If a white nigga is a wigga

if a white nigga is a wigga
is an asian nigga a yigga?

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please don't drink the cat

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umm chigga? you’re new 2 the game

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nah but you gotta talk about the colour
asian ain't a colour, white is
it's yigga I'm tellin ya

How much nuffin did a dindu do if a dindu didn't do nuffin

this. yellow niggas are yiggas

all of it
also nice ID and digits


Many far-east Asians have the same coloured skin as white people, how the fuck did the term ‘yellow’ cane about? It is extra stupid because there are variants in skin colour between them.

No it's a chigga

Asian doesnt mean anything, you are chinese

Even Jews are asian, technically

found the asian

Are you white?


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He's on to us, get him!

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jokes on you, I'm not even from Vancouver

You are east asian tho

I'm really not
my heritage comes from Ireland on my dad's side and Greece on my mom's

Who kot a kot

It's rice nigger you stupid faggot

yigga id get