>Windows is a perfectly acceptable OS
Windows is a perfectly acceptable OS
If you ignore the ethical problem of proprietary software, yes.
Only if you're a normalfag who doesn't know what's up or a zoomer who missed Snowden Leaks. I guess nobody who has a bit of tech knowledge would touch windows outside a vm where it can't do any harm.
>he doesn't live in a country where US surveillance is irrelevant
I mean, yeah, it's better than nothing. Preferable to Loonix if you want to do more than ricing too.
Yes, before windows 10
>implying they aren't spying on everyone
macOS > linux > windows
but it is. it just werks
>a country where US surveillance is irrelevant
Which planet is this?
Yeah it's shit. I'm system restoring my machine for the third time this year due to faulty updates. But it's the only one that will do what I need it to do, namely run Visual Studio, SQL Server, IIS, Microsoft Office, and Age of Empires II.
I disagree. It is not good to use. It has no good shells, the documentation is poor, it can only use a terrible filesystem like NTFS, simple things like setting up network shares or installing drivers are made needlessly difficult, it has no good package managers, it is slow, it has to reboot constantly, UAC is a mess, its DE is buggy and can't be changed, it has issues mounting external drives, it has an inconsistent UI, it can't boot directly to a shell, it can't run a good deal of software without needless hacks.
In my opinion, unless you grew up using Windows, it is an exercise in frustration to try to use it coming from a UNIX-like environment.
Thinking now you're right, it has never been acceptable, we just grew used to it.
It's an exercise in frustration coming from windows 7.
I don't see how Windows 7 is any different from what I described.
>Preferable to Loonix if you want to do more than ricing too
Try to understand the kernel. Shit's got shit going everywhere without rhyme or reason.
Where do you store your 64bit system executables, user?
Are you retarded?
Plenty of documentation, network shares and drivers are easy as pie, it doesn't reboot constantly, no issues mounting external drives, ui is consistent, runs pretty much everything.
Sounds different to me.
No, the documentation has always been poor on Windows. Compare it to any GNU system and it is miles behind.
Network shares and drivers aren't easy. Windows only supports a couple of protocols and they barely support them at that. It has never worked properly. It always has weird, obfuscated errors. Drivers are the biggest pain. Windows can't mount anything not FAT or NTFS, which is just ridiculous. The UI is not consistent, even on 7. There is a bunch of legacy shit there that looks totally out of place. And it doesn't run anything. Try to install any good CLI software and it needs a bunch of tedious hacks to even run, let alone work properly.
Imagine actually thinking drivers are a pain in Windows
They are. Compiling a custom kernel is much more straightforward. This isn't about things being "too hard". There is no honour in your software barely working. These things should be straightforward and logical. Windows is just a mess that can't get anything right.
This is all wintoddlers can do. Go back to playing games, kid.
>Attack on Cringe
>Windows is for toddlers because it's too easy!
>Windows is bad because it's too hard for me!
See, this is what you don't get. An OS is poorly designed if it can't do basic things in a straightforward and logical way. Windows is a mess in this regard, that is why it is painful to use, not because one needs great "skill" to use it. I never said it is too easy, therefore for toddlers. You have claimed that, so don't try to pin it on me. I say Windows is for toddlers because it is what morons use to play with childish video games.
Windows is bad because it does not work. That is why. Everything requires the user to hack around endlessly just to get a usable OS. Whereas GNU actually works. GNU is simple, straightforward and logical. This is how an OS should be. I don't want to fight with the OS that I am trying to use for work. I can easily check the documentation for any aspect of my GNU software. What does Windows offer? A "help" menu that redirects to some vague web page written by Prakesh Sumahari? That isn't documentation, that is just trying to placate users and make them subservient to the Microsoft environment.
WIndows is shit because it isn't Unix-like, case closed
windows and linux aren't bad choices, linux plays games as much as windows w/Wine, Lutris, play.on.linux(PoL), and if none of those work, theres virtualbox / VMware as a last resort if you 'gotta play that'. so theres no excuse to not hop into linux at this point even if gaming is your 'Main deal' .
You're retarded
If by UNIX-like you mean well documented, logical, and simple. But I think all operating systems should be like that. But Windows, by its nature, is a graphical layer on top of PC DOS. Simplicity has never been their goal. Neither has documentation, for that matter. The number of layers placed on this model has turned it into an unusable mess for anyone new to it. Do you even realise how much shit in Windows you simply take for granted? There are four or five different ways to complete a single task, that is just ridiculous. Especially when software management is still a juggling game. Microsoft keeps piles of legacy shit in their OS while introducing new, frankly needless, software. They do this so much so that Windows has become a frankenstein OS full of conflicts and missing libraries.
Windows could potentially work, but it would need a complete overhaul and the values of the developers would need to dramatically shift. But right now it just isn't usable for anyone who didn't grow up with it.
Good argument, winjeet.
Once they implement GUIX as their package manager I will run windows, I am sure they soon will because windows has good people working on these things.
>by its nature, is a graphical layer on top of PC DOS
This hasn't been really true since NT
>Microsoft keeps piles of legacy shit in their OS
This is really the whole point of WIndows in the first place in that it introduces new features while keeping reasonable backwards compatibility with programs that precede it and Windows has kept this philosophy (the one philosophy windows has) to this very day
It's the reason Windows 10 can still run 20+ year old GUI programs without modification or interface with much earlier Windows versions
>This hasn't been really true since NT
Yes it has. Just because they changed to a different kernel does not mean they dropped everything from 9x Windows. It was simply reworked for NT, which wasn't hard since NT had been developed alongside 9x for the better part of a decade by the time they dropped 9x.
>This is really the whole point of WIndows in the first place
I'm sure they didn't intend to turn it into a broken, unstable mess by doing this, but that is what has happened. Anyone could have seen it coming from a mile away. Rather than doing any work on older software they drop it and move to a new toy, while leaving the old software in the OS. All this does it cause conflicts and makes their OS needlessly complex. At this point they would be better off running those programs under a compatibility layer as a way to quarantine them from the modern OS. Maybe that would solve one issue.
As a GNU/Linux user, I have to say, this is the most nit-picky set of examples you could have listed. Just stick to the lack of control over the system and software and other more critical arguments instead of complaining about shell and the UX.
I don't see how things so central to the administration and general use of a machine are nit picking.
How fucking high were you when you wrote that post?
I'm not a druggie.
imagine not living in hong kong
>someone living in the first city on mars posting on Jow Forums
You dont administrate Windows from the shell. You administrate GNU+Linux from the shell. The DE on Windows is fine apart from tiles and tablet interface on the desktop. Its not like GNOME, KDE, or Xfce, etc are perfect. Each has their own shortcomings. Windows interface generally works fine. I also hear great things about Powershell from Sysadmins. The merits of GNU Linux are things like pacakge management, more trustworthy software, community, ethics, and freedom. Windows as a DE isnt as obtuse as youre making it out to be, its very easy to use. I guess this is somewhat subjective but the userbase and consistency of Win over the years speaks to that. I agree with your conclusion but not with the arguments laid out. GNU Linux is a superior operating system, but not for UX reasons. I think theyre quite comparable in that category. Consider that most general computing users dont use a shell to use or administrate their systems.
You can't say Windows is perfectly fine to use when you have grown up using it. From the perspective of someone who has not used Windows before, Windows is not fine to use. It is an obtuse, obfuscated mess.
I can only think of two reasons to use Windows in 2019:
- application support
- professional support
If you've never used something, how do you have the authority to say its obfuscated? I've used it, learned multiple revisions of it, I'm familiar with GNU/Linux, I'm telling you, its fine. Its not obtuse. Boomers and normies all over the world agree, its usable.
It gets the job done. If I could find a way to get a wireless connection on my desktop with Linux, I would. I'm an idiot though, so I just use windows.
It's pretty broken 2bh.
I don't understand why they don't add the bash shell to win10 from the start. The software to do so is out there free for their use.
Furthermore, the filing system on C:// is getting messy as fuck. There should be only 2 folders in the top level domain, one for the guts of windows, one for user specific programs, documents, photos, etc.
Why are there like 10 folders in this domain?
There are OSs where linux is made easy for brainlets.
Seething bcuck/bnhatard
GNU is always easy. All you have to do is read the manuals and use common sense. Unfortunately most people lack these skills.
>All you have to do is read the manuals and use common sense.
Nobody knows everything about an OS by reading a manual.
Hell some manuals are confusing as fuck and assume you already know many things.
>attack on titan is a good anime
but i play video games