There are people on this board right now that unironically watch gadget tech youtubers and follow e-celeb drama.
There are people on this board right now that unironically watch gadget tech youtubers and follow e-celeb drama
Jow Forums is retarded
I'm just gonna say it. Reddit is better than Jow Forums.
There are people on this board right now that unironically watch people who watch gadget tech youtubers and follow e-celeb drama
no but that doesnt mean much either way
at least they keep their posts relevant to their subreddits unlike reddit 2.0
There are people on this board right now that unironically make shit threads like this one.
>watch people who watch gadget tech youtubers and follow e-celeb drama
give an example
I watch based Linus Tech Tips
There's also users on this board right now that unironically watch Chinese cartoons and play videogames, but I don't make irrelevant threads moaning and bitching about it like a fag
I have 700 youtube subscribers and have no clue how youtube works. I haven't subscribed to a single person
but they watch and play them unironically ironically unlike gadget e-celeb watchers who do so unironically.
I doubt it, since most of them wish they were the little girl from whatever chinese cartoon they watch
I don't watch YouTube.
I don't watch any internet mediums.
I don't use any internet mediums, no social media, no games, no forums - only Jow Forums.
I don't watch any television.
I don't do anything on my phone, I have one contact and that is my work phone number.
I don't drink alcohol.
I don't smoke.
I don't eat junk food.
I don't go out for fun.
I don't masturbate or have sex.
I don't take holidays, travel or rest and recreation.
I only eat the same two meals with the same food every single day of the year.
I only drink water.
I sleep the same hours every day, in the same position on my back unmoving.
I don't have dreams.
I don't have moods.
I don't have attachments or unnecessary material items outside of work and domestic duties.
I have only one goal in life, and it is all that keeps me sane and person.
What do you mean by "dilate"?
Old Jow Forums > old reddit > new Jow Forums > new reddit, IMO
I wonder how controversial this opinion is.
No, any place with profiles is disgusting.
Please go back where you came from.
one of the most reddit replies. ironic
>There are people on this board
Most people on this board