I use xmodem

i use xmodem

Attached: Serial_port.jpg (1310x982, 274K)



xxx modem xxx

>not zmodem

who here just UART? pure simplicity. I'm pissed it's one of those "you can't just XYZ anymore" on modern devices

Attached: 12977-00__64260[1].jpg (440x440, 38K)

That's a cool protocol, I also use it in my embedded system.

some specific implementation?


Based serial port posters.

This triggers polled bus users.

>not smodem or bimodem so you can chat with qt sysop while downloading zone 66

not doing your own protocol in the first place

go use kysmodem

I've unironically used XMODEM to download stuff from BBSs. Is that wrong?

What a chad.

what programs can I use on lenoks?

I've flashed new firmware on an APC PDU NMC with XMODEM
9600 baud was the only rate it would work at
Took around 4 hours iirc

Attached: APC-AP7855A-Rack-PDU-Metered-Zero-U-22kW-400V-6-C19-Power-Distribution-36091-p.jpg (1600x1066, 271K)

>it took 4 hours for me to flash firmware to a glorified power strip

For data center use, switched and metered

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