>16GB of RAM
feels good man
>16GB of RAM
feels good man
Other urls found in this thread:
64 feels better
had that for 7 years already
16GB is the sweet spot for average users these days
32GB is the bare minimum by now
You know what else divisible by 8 feels good?
16 cores. 32 threads.
>all those wasted ram
4gb here, feels good that i USE what i pay.
8gb is more than enough for me
i use what i pay
windows + 20 tabs of chrome gets me to 8gb already
mah nigga
An lxde desktop uses 230MB of ram. An additional couple of megs for Vim and some ks for your music and ssh and you're good. What do you need the other 15.5 Gigs for.
Gentoo and Firefox with 20 tabs and I'm sitting at a comfy 1.80 GiB. It should be noted I have modified the value of dom.ipc.processCount so I have one process per tab.
12gb ram is the patricians choice
Fucking low RAM peasants.
I'm using more RAM right now than what you have and i'm barely doing much (by my standards). Pic related.
I've been on 32GB for 8+ years. Next build with be a Ryzen 3950X with 64GB, assuming there's enough RAM slots on those peasant consumer motherboards. I'm used to proper motherboards with 8 slots.
reminder that you need at least 2GB of RAM per core for gayming, 4GB of RAM per core for productivity or compiling
That's a weird way to spell complete imbecile
>have 4gb stick in
>buy 1 8gb stick
>now have 12gb
you could replace the 8 there with 16 and end with 20gb, also a good choice
8 gigs works like a charm on my computer, I can multitask with no issues.
But if you're not mentally ill you'd never use that much RAM to begin with, so what's the point?
Based poorfag. The consumerist retards shitting up this board should be shot.
>giving up dual channel for some 12 gb meme shit
>mixing RAM sticks
>t. retard who only watches porn on his pc and doesnt do any work
these days I spend most of my days in fast food restaurants with headphones on using my portable DVD player with a CD cellotaped to the screen
t. chrome user
But if you're not mentally ill you'd never use that much RAM to begin with, so what's the point?
what a pathetic weakling
I've got 32, average around 8 used while idling because of all my bloat. 64 would be nice but I don't need it at this point.
little do you know how much RAM is needed to have several tabs of porn running at once
16 doesn't cut it for me anymore, gonna go with 32 for my next build
>tfw 4GB + 1TB PCIe SSD
holly shit the absolute state of Jow Forums...
or you could be running i7 920 with 3 memory channels
First upgrade in a long time is borderline erotic.
>Just look at his privilege
Why should that woman degrade herself like hes some kind of god? Men are just naturally more muscular. Why should he be allowed to walk around with that smug smile like he actually earned that?
>windows + 20 tabs of chrome gets me to 8gb already
That's a lie. With 8GB ram you can realistically run os and 40 tabs of chrome. But I will go further and say that you don't need to have 20 tabs open.
4GB is comfy with windows 7 but with windows 10 taking up 1.2GB of ram it's quickly not enough
>t. retard who only watches porn on his pc and doesnt do any work
You can run blender, photoshop, unity and other things with just 8GB of ram
>mfw was gonna buy 16 GiB kit for £80 then saw the same model 32 GiB kit on sale for £100
>4gb ram
>32gb swap
True masterrace
I don't blame you. It's only $20 more and it's good to have even if you're never going to use it.
>mfw 1 TB RAM superhuman
Only poor niggers have less than 16 nowadays
most of it is used by icecat. I'm feeling squeezed.
another, feelsgoodtoo, since 2W only and still a solid server
intel 77W: 7s (2012) == 539Ws
intel 15W: 7.5s (2016) == 112Ws
arm: 2W: 47s (2012) == 94Ws
You can see why arm is winning.
Bro, you need to delete chrome.
32GB RAM? Why do you need 64GB RAM
Page cache.
good goy
>16gb ram in 2019
go back to 2012 faggot
You are like a little baby
VM machine?
You could use half of it for a giant ramdisk.
>chrome with 4 tabs open
Desktop for trading crypto. Keeping charts for dozens of exchanges in Redis uses much RAM but everything else I tried that involves reading from the drive causes too much IO chug and that's with an Optane SSD which is the first thing I tried. When 64 gigs becomes too tight, the next Threadripper should be just about ready. More cores, more max RAM. I'm ready
tfw too brainlet for crypto so am liquidating and back to building programming langs :c
Yeah it did, back in 2008.
Don't bother, you have to make a hefty investment if you want to get into crypto today. Shame I miss the train back in 2012/3 with btc
>optane SSD?
Do you mean a 3D Xpoint SSD, or did you actually think Optane was going to be faster than a basic Samsung NVMe SSD?
4GB is enough. I use Guix, and have plenty of ram for i3, Emacs, and Icecat with 20+ tabs.
I mean Optane 900p. The drive that ultra-specializes in extreme low latency sub 4k reads and writes uttterly demolishing anything else on the market for that use case. Which is my precise use case. Yes, that Optane.
To put a finer point on it, I was using the fastest Samsung nvme drive at the time (I think it was a 960Pro) and the machine would lock up for seconds at a time. The Optane solved the lock ups but it still chugged. Redis solved that.
ah ok. i'd only ever seen Intel use the optane name for their 'hdd accelerator' boards marketed to mainstream consumer.
32gb is the bare minimum, 64 is preferred and 128 is gucci
Ramdisk is love
Use nixos instead of guixsd (guix is not an os).
Why is she doing that?
Hiding his stretchmarks from Junior.
Even if you play with small amounts and always keep selling when it goes up more than 3% then buy when its lower than your first purchase and repeat? I just want to make a few bucks
>if i had bought a whole bc when it was at 3k i would have more than doubled my investment by now
No, I like Lisp, and guix is a fantastic package manager (and linux distro). I've never used nixos but I have no interest in it.
Guix is just the package manager the OS is guixsd. Guix is an implementation of nix using lisp
I don't even have chrome.
Thanks god I'm not a brainlet.
The ram usage is due to my seeding.
on your workhorse sure
on your gaming rig? nah
4GB is enough for home use, if not you're running too much bloatware.
8GB is enough for work use, if not you're doing something wrong.
16GB is enough for video editing, if not stop multi-tasking and get back to work.
You mean for gamers.