. I hope you still have my photos stored from when I had an account several years ago and you masturbate to them faggot. Send them to Boston Dynamics(Skynet) so they put them in the list of people that their robots will kill when you take over with your other friends from Google, Twitter, and others. I will be waiting for you and will laugh at you because God is in our side and you are your father the Devil.

Attached: 243324324.png (1115x589, 30K)

Other urls found in this thread:


fuck off taco

Nobody understands your jib-jab language, Miguel

Attached: god_damn_dirty_illegal_immigrant_shit_get_the_fuck_back_to_Mexico.png (350x350, 138K)

back to your drug cartel shithole

this is not a tech thread

Attached: 48bdf318.png (679x679, 626K)

God does not exist btw. You're alone in this fight.

Attached: 2bnu8nk4gcz21.jpg (480x446, 27K)

Spanish is the best language, most beautiful and most complete language in existence. Don't @ me.

Only if a woman is speaking.
I cringe everytime I hear hombres speaking this gayass language (only for men).

Read El Quixote and have sex.

Cuatro tacos por favor
Dos suadero
Dos carnitas

Attached: 1532920104351.jpg (1280x720, 264K)

Can't you just upload some random faggot's face from google images?

You've probably only heard Mexicans speaking their bastardized Spanish, which sounds vulgar and ugly as fuck.
Yes, the Spaniards have that lisp, but it's better than sounding like a savage native.

im sorry man, cant understand illegal migrants language

I used my real name and they disabled my account asking for my picture, so I sent them a picture of ME and then my account was permanently disabled.
Am I that ugly?

This happened to me but with a real account
>want to delete my facebook I've had for years
>delete all my photos first to make sure nothing hangs around
>about to delete account
>asks me to activate with phone number
>I enter my phone number
>doesn't work since I never added my phone number
>asks me for photo identification to unlock my account even though I have the login, password and my email
>begrudgingly send my driver's licence
>they still refuse to unlock my account to delete it
welcome to big data

Why don't you just upload a photo? What are you trying to hide?

upload any picture pendejo, they dont care literally up it just for the lulz you will get

Build the wall, zuck

Attached: 305E5080-F651-47D4-A6AA-4BAAFF01A018.gif (350x232, 461K)

>delete all my photos first to make sure nothing hangs around

I did that too but I have heard that it doesn't matter because they save a copy all of your date including the photos in their servers forever.

What country are you in? If Europe, you can just send them an email stating you will notify authorities if your account is not deleted and you can/have provided adequate proof (or subsequently threaten to take it to local media such as news outlets). Under GDPR laws (which facebook is bound to under US-EU privacy shield agreement (formerly safe harbor agreement but that was broken after an EU Judge ruled it had too many loop-holes (see Schrems v Facebook Ireland for the case)) you have the right under Article 17, and Recital 65. (gdpr-info.eu/art-17-gdpr/) Typically if companies ignore this they will be warned, and subsequently fined afterwards. You have a right under that general article to be forgotten if you desire. You also have a general right under Article 15 to access to your data.Just state that if you have to communicate with them via email.

Fuckk off pjaeet working at Google. It must be them who gave people all the options to easily delete their data not people that has to start a legal battle to delete a fucking Facebook account.

All of my fake accounts still work.

I speak English, Spanish, French and German. I can also phonetically read Hebrew, Cyrillic, and Korean.

In my opinion, Hangul (Korean writing) is without a doubt the superior writing system. To my occidental ears their language sounds kind of unpleasant sometimes, though. In terms of being pleasant-sounding, some Arabic-language-family poetry sounds really beautiful... when not spoken by a low-class sandnegro

Also just upload a pic of someone that's not you and edit the image a bit. Pointless thread, whine more.

Attached: hangul_chart.png (653x945, 53K)

I think they leave old fake accounts alone, but creating a new one now surely makes you jump through some hoops

Just wait a week or something and by then they enable your account again. Though that was the 'send your personal documents here', so no photo was ever uploaded before or after.

Fake profiler spreading malware is a big problem on social media.

I remember reading somewhere that Facebook deleted like 2 billion fake profiles

Don't you mean

i don't speak macaco

Is Chinese the worst?

>asking for my phone number
twitter is also a shit


next they'll ask him for an ID or this IS what they're asking now and op didn't retell his story right, at least they used to ask for your ID wayyy before and i don't see why they'd change that

I think you are a little bit too late, OP.
Facebook is already known to be shit, no one is surprised.
Too bad your friend still uses Facebook, pretty much shows how Spanish speaking societies are full of normies and most people are retarded.


>Am I that ugly?
Based on the fact that you're a beaner: yes you are.

>pretty much shows how Spanish speaking societies are full of normies and most people are retarded.

Yeah because in the USA people don't use Facebook... idiot.

I'm not the OP retard.

>Don't @ me.
fuck off, go back to where you came beaner

wowie, what's this?
kinda kinda angry, huh?

There are shit people everywhere, I know.
YOU are an example, bitch.

Spaniards don't have a lisp fucking retard. By your retarded definition, if they have it, then any English-speaking faggot has it because of words like "think".

sopa de macaco uma delicia

Fuck off fagbook nigger

Not him, but yes, Chinese writing system is just retarded and inefficient

>So I created an account
and thus we discovered your problem


I also had issues with creating a Facebook account. I deleted mine a year or so back.
Some day I was drunk or whatever, I was trying to look for some social media account of this girl I like. I found her Facebook but not everything was visible, and thus thought to make a dummy Facebook account. Thing is, Facebook asks for your face and phone number. I use WhatsApp made a pic with my face but in all the other fields I put random shit. Then there is the fact that you have to wait for your account to be verified.
Fuck Facebook, it's absolute cancer.

I don't have much experience with Mandarin or Cantonese. I've only watched like 30 mins of basic stuff on youtube, which goes over the 4 tones used in Chinese. If it's any use- the sounds I dislike the most on Korean are the ones that sound like they would be spoken in Chinese as well.

Yeah, that's a fair point. Give them an inch and they take a mile.

>Some day I was drunk or whatever, I was trying to look for some social media account of this girl I like.

A classic. I have done that many times. There is a way to see more photos that the ones that are shown in the profile. It only shows a bunch of photos more that people take in public places like pubs and are uploaded by the business.


Are you angry because I have used a specific sign or expression from another place outside your preferred shithole? Cute

T. Amerifat

I also like to LARP in Jow Forums.

I was born in Venezuela so my first language is Spanish, and I moved to Canada where I learned English and French. I've always had an interest in German from listening to Rammstein, and know enough that I was able to get by in Germany by myself (I live in EU now)

Learning an alphabet phonetically (Hangul, Cyrillic, and Hebrew) is nothing impressive; it can be done in an afternoon. I don't know anything about their grammar rules, but except what Ive picked up instinctively. The whole learning alphabets thing started with me wanting to understand what my Russian teammates were saying in a Dota 2 match lol, and I got hooked after that

Attached: Fx6b4PC.gif (277x200, 1.88M)

>taking a language who dialect include talking like a retard on purpose.
>liking soulless Korean literally the worst sounding language.

Post your iq so we can all laugh at you

Mine is blocked as well as I tried loggin in with Firefox instad of the usual Safari. Big mistake, apparently! Sent them my profile pic again (they wanted a fucking ID - TOP KEK!), nothing changed, still blocked.

Well, then they will die without my presence. I can deal with that.

Attached: Haha lol!.jpg (190x210, 8K)

I said it's clearly the superior writing system, not the best sounding language. No accents, no implicit vowels like Semitic languages, no silent letters (AFAIK), the letters themselves show you where to place your tongue when pronouncing them. Literally a self-documenting writing system

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So after they ask you for a photo they ask you for a fucking ID with all your personal data like your adress??

Oof he took the Reddit pill

Lol this fucking thread is an embarassment.

Iranian languages are the most aesthetically sounding languages and their poetry is arguably the best in the world. This is sadly not debatable, so no amount of sperging and screeching will change that fact.

There's a reason why that tiny dicked germanlet called Hitler praised and obsessed over Iranians and stole their name.

Nobody gives a fuck about GDPR. Reporting violations of GDPR is also useless because "data commissioners" are too busy screeching about Facebook instead of doing actual work.

I have tried to get my account deleted at two Bitcoin exchange sites managed by two Chink Americans and they simply ignore my requests.

>>delete all my photos first
Reminder: when you see the word "delete", just read it as "hide from view". Nothing's being deleted, user.

Upload a fake picture you retarded beaner

They straight up asked for my ID, without any warning. I read online from other faggots that fell for the facebook meme that fb unlocked their accounts after them having uploaded their profile pictures again (instead of the ID) and that worked. Didn't work out for me. My profile is still blocked.

I'll keep uploading my profile picture and as soon as they unlock my account I'll delete it. I doubt they will unlock it, they apparenly just want to flex "how much" power they have over my name. I bet they have a raging hard-on doing all this shit, especially considering all those soccer mums doing exactly as being told and following such instructions.

Sure, I could blur parts of my ID except of my name, but then they'd know it's really me and I sure as fuck don't want that to happen. Ever heard about facebooks fuck-ups due to incompetence? Horrible company, I don't trust them a single bit. The pic of my ID would probably end up in Kim-Jong-Uns hands somehow. Sadly WhatsApp is a demon I can't get rid of because of braindead frens. I wish I could. But even on there I don't post anything anymore, I mostly just lurk.

I feel like this whole situation is an attack on my dignity. Without me, my data wouldn't exist. I am my data. That metadata they saved on me is literally me. And they refuse to let me delete my data - yes, that's how the internet works, I know. But: It would only be okay if my profile would be marked as blocked. But currently normies think I don't reply because I hate them, not because I can't log in. There's no indicator my profile on there doesn't react at all. That's what I mean with "flexing their power over my name".

Fuck facebook management. I hope they only fly Boeing.

Attached: three dimensional harold.jpg (636x264, 42K)

> read el-spico
> stop jacking off

Some retard once tried to create an account on my name and got btfo by this system.
Blessed be Mr. Zuck

>using facebook

Thanks for the suggestion. Im the dude that speaks several languages / can read different alphabets. I said Arabic poetry is some of the most beautiful sounding. I didn't realize that Iranian is not part of the Arabic family though. Will listen to some when I get home. Thanks user

Attached: 1520024204173.jpg (500x750, 152K)

>I didn't realize that Iranian is not part of the Arabic family though.
What the fuck? Even I knew that. You're a liar. Every arab will get mad when you call them a persian and vice versa.


>Need facebook account for some IRL events
>Create email account with fake name
>Create facebook account using fake email and same fake name
>Vague user profile picture that doesn't really show anyone
>Never get asked for any verification shit

I may be safe only because I barely use the account to keep track of events for a group, so I don't post anything and rarely contact anyone though facebook. I've been tagged a few times with my real name, but it's been for events that are several thousand miles away, so I'm hoping it doesn't trigger anything.

Or find a Facebook account on getnada.org

>Every arab will get mad when you call them a persian and vice versa
I knew this part. I just never stopped to think about the origins of the language(s). Im not a linguist lol, I just do this as a hobby - again, me learning alphabets started from teammates trash talking me in Russian in Dota2

Upload a picture of Stalin and be done with it?

posting evidence

Iranian languages are part of the Indo-European language branch, while Arabic languages are Semitic. They both sound differently, have different grammar, different structure etc, so it's impossible to confuse them.

Not entirely true. A lot of Arabs pretend to be Armenian, Iranian, Italian, Greek etc.

This shit happens to me months ago.

Chinga tu madre!

>I was born in Venezuela so my first language is Spanish
Fascista de mierda.

There's a company called Wargaming which forces people to give up their phone number and pictures of their passports if they want to see the data the company has been collecting about them.

Welcome to the botnet world.

Everybody getting triggered here because of the ops picture

facebook hacked

>stopped posting in 2015
>delete account in 2016
>didn't ask for shit
why did you wait so long

Hahahaha I own Facebook stock that is worth 50k and this thread makes me feel real good

You incels are getting bullied by the Zuck

hijueputa fascista

Dude I deleted my Facebook account many many years ago. I just wanted to make a new one to send some messages.

I have the same problem but there is actually no email where you can contact them

Imagine being a retarded beaner shitskin who gave his phone number to Facebook

that would be latin/italian, retard

Attached: mike.jpg (1341x1272, 89K)

Fuck you, Big Brother

That's Brazilian, you school shooter

wut? Being born in a country does not mean I agree with its political leadership. In fact, my parents moved my family away from Venezuela because they suspected the country would go to shit after Chavez got elected. Of course, I was too young to really understand what was happening (born '91).

It seems really unfair to assume someone's political preference based on the country they live in or what country they were born in. It's not like we get to control where we get born..naguara...

:v :v :v :v :v :v :v :v :v :v :v :v :v :v :v :v :v :v :v :v :v :v :v :v :v :v :v

Relax bro, its just Jow Forums way to tell you that you are appreciated

my bad mmmkay


He is right, tho

Also cringe culture is dead, you frog fag

while the video here is really fucked up because of that perspective option, she might be the hottest woman i have ever seen. fuck.

>bitching about Facebook
>to Jow Forums
what were you hoping to accomplish there?


read that again & slowly

don't @ me bro


ok stay ignorant my underdeveloped country bro