Give me one (1) reason that you're still using Windows/iOS besides "m-muh games for children!".
Give me one (1) reason that you're still using Windows/iOS besides "m-muh games for children!"
Propriety embedded software for work
I don't use either but maybe
>you shill to the windows users
>their expectations are raised to an unbelievable level
>when it doesn't meet expectations they come to Jow Forums
>they complain how they fell for the meme
>they go back to windows
I'm gainfully employed and fuck my girlfriend on a nightly basis
It's not about "meeting expectations", it's about personal freedom being eroded on yet another front by the (((big tech companies))). It's not at all surprising that people get upset with non-Windows OS' when they're completely ignorant, and can't even begin to understand how something as basic as WiFi works because it's always been done for them. They're stupid, weak people, and if they were truly human they'd seek to better understand something that doesn't "do it" for them instead of running away like the numale cucks they've been brainwashed to become.
you just gave yourself a reason.
They don't use linooks because they "can't even begin to understand how something as basic as WiFi works because it's always been done for them."
Literally nobody cares about your cartoon collection. Literally nobody cares about your search history. Literally nobody cares about you. Because you're nothing more than a basement-dwelling pissant who spouts buzzwords on a Malaysian mango-molesting mailing list.
Well for once you are right, not even marketing cares about OPs data because you can't buy shit if you are a basement dwelling neet.
Muh games
Muh photo software
Muh soundcard
Muh smooth scrolling
Muh vsync
Muh drivers
I don't have any. Literally the only reason I dual boot at all is because I want to play some League or other shit from time to time.
Used Windows in my entire life and it's just works.
Nobody gives a fuck about which doujin I read on Exhentai or something like that.
Also, I have a job you know?
I like my hardware to work properly, user. I'm not gonna install something whose performance is worse (admittedly because hardware manufacturers are dicks, but still) just because of muh ideology, you know?
Glad to see you're secure enough about your life that you don't seek validation by lying to a bunch of strangers on a Mongolian basket-weaving forum.
I'm gonna give you the hardest pill to swallow that applies to pretty much any halfway normal person:
It's not worth the effort.
I do what I can to minimise my exposure while still using Windows but in all honestly it's simply not worth the effort to bother switching to any loonix distro full time. I tried multiple times and the only OS I come back to every single time is Windows. And on top I give negative shits about ideology or principals or whatever you want to call it and don't even start the unix philosophy bullshit.
Our employer makes us. But we all use Kali, BlackArch, Parrot or Pentoo in a VM anyway.
So either you are the edgiest bunch in a company I have ever seen or your boss needs to be taken behind the house and shot in the head what the actual fuck?
I'm gonna spell it out for you dumb fuck. We are being paid to break security at our clients. What the hell did you expect.
Honestly the only dumb fuck I see here is you working for a company that retarded but okay.
It's great fun - wanna join?
Adobe suite.
Sure I'll fit right in with your retarded boss.
That's OK - he's an ass anyway
LibreOffice, Calc. Idiot.
Honestly he sounds like one, how the fuck do you get into that position and then force people to use Windows when you are (presumably) the boss of the red team?
you have obviously never worked a day in your life if you think those are remotely comparable
Pivot tables and powerBI. Checkmate, NEET.
Basic functions perform the same. You can still use things like Macros, What-If-Analysis, V/H lookups, and anything else you're likely to need for business operations. The only difference is Calc doesn't have the proprietary formatting options.
>The only difference is Calc doesn't have the proprietary formatting options
Do you have any fucking idea how big of a deal that is?
None, assuming your office isn't staffed by more than 1/4 women. I've never had management take issue with my reports because they don't look "pretty". The information is there, that's all that matters.
I'm no boss. We just have to comply with corporate policy - even he does. Picture an international company spanning 150 counties with 300k employees globally, then you might get the feeling of how stringent some stuff is we all have to comply with.
I worked in big companies before and the bureaucracy was the single biggest reason I left for a smaller company and refuse to work for big companies since but that just sounds like some eldritch horror that became bureaucracy incarnate.
Working with tiny sheets doesnt count brah.
You know you can still format shit without it being called "Title 2", or "Header 6", right? Just change the fonts and shit yourself if it means so much to you, God damn.
I can relate. Bureaucracy is a real bitch with companies this big. They only reason I'm still in the game is because I get to see a lot of the world and get to crack security at big clients. Cool name on my resume for when I'm done with all this
Calc fucking blows donkey dick with bigger sheets shit head!
>seriously thinking (((they))) are not behind "free" software too.
wew, Jow Forums is now reddit
Nice comeback, Wincuck.
>They only reason I'm still in the game is because I get to see a lot of the world and get to crack security at big clients. Cool name on my resume for when I'm done with all this
Completely understandable. Did it for the same reasons when I still worked for big companies but at some point the bureaucracy was honestly just too much to handle and I got out. Got insanely lucky with a smaller company that has basically no bureaucracy compared to what I was used to and the CEO isn't borderline retarded.
Nice ignoring facts and my awesome digits. Linux at home though, fucking hate wangblows. I would cream my pants if office ported to linux. And i mean reliably, crossover doesn't cut the mustard.
That sure is great. I've seen some of my coworkers leave for opportunities like this as well. They work their asses off for about 5 years and learn tons of stuff in such a short time. And then they leave for something smaller to run their own teams. I'm half way there and hope to score something like that as well. Shit gets exhausting at times man. I'm off to bed, good talk.
Good luck with getting out, hope you'll find a nice company too.
android doesnt have anything to offer that justifies the clunky UI for me. if pie doesn't fix stuff that bothers me, im going back to ios
I have a job and sex
Starting from square 1 how does one become a white hat?