You kiddos ever been to soapland?

you kiddos ever been to soapland?

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sounds gay

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I shower twice a day

believe me, it's the opposite of gay.

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nah it's pretty fookin gay lad

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will you cute boys soap me up?

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Tf is soapland

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ooh is that one of those things where they literally soap you in and rub you all over with their entire bodies

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Gay wrestler


consensual wrestling is allowed in soapland


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What happened were you too gay?

It wasn't enjoyable for me anymore

Was it because of us bullying you? Lol

No doing it everyday just wasn't fun for me. I'm doing track instead now since it won't take up as much time

track is gay

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Is it because you want more time to play Smash right

I'm in full honors, post here, and also a nintendrסne so one third of it I guess

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No. Soapland sounds like a kids city name