It's made for wagecattle and it's sympathizers.
Fuck your programming threads.
Read my OP pic and educate yourself.
What should I do then?
Something that you actually enjoy doing, something that can only benefit you and not the society or normies.
So, programming?
But I enjoy it, and it's something that I can solely benefit from if I choose so.
You are mentally ill then.
So his point is that programming is a tool... no shit? I'm glad I don't associate with normies so I never have to see "programming culture."
>tfw don't play vidya games
>tfw just like playing with legos
>tfw my mom stopped buying me toys when I was 8
>tfw I can just build things with lines of text
>tfw you're shaming me
>tfw it turns out to be profitable
I like programming. I hate people who learn programming just for the money.
> UR DUMbbbb xDDD
How about robotics
>tfw it turns out to be profitable
another deluded retard self-guilting himself to "like his programming hobby" because he feels he's not "productive" like the wagecattle.
literally OP, its true.
Programming isnt a failed meme scam but it does have its issues.
Good code writers are important but are being overshadowed by how powerful the hardware is and its capability to run inefficient code written by inexperienced programmers.
well programming is lucrative or people wouldn't do it. the main problem is the market is completely oversaturated so it's very competitive. you have to factor this into the fact that technology is and the internet is so huge that the job field is probably growing maybe even faster then the job seekers though.
so saying it can't benefit an individual even if they're a cog in the machine or hate doing they can still be making 80k plus a year which isn't bad. of course some of the cities where the jobs are so expensive that even a junior developer making 50k a year is making the minimum to even live in that city though.
Wow, impressive argument.
It's not a meme scam but so many normies get these retarded ideas about it, and flood CS programs because they think they'll be making bank once they get out.
Tbh, i felt like my soul is being drained away after every day i came to work
T.junior dev
i should've went with engineering major instead, too bad i was too lazy and was into gayming at the time
if you did that you'd probably regret it too
also I enjoy programming. are you trying to entice people to give up programming so that demand and wages for programmers will rise? I literally couldn't care less. Fuck off
>i don't enjoy programming
>therefore nobody enjoys programming
That post is definitely based, but it's only right when it comes to the modern "learn to code" tier programming. Actual software developers are doing real engineering, but the number of actual developers hasn't really increased over the last few decades. It used to be that around half of the people you'd see working in software were actually competent engineering types. Now that number is probably close to 5% as people with the wrong brain type pile onto the money train. They can "learn to program" in a few months, just like the op pic says, but even after years of effort they never actually get good and they never will.
We really need a software developer's guild which has strict membership requirements to separate the wheat from the chaff.
This is a dumb mindset. I enjoy flying and I could easily fly planes for money, but I also like writing software and that field happens to pay more. In commercial aviation you don't pick the destination, but you're still flying and it's still fun. In professional software development I don't choose the problems to solve (usually) but it's still enjoyable and I'm still solving problems.
Engineering is a handful of jobs in little parts of the east coast and California. And some state jobs that are garbage. Beyond that it's all outsourced.
>getting a certificate in IT so that I can sit in an office all day occasionally looking at some servers while doing programming on the side
I laugh at all you fags wasting 4 years only to maybe get a shitty job if even that, that'll probably kick you out the door once your done with your code.
Right off the bat, the first sentence is wrong. How exactly is there nothing to learn with lower-level languages and CS concepts? Of course there's nothing to learn besides the newest abstracted meme framework if you're doing webshit or mobile.
Its a gold rush scenario when the app market was starting.
They thought that they could just make one app and live on the money it made but its far from the truth.
Plus now youve got the ones like you said that went to school with the same idea now leaving and trying to find work.
fags taking the bait hard
How do I get help?
Shut the fuck up OP
You're basically saying don't reinvent the wheel. We shouldn't stop programming completely. Just stand on the shoulders of giants and build off what they've built.
>getting a degree in forestry so I can mosey about the woods all day occasionally shooting some deer while pilfering logs to build my own cabin on the side
I laugh at all you fags depending on technology to fill the void, that'll probably leave you unsatisfied once you're old
This, but also
Because hardware is so good and software is shit, the market is allowed to bloat by bad coders filling demand without actual skill. Ultimately this means that as hardware slows down, skill discrepancy will increase and the industry will be pre-90s again. The only code worth running will be good shit, ie more than a few months of training.
>in forestry
yawn good one
meanwhile i'm earning 20K beside my degree and after will walk into 40-80K easy in a small and tight knit sector
pretty likely to even get close to that by 2nd year by which time i'll defer and get the company to pay for the rest
know about how to grow shit, can actually manage land, can be self sustainable, after 4 or 5 years working will have my own bit of land and can essentially retire, doing freelance ecological surveying when i want some money or to travel or just because i like it
can continue making shit on the side for the rest of time
You sound like an angry atheist who classified the shared silicon valley corporate culture as a religion in his mind and extrapolated the rest of his rambling from that point of view.
I program because I like it. If you don't enjoy then fine. But stop shitting up my technology (and anime) board please.
that's redpilled but I want a shitty front-end webdev job because I am a NEET, so I will keep "programming" for money, thank you.
you have to differentiate between productive programmer and autismo programmer. Both can make money but one of them makes technology and society advance, the other is a mostly a clinical case.
Dude, what are you like 17? You can't really be this naive.
>how many philosophers has Germany produced lately
Well they made one so good he could never be topped
I don't know what else to do with my life. It's bad enough that I'm already considering suicide if I don't manage to get out of webshit ibto another kind of area
Like robbing banks? It sounds like you're telling people to rob banks. I'll let everyone know you said to rob banks.
>wagecattle and it's sympathizers
>tfw work at startup where I've built a new program from scratch by hand
>according to OP I did the work of hundreds of people
OP is correct that most programming is a scam, but the few programers who know how to singlehandedly build power stations are extremely valuable.
Feels pretty comfy to be one.
>words words words words words [paragraph break] words words words
TD;DR this shit
This culture elevates those that are not brainlets to god tier level though, this is great for me.
This, even a monkey can code, but to actually DESIGN and PLAN an application takes a particular problem solving mindset that only about 1 in 10 have.
>t. techlead of a team of 12, where only me and another senior oldfuck can actually program
I'm freedom freelancer and my salary 5k euro/per week. Drunk everyday
god I wish that were me
that shit involves little coding tho.
>food analogy
the worst are the faggots that also program in their free time, for useless personal projects.
A person who has never produced anything valuable or simply had fun in his entire life. Probably never played Lego in his childhood.
Holy fuck, imagine being so tightly wound that you can't imagine someone doing something for *gasp* - fun!
Just do what you have or love to do.
Can OP's picture be summarized in few sentences or is it such drivel that it can only exist in a form of wall of text, hoping that no one with at least half a brain won't try to understand it?
I just started learning 'programming' in C# because I wanted to learn to make games in Unity, should I just skip that step and get going into Unity and look up guides for it then?
Thought maybe a very basic understanding of C# would help
People manage to do this without even basic understanding (Yandere Simulator; I personally also encountered this in Rimworld modding community), but I think you definitely should proceed with getting good basic understanding.
Why Unity? Just use a library, it's easier.
Dropped after the first sentence, "nothing to learn", of course there's nothing to learn, retard, programming languages are tools, not skills. If your starting view is that wrong, all those paragraphs can't possibly be constructive
Which library would you recommend for easier development of games in C# than with Unity?
Is this even possible? Every job that isn't webshit or mobshit hires only seniors nowadays (good luck without 10+ years of commercial experience).
Well I don't know about C# but I know about C and C++ you can use SDL or SFML if it is a 2D game or DirectX / Vulkan if it is a 3D game. See if those are available for C#, if not just search for "c# library for games" but if you are not deep into C# I suggest you switch to C (it is easier and faster than C#).
We need more Plebbit threads so normies get scared off and the mental barrier of entry gets raised.
I've seen some junior ones pop up in my area but it's quite rare overall
but usually they are the standard 3 year experience ones
dont you mean more loli threads?
I approve of this
C# is easy af. Just skim through some beginner books to get the basic and learn Unity.
I hope you are joking. C is not anywhere near easier than C#. You'd be writing thousands upon thousands of lines of code in C not related to your game just to get it working, while in C# with unity you'd almost immediately be working on game logic.
I read that while awaiting my $40k monthly cheque coming in
>once you've learned the syntax that's it
How unbearably arrogant do you have to be to think this
C + SFML is pretty easy to write games but I don't have experience with game engines because I have always found them harder to use then just a simple library (because of GUI). And C itself IS simpler than C# because it is procedural language, though maybe OOP would be better so C++.
this is why most of the blue boards suck ass
You never really used Unity I see either because Unity's way of handling GUI is as close to procedural as it can possibly be. You have a function that explicitly draws on the form, and it's called every frame (instead of more conventional called one time to setup UI and after that rendered by engine without your involvement).
>And C itself IS simpler than C#
Easier to implement, for sure. Easier to use? Fuck off.
If you unironically think programming is fun and you do it in your free time, just get out of Jow Forums, you're ruining this board with your faggotry. Also take note that you're the biggest joke of this world and even switching to gayming would be a step forward.
Ya my goal is kind of like a 3d rogue lite that I'd want to play, I don't want to be more specific than that.
I thought Unity would be the easiest to work with, with that in mind. Is there a better engine for that for a very small team? (Like 3 people at best)
it's the same as i've always said when friends are getting interested in programming: I tell them, after the basics, have something you want to make and use the tools you need to make it.
But instead they go into it with this mentality: "i'm going to learn XX language because it's useful."
How2 in2 this based user
You make in a week what I make in a month
Unity is great for 3D and it's the most widely used by indies. Monogame is an alternative C# lib for drawing but I prefer it for 2D only.
I'm programming for fun right now and posting about it and there's nothing you can do to stop me
Ya that's why I wanted to use Unity, and I already know a 3d modeler too who'd help me work for cheap so it'd just be making the assets work.
1. You can't do just one thing all your life. That's called peak autism. Get some other interests.
2. Programming is not technology and as if it's enough that half of Jow Forums is muh rust, muh emacs, you feel the need to shit all the other threads with:
>this is consumerism
>this is reddit
>this is /v/
>stop watching tv
>stop playing gaymes
>stop listening to music
>stop doing anything else
>stop talking about technology
>stop posting anime
>do something "productive" (be a neet and rice your arch)
You're the cancer of Jow Forums yet you always complain that other people ruin your board. Disgusting, if you're too dumb to do anything else, at least stay in your fucking containment threads.
>Once you've learned the basic syntax of a language there is nothing more you can really do.
stopped reading there, author of that wall of text is nigger who never done anything more than a console app with some text showing on
>not designing hardware after learning to code
. You can't do just one thing all your life. That's called peak autism. Get some other interests.
Programming is not one thing.
. Programming is not technology and as if it's enough that half of Jow Forums is muh rust, muh emacs, you feel the need to shit all the other threads with:
Why are you attributing all this to programmers?
Why do you think that programming is not technology?
Tfw ive been diagnosed with assburgers and was depressed all my life till I realized I can just design technology all day 16 hours a day and get both money and respect from it. You guys fucking suck if you dont like programming and do it or if you think that systems are not universe, enjoy being brainlets
how do we do this. if you don't want competition just give all the info that wouldn't affect your field
I was a geek my entire life and instead of going into comp science, I took civil engineering instead and this post made me feel a little better, thanks OP.
>Programming is not one thing
yes, also shitposting on Jow Forums is not one thing because you make a different post every time. bruh, stop deluding yourself.
also, programming is a tool. if you program useless things you just waste your time and gain nothing.
>Why are you attributing all this to programmers?
no no no, not to programmers. to the neets in /dpt/. and i don't know how to reply, for literally anything on Jow Forums that is not related to programming there's a ton of spam with "why is this on Jow Forums?" / "why do you do this?", "you should code all day for free". who am i supposed to blame?
btw, i'm a programmer and i post this from work
Some people are willing to spend time mastering some particular field and are having profit from it.
What's wrong with it? It's the basic division of labour.
Yes got, don't learn to use the single most powerful and accessible tool humans have created in the world. Go do something more important that makes you happy, like sexuality studies and porn.
OP's post is retardation at its finest. In life you have to get good at something to make a living. Yes programming is open ended and your probably not going to be writing system level libraries that put the actual pixels on the screen, but so what? The skills are extremely transferable.
That's why companies don't give a shit about your side projects if you make something that has been done before. You should be coding, but if you lack the creativity to see what to program and make and don't know why doing even basic things is beneficial you have other issues.
Also as all things in life, the more you do it the better you get. If your still a beginner to programming your not going to be doing kernel development or making virtual machines, your gonna start with small thing like android apps, swing crud applications, or basic scripts. Discounting these fundamental basics is stupidity.
You just know that person has never programmed in his life, I'm a terrible programmer after a few years which is how I know it's definitely not as simple as "just pick ur tools and create what you need xddd!".
Also, this person is either nonwhite or a numale incel (he does use Chad unironically) as they criticize a man's natural purpose of providing as something "guilt-based" rather than something that we need to do to stay mentally healthy in a society that is quickly rendering everything pointless.
There's nothing wrong with it, that person is a seething NEET that couldn't write a fizzbuzz without a 5 hour google research.