Attention: Ahem... *clears throat*

Fags go back to /lgbt/
Weebs go back to /a/, /h/, or /w/
Bronies go back to /mlp/
Jow Forumstards can stay if you're above the age of 21 and don't have ADHD, otherwise go back to Jow Forums or Jow Forums
Literal retards, cretins, or any other mentally subhuman degenerates go back to /b/

also fuck niggers and jannies
thank you

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Other urls found in this thread:

good post
very based

>Jow Forumstards can stay
You have to go back.

Attached: 1503878356528.jpg (567x449, 33K)

>if you're above the age of 21 and don't have ADHD, otherwise go back to Jow Forums or Jow Forums
I guess I shouldn't be surprised that a leaf can't read

Attached: 1544813189898.png (500x303, 67K)

>implying 30 yo trumptard boomers are welcome


my wife chino is so cute,

Absolutely no Jow Forumstards are allowed to stay, retard.

Frogposters are bestposters

Attached: serveimage.jpg (656x660, 283K)

if you hate jannies so much, you'll love this jannies vs frogposters video:

>Jow Forumstards can stay

Jow Forumscuck detected, probably underaged too
you and your fellow cult members are genuinely retarded btw

All beings are equal.

Attached: 1544861954780.png (831x876, 1.52M)

We're coming up on quad 9's frens.

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Equality is a myth

Of the source. By the source. When you die you go back to the source.

Who's next to get shit off their chest.

Attached: a0890138454_10.jpg (700x865, 54K)

Not true.

You can even look into the source through your two eyes through your thing and straight on to heaven. If you do not fully know yourself though, you might come back with a tinge of madness.

The blind speak.
If you are one completely blackpilled and without empathy, you are an anomoly that must still be celebrated. Fuck this whole system and everybody trying to tell us what to say or do!

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Let destiny not cuck us, but instead we cuck everybody's plans for out destiny.

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I want a world that is honest.

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>Jow Forumstards can stay

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They are forcefully emigrated here. Go fuck your own face.

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>Jow Forumstards can stay

you have to go back

Attached: 6ACC12EB-85E3-4495-9D14-B1D73CD8DC56.jpg (281x327, 39K)

Literally fuck your own face.

Attached: 1541882667862.jpg (480x478, 23K)

Based froglet, based frog poster.
Secure Jow Forums's borders.

Attached: eu popo.jpg (957x621, 68K)

Wall nao.

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Kek has blessed these digits. We need a permenant kekistan embassy.

Attached: 1545017306094.gif (554x400, 238K)

Praise be thy lord and savoir

Attached: 1543337470195.png (746x639, 41K)

>Jow Forumstards are forced here
They should be forced out of here as well.


Fuck you JANNY

too many people posting meme frogs in this thread

post other shit

Attached: moocher states.png (1063x1169, 180K)

Go dodge some bullets so you can get off your ass and burn some weight instead of posting on this thread amerilard.


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>Literal retards, cretins, or any other mentally subhuman degenerates go back to /b/
Why not /s4s/ ?

Also, push NY and Cali into the ocean. Ftfy

Bumping to piss off the queers trying to slide. Mmwtgs

Kek as fuck

10/10 if based
7/10 if redpilled

Sooo... Everyone then.

And kot posters? Well, you are quite all right here.

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>Literal retards, cretins, or any other mentally subhuman degenerates go back to Jow Forums

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*cough, cough*
*drops mic*

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