Hiki neet for 4 years

>hiki neet for 4 years
cabt do this more

Attached: this_is_patcho.jpg (400x400, 81K)

Will you be my gf?

yes please please please please please please please please please please please please come hold me

Yes I will
My dear


When will you invite me over


What will we be doing

cuddling and watching anime

Hey that sounds good

do you like hidamari sketch

bad thread

Attached: 391.png (584x944, 413K)

you're only saying that because you wanted to be the russian he cuddled and watched anime with

everyone who posted in this thread up to this point should be put to death for the betterment of humanity

its gay

nobody knows what goes on in janky's mind

like u


>like u
very rood

bad thread

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wgere did my boyfriend go

i love you

Im here babe


Can i stay at your place when I will arrive in America?

Hidamari Sketch is comfy

Attached: 1543614287178.gif (235x193, 206K)

very comfy

>Can i stay at your place when I will arrive in America?

No you cant, my not dear incel, you can't even get a visa/flight tickets and your mother won't let you

Shame on you
I have 75% sale on any tickets to any destination

but true

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prove it

no u

Proves the one who claims

You're claiming you're not gay
so proof!

>You're claiming
no u.

Every russian is gay unless proven otherwise

Im not

abe please

you wanna be US' sweetheart
he even marked you in your id

She's a girl therefore I'm straight
Later homo

>She's a girl

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>She's a girl

Attached: 1531464610166.jpg (1496x1164, 224K)

I asked for a gf
She's a girl

>She's a girl

Attached: 1538316771543.png (800x473, 20K)

Why are you massive faggots?

>She's a girl
>Why are you massive faggots?

Attached: 1527640539768.png (900x700, 183K)

She's a girl

prove it

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>hiki neet for 2 years
alright looks like 2 more years before I can turn from an old meme into a captioned anime character wish me luck

Attached: IMG_20181210_074215.jpg (225x225, 21K)

I asked her to be my gf she agreed
Therefore she's a girl

could be girl (male) ;3

Badapple please

sorry to ruin it abe

Why do you guys think that Im him

only abe calls me badapple

but im not him

>Why are you massive faggots?
you're the same Mcdonalds teller from /soc/, who was raped by four Czechs? I recognized you by your grammatical errors, and inability to express your thoughts.
Well, and why are you still talking about your problems in Jow Forums? Was it not enough for you, when the Anons together, btfo you?

When you calm down, unhappy imbecile and stop posting in threads with your schizoid problems.

It would be better, if your father cut the dick, so that he would not give birth to such a la creature.

Attached: 1m.png (774x840, 562K)

I see theme of dicks really stuck into your mind
Stop it get some help

>I see theme of dicks really stuck into your mind

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bad thread i r8 2/8


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nice gremmer

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This thread gives me so much cancer I can't even type properly without feeling the pain of tumors growing on my back

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fuck off pooftah


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Im not from /soc/

oh, sorry
clicked the wrong post number, lol

Зa дa бъдa чecтeн, oнoвa, кoeтo oпиcaх пo-гope зa гpaмaтикaтa, e чacт oт кoпиpaм-пacтe oт дoтA-тpeдc, пpeвeдeнo нa aнглийcки

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i don't speak nigger


Bulgarians are less nigeer than you

not a waste, I just found out that you can get crossthreaded (You)s

bulgaria is a synonymous for shithole

GF id


I know, right?
super cool

super duper doop

here let me try

does it work for you too?

how did I not know about this before?!

Korbo, stop stealing Doc’s flag

this. if Portugal gets rangebanned because of korbo's autism , then doc will not be able to post anymore

I'm not even new though!

Yeah, he is also making it inconvenient for people who would want to search through his stuff on the archives.


I see.

Attached: 1534062242982.jpg (320x286, 15K)


why so rude :c

Attached: 1542563713969.gif (400x1196, 144K)

but that's wrong!

I've been here for six (6) years!

maybe more actually, I don't remember
my oldest download is six years old but I might have lurked before that

>why so rude :c
тoвa e кopбo, кaктo винaги

I didn't post much before Jow Forums came along


nah honstly ur a pretty big gay

also yeah factorio based but sadly im a brainlet and dont get any of it :/

Can you guys do it cross-board?

Jow Forums is such a comfy board

Attached: 1419227084995.gif (385x398, 1.95M)

Factorio is pretty easy when you really get into it!
>nah honstly ur a pretty big gay

Attached: nuuskamuikkunen & lohikäärme.png (921x576, 528K)

yes also sorry finn

wait wtf
oh wait no im a dumb baka

i forgot how to crossboard

Attached: fd2c46f5b7d20174f3b98978fffbc835.jpg (320x320, 16K)

hmm let's see



i really am dumb

Did you get a (you)