Tfw no cute European bf (male)

>tfw no cute European bf (male)
I just want cute bf (male) from Europe to snuggle with and watch anime together (no homo)

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get the fuck out of my country

Das gay mane

but they are all gay


put the text in the namefield because i'm tired xd

get the fuck out of my country

europeans are all tall and ugly


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>no homo
>from Europe
Pick one.

a-are all euros homosexuals who like to suck on large bepis?

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What kind of european you like?

You should pick a Chad hetero alpha Slav instead, he'll definitely satisfy you.

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doesnt really matter which kind as long as he (male) is cute and likes anime (no homo)

Are Slavs really Chads who can satisfy my needs (no homo)

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Im cute but dont like anime


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>Im cute
>but dont like anime

w-will you be my bf?

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i want to do the cuddling and snuggling part
hopefully with a bf who is also male

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You're both males, right?

Oh, I'd love to.
Too bad I don't have 2500$ for a two-way ticket to Canada just to watch some anime for some cozy evening, sorry.

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you led me on you baka (no homo). Oh well, such is life here in this cold tundra

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>you led me on
I partially did, yes.
But I do regret the fact that I have absolutely no one to snuggle with and watch some anime in these cold winter evenings too.

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This guy

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>posting gay shit with cute girls
You fucking prison gay niggers I could crush your skulls with my bare hands knock it the fuck off

I feel you friend, and its okay. I always have my pillow to snuggle with.

thats not very nice

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why would you attach cute girls to gay shit?
It doesn't even make any fucking sense.
You're both faggots. Just post guys you retarded incel.

Make me.

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uwu soft bois are the cancer that plagues every community they come into contact with
not only that, it damages the image of every other normal faggot

>pillow to snuggle with
Too bad I don't even have one of those either.
Oh well, thank you for the feels anyway.

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I just like cute anime girls and its fun to post pictures of them

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Bunch of faggots

we all do

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Based indeed.

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me too :c
come watch some anime while being comfy together with me anyon

But Im euro and I have the large bepis

Do I get to snuggle?

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What city are you from?

>I just want cute bf (male)
This is the reason why I can't make friends with anyone on this imageboard. Everywhere I go I find random faggots or trans incels who need attention and will do anything to try to turn you gay for them, even as far as to pretend they are straight and just want friends to watch anime or play vidya.
Truth be told /vg/ had a lot of bros actually wanting to be friends. Exceptions being MMO generals where faggots and drama queens stride there.

Anyway you should probably go on steam and join the "Hentai!" group. I always see faggots wanting attention there.

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mmmh im feeling pretty european today

And then we all can just snuggle and watch some anime together then. No?

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absolutely! :3
that would be great...


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sounds fun


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See? We can all just gather in a good old company together.
There's enough place to snuggle for everyone!

Whoops, forgot a pic.

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it would be comfier with more people ~

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I like anime, can I come too?

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don't trust tranny, s(he) will cut off your dicke

back from slepm
n-no u


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Actually, you come as my change, though, because I really need to go to sleep now. It's 14:43 now, and my schedule is that fucked up, yes. Probably wake up at 21:00 or so. Hope the thread lives on 'till then.

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Works for me, goodnight user
I hope you sleep well!

So bye there!

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88 says truth kys